There are two things I absolutely despise as it pertains to article comments. The first is censorship. We allow people to post pretty much whatever they want as long as it’s relevant. We don’t censor so-called “hate speech” and we definitely do not censor dissenting views. The second thing I despise is spam/malware. Comment sections are breeding grounds for spammers and hackers to post their evil links.
The problem we have is that the various commenting systems out there such as Disqus do not have a good balance. They stop spam, but they also stop legitimate comments based on their company’s leftist values. Oftentimes they censor comments because they link to “unacceptable” sites like InfoWars, Natural News, or The Gateway Pundit. Therefore, I cannot use those commenting systems even if it would make things exponentially easier.
The challenge with allowing all comments to flow through with zero moderation is that we get hundreds of comments daily that look like this:
The solution: First comment moderation. If someone posts a legitimate comment, then I assume they’re not a spammer and I allow all of their subsequent comments. It’s the only way to prevent spam without using the various comment systems or spam blockers that will actually block legitimate comments.
Some take offense to having their first comments moderated. They love to call me names for “censoring” them even though this system is the ONLY way to properly prevent censorship while also stopping spam and malware. Nobody likes their comments to be “moderated” because they think they have to say something acceptable to the moderator. To be transparent, I rarely read the actual comments. I can spot spam pretty darn quickly. If it’s not being posted by a bot, I let the comments through. Thankfully, that means ALL of that commentor’s future posts will make it through without moderation.
There will be those who still object and they’ll leave idiotic comments about how my efforts to prevent censorship while eliminating spam are somehow inferior to other sites that are okay with losing “unacceptable” but otherwise legitimate comments as long as they don’t have to moderate them manually themselves. As soon as one of these objectors volunteers to sift through hundreds of spam and malware comments per day, I’ll hire them as an unpaid volunteer to do the wonderful work of deleting spam comments incessantly. Until then, I’m sticking with this system as the ONLY one on conservative media that prevents spam while never censoring human posts.
UPDATE: In case I was confusing, I want to be clear. We only moderate the FIRST comment that someone posts. Once they get that comment approved, their subsequent comments fly through nicely.
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
I am so grateful for the work you do, JD … and while I too hate moderation, I understand the need for it to prevent abuses. Thank you for all the hard work you do. I have learned much from reading articles on your site, as well as watching many videos. You’re a voice of common sense in a world that seems to be losing it, and I greatly appreciate your deference to the Lord Jesus Christ – Whom I believe is about to catch away His Church in the very near future. Until that day, we occupy until He comes.
God bless you JD!
Thank you! I rarely read comments but I thought it apropos to read them on this particular post. Glad I did.
Love your work, but 1 hour video? Things need to be explained in one page, not 1 hour video.
Some things are too important, too complex or too large to be explained in one page. The most important things, in fact. But those that can’t take news in more than one page bites aren’t really the audience here, and shouldn’t be.
It’s just a little crazy that we can’t see the picture in a long story.
The two of you are ready to be surprised by the quality of the app and it has the potential to make sure the system has been modified.
We will not be able to get the tickets to the Presidential meeting on Friday but we can allocate all nations to each other and get illegal priests from the nearby countries.
I hope this helps.
That will work once. The first spammy follow-up, will be noticed and you went to all that trouble for nothing.
Ain’t most states, when you sign up for unemployment, they require you to now participate in vaccines (or exemption proof) and also force you to scan your face Into their ME.ID system. Your license, etc. They are rolling out the system everywhere. It will be the backbone of our social communism score.
JD doesn’t pay reporters for the stories he steals from them without citing sources. The clown appears a crook in my book. And pushing this gold and silver BS, when none of the gold companies are honest brokers, and who wants gold when AAA corporate bonds work fine without the hassle. Stay far away from JD, he’s only it in for MONEY, of course.
I agree with your remarks about the widely used DISQUS. But I will add that DISQUS allows the site moderator to impose many site-specific RESTRICTIONS (I.e., CENSORING) on comments. Several “conservative” sites make extensive use of such censoring. Here’s a notable example: I have on several occasions posted the exact same comment on a conservative site and then on another particular “conservative” site. The first site displays the comment, while the second site instantly labels it as “ON HOLD, WAITING FOR MODERATOR APPROVAL” —which means the comment has been S^!T-CANNED and will never appear. I won’t name the latter site, but I’m certain “100%” of frequent commentators are, like me, “FED-UP” with such censorship !!!!
I bet this comment would have been censored on many “conservative” sites, lol.
That is what we need to get done
I use Malware bytes for my computer which sends me updates frequently to let me know how many times I have been protected. Once in awhile they send an email that allows me to type in my email to show if there have been any breeches. Every time I do this Disqus comes up as a breech of security. So to say the least, I am a little skeptical of Disqus! I do not allow email notifications on Disqus either!
Great, thank you. Nothing is actually for free. It was not that long ago, perhaps 20 years, that we were first exposed to the exponential growth and future outlook for ‘data brokering’. Flash forward to today and this is truly one of the largest most all encompassing efforts the collective human race has ever participated in. Nothing is free and one way or another these centralized systems are abused by those in power. I fell afoul of Diszaqauss about 10 years ago when I was constantly promoting Ron Paul. My posts would be shadow banned and denied based on word recognition. Disqsssss is a CA outfit so don’t be fooled, the chaos is by design. Check out this nifty website, it’s called site jabber. It’s where people go to complain about poorly managed web applications and landing sites. Even this site is becoming compromised. Can anyone explain how 183 negative one star reviews out of 214 reviews has resulted in a 2 and a half star total rating? If I may please explain the concepts of mean, median, and mode, numerical analysis of such a simple metric as a 5 star rating… Oh why bother. The reviews however are quite interesting. It’s like just host your own commenting site or a forum or whatever, the use of diszqzas is a trojan horse of the modern age.
Pertaining to some of the other commentators here, you guys should learn to use more sophisticated browser alterations. Step one, get off of chrome, do not use it. Clean your tracks with Spybot S&D, as even with alternative browsers, they still rely on the IE functionality tools, now Edge, and Chrome. So even if you’re using all the tools, you’ll still drop data footprints which need cleaned. Understand and learn about ‘anti fingerprinting’ tech. Because now that the ludites of the world finally are understanding what a cookie is, the data brokers have super cookies, mega cookies, associative references, micro dot tracker applications invisible to the human eye, browser fingerpringint and many others. There are websites which specifically show you how much data you are sharing, so bounce to their and test, ‘am I unique’ (keyword reference). Go to haveibeenpwned and see how much penetration you’re already exposed to.
People keep referencing brave to me but I’m still satisfied with mozilla firefox with a series of add on applications. Try U Block, that’s easy and helpful. If you want to see literally everything a website is utilizing for tracking and application function, fiddle around with U Matrix, which is the core addition to U Block, but it will break most site functionality. It’s so difficult to use but is a real eye opener to learn what’s going on with websites, with their nifty grid style application. And use Ad Block Plus but turn off all allowances and pass throughs. Tag in Privacy Badger, it’s super fun and easy to use. The MalwareBytes tool is helpful but has limitations. Everyone should use Malwarebytes pro though, because of how it protects you with day one technology to stop brute force and encryption attacks. The Spybot S&D Immunize feature is essential, don’t surf without it. Try anti fingerprinting. Review about; config web guidance documents and then fiddle with turning prefetch off, and a great great many other tools. NoScript is interesting but also basically breaks functionality of most online shopping and click through. Tag in a spell checker for real time easy to use competent spelling when you blog.
Whatever you do, do not use master password app tools, just write them all down on paper at your desk. Turn on address link hovering, so whenever you hover over a hotlink, you can read the entire landing path in the bottom left corner, to determine malicious redirects prior to clicking. Go Airplane mode full time. Do not network. Turn off cortana and prefetch at the PC level. Turn off remote registry and remote desktop at the GUI and Services level, then turn off the redirector bus on the Hardware Manager level too. Turn off all Xbox gamebar and such in the Services menu if you don’t game, those are easy hack vectors. Turn off all bluetooth and wifi at the Device Manager and Services control manager level. Keep it wired keep it safe. If you’re surfing the net and trying to be safe with a mobile device, you have already lost the battle. Over half of all internet users no longer utilize desktop PC’s, which is why identity theft is so high.
With all the problems we have, we do truly appreciate sites which do not censor speech. Thank you. If you need a sock handle, just get one going at mailinator dot com. Oh, how I still miss the days of password sharing at bugmenot dot com. If anyone could bring that one back, lol, but good luck, the trillion dollar data broker industry made sure to shut that one down. A simple rule to live by; If you are required to log in to have ‘speech’, sorry, you have already relinquished your freedom of speech. Lurk moar, lol. FYI, even this site is attempting a cross referenced cookie, rendering my ability to fill in the name and email segements as non functional, I’ll see if I can get around this here. That did not happen on the noq site, fyi, something is set up differently here so that should be corrected. Thanks.
I’ll name it, “OANN”!
I look at the internet as nothing but a bad newspaper publication. We will not perish from the earth just because we turn the damn thing off. I’m too lazy to hit the reference desk at the local library so I turn this thing on and only listen to JD lately Infowars can be amusing but all and all when you attempt to find any sort of believable source of information it’s overwhelming. Bring back the Gutenberg at least you’ll have something to wipe your ass with when the next manufactured panic begins. This nation actually panicked over crap paper, we are in some deep shit if that’s what it takes. Well your site will not allow me to comment so I guess there are no adults on this site either, Bye !
Disgust DOES censor.
They block any links in the comment.
It’s impossible to present fact based evidences in the Disgust discussions.
The Gateway Pundit has me on permanent ban through Disqus because I was critical of Trump. No threats, no insults, just pointing out his continuous deep state appointments, numerous unconstitutional statements (“take the guns then figure out the probable cause” and so on), continously passing of spending bills with progressive attachments, failure to act on voter fraud after the midterms with disastrous consequences, Warp speed… Anyway, I reached out recently and they told me the ban would continue. So, yeah, some conservative sites use Disqus to ban free speech just as much as progressive sites. Sad.
BOYCOTT DISQUS. A most dishonest moderator and totally anti-American, anti-Conservative, anti-Christian piece of crap.
i know the site you are talking about micah, what you need to understand is that i get the same treatment when i post right leaning sentiments there.
I’m grateful to be allowed to comment on this site, and never minded the moderation period. At least I have a voice here. When Brian Stelter was canned at CNN, I made this comment first on We Love Trump and later on 100% Fed Up: ‘I hope Stelter lands another TV gig soon, just to provide material for Mark Dice.’ My comment posted, exactly as written, and disappeared ten to fifteen minutes later, while some pretty crude comments remained.
The trigger happy mod probably got only as far as [ ‘I hope Stelter lands another TV gig soon,] and thought you were a troll then deleted you.
I have found that certain words trigger moderation and I am not talking about vulgar or curse words. I used to comment on a few sites. This business of censoring caused me to grow tired of it. As a result, I do not comment at all on any of the sites I used to comment on. Currently, I read a fair number of comments that are made on articles that have interested me. Reading comments such as I do has made me to believe that there is an unbelievably high level of stupidity amongst commenters. With this level of stupidity it is no wonder that the U.S. is in the shape that it is in. I am assuming that the same level of stupidity is prevalent among our Congress, our Executive and the Judiciary, seeing the shenanigans that each is capable of just reinforces my conclusion.
One of the most stupid things commenters do is assume everyone is American.
Astute. Now that we have a global connectivity in the age of tech, half of the world immediately abused the privilege and just target Americans psychologically, financially, and through propaganda, all through every possible technical vector. I never thought I’d actually want long distance calling charges to return, but yes, that is my current position on the matter.
For keyword censorship, just learn how it works and get arounzd it if necesszary. It’s not that difficultz. Now we’re learning how ‘groups’ are abused by data brokers and nefarious government players. Geesh, just to regularly surf the net these days, it’s a lot of hard work. For Smitty, well, politicians are not technically orientated people as far as computer application systems go, being mostly from the older crowd. Give it time, we’re going to start seeing a new level of understanding of sophisticated systems from our government probably sooner than later. We’re already observing their ability to mis use technical systems, as is highlighted by the Tina Peters forensic review of digital voting machines and the associated 2000 Mules documentary exposure effort. It was exceedingly easy to expose and catch them red handed, as they mis used the capabilities in such rudimentary manners. General Flynn gave a speech a while ago about how we are going to need cyber security people integrated into election efforts in the future, now that’s a good idea. And it all starts with freedom of information, so thank you to The America First Report. Knowledge is power.
Because the name is America First Report, state your country if you don’t want assumptions.
J.D. — It seems apparent to me that many of the commenters (including robots and Frazzle-whatever) are just trying to get comments turned off. The Liberty Daily is one of very few Conservative news sites where many intelligent comments are basically left up. Thank you for your service and your excellent — if sometimes VERY long — articles.
I appreciate that. I won’t be turning off comments nor will I censor. As long as people aren’t spreading malware or spam we’re all still entitled to our opinions.
This will be my first comment on your site, JD. I’ve also had good luck commenting on Mr Horowitz also believes in Free Speech on his site and I support anyone who does. Your articles are always great reads and so well-written. This ‘Gaslighting’ piece of yours should be read by all Patriots to stiffen our spines against the onslaught of name-calling and censorship and I thank you for it. Courage is catching and we need lots more of it! God Bless You…
Perhaps it is the upcoming election – September 24 is the proposed parliamentary election date – is the man who said this running for office?
“German cabinet proposes 24 September election date
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet have agreed on 24 September as a date for parliamentary elections. The German president will now make the final decision.
After a cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning in Berlin, the German government settled on the last Sunday in September as a suggestion for the general election. German President Joachim Gauck must now officially accept the proposed date.
The election will be for the 19th session of the Bundestag, Germany’s national parliament. All the current 630 representatives will be up for election, though the exact size of the future chamber depends on Germany’s complex proportional representation system.
The elections will be watched worldwide to see whether Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) will continue to hold the largest number of seats in the parliament, and therefore be in the strongest position to form a government. Also awaited is whether the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party will pass the five percent hurdle and enter the legislative assembly for the first time.”
BOYCOTT DISQUS! Anti-free speech, anti-American, anti-Conservative censor. NEVER EVER “sign-up” or “register” on a site to voice your free opinion. Once you sign-up the censor has you by the b’s and won’t let go. If a site requires me to “sign-up” I simply pass and move on. NEVER EVER buy Google products unless you like your personal information being sold for profit. Google is absolutely evil in my book, along with Facebook and Twitter. These freaks that got lucky and made a few bucks all think they can laud it over us little people. Boycott them all is my advice. Hurt them in the pocketbook, don’t buy their products and don’t give them any information. Good luck.
yup, Disqust absolutely DOES censor.
Try posting links back to evidences that support the comment.
Immediately sent to moderation and NEVER released.
Agree that we should not be required to “register”, it just provides an easy convenient LIST for “They” to use to find everyone for the big round-up. To control spammers, use IP addresses, rate limitations, etc.. or give us a unique tokens/Cookies so the comment sites know us without knowing us. If we break the trust, delete the “account” associated with that token/cookie. There’s no need to register.
I have a different take on “registering” before commenting. No positive ID means sleight-of-hand is almost encouraged. Viz.: Trolls making antisemitic comments while claiming to be “Trump supporters” or Conservatives. I think free speech should include responsibility for that speech, much like voter ID.
I accept this method as fair and legitimate and will try to live up to the obviously implied self imposed standard set! I’ll admit it’s going to be tough!
I like your censorship policy and would be the exact way I would set one up if I had to. Only the left censors free speech. You and Off-guardian have the CORRECT policy on this. Besides, once people catch on to someone they can censor him/her themselves.
No. Not true. Gateway Pundit has me permanently banned for being critical of Trump and pointing out why (appointments, failure to act, unconstitutional comments/actions, Covid response). I reached out to the moderator recently since all the stuff I was critical of has been proven and then some. Nope. The GP people said the ban will stay. It’s not just progressive sites. Conservative sites can be just as hypocritical and anti-free speech. And all comments are still on Disqus, so no one honest can look at my comments and say they were insulting. I believe in debate supported by facts.
I was totally digging Trump but there were things he did that were alarming to me, that I thought should be alarming to ask Americans like when he wanted TO “TAKE THE GUNS FIRST”. People either couldn’t, wouldn’t hear him say that or made up bulllshit excuses like Ted Nugent did. Some flipped out rabid pissed at me for trippin on Trump wanting to take American Citizens guns first and deal with Due Process later. How he turned his back on Assang claiming he didn’t know who he was after he became president and knowing who he was before he won when he was loving the dirt Assang exposed of Clinton. The bullshit chemical attacks in Syria that anyone with any sense knew was not true. He pushed them as real and wasted billions with the missile attacks he laughed in Syria. Bump stocks was another Unconstitutional thing he did and there are more that could be listed but I think my point is made well enough. Even with all that I still chose him over Biden and always would. I would choose Damn bear anyone over Biden because I can’t stand him at all. Him as and his Comrad he was in the white house with prior to Trump. I think we could do better than Trump though and we should not accept anything less than top notch to hold any of these elected offices. But then there is the reality that the whole election voting pile of corrupt shit here screws us out of our choices anyway so if we can’t stop the scums from screwing us it of our votes it don’t matter who or start we want. May as well not waste time voting at all if things stay how they are for elections.
Hey Fauci, I thought you retired? Everyone celebrated for nothing?
Mostly facts, but still enough fear porn to be annoying.
I just read about your first coment policy and it sounds good to me. I have had a number of comments centered by discuss and if it’s irritating. So anyway here’s my first comment for you to censor Censorer Ed Sir. lol😁 Hopefully I got your name right and you get a laugh Censorer Ed Sir…
JD not Ed… Crap, I’ll probably never get approved now 😮
Any controls on speech are really aimed at controls of thought. This is one of very few sites where I can actually post open thoughts. Long ago shuttered any platform requiring 3rd party login (spying) no matter the quality of content.
For all the articles related to the psychopaths rooted in the KM, this one is likely the kindest I’ve come across. They will clearly stop at nothing to rule our lives in every facet that can be identified. Capitulation to this evil is patently unacceptable. Thanks for fighting the good fight.
Sensoring commenters like these cowards do doesn’t change the way the commenter feels about an issue. It actually changes the way the commenter feels about Disqus. Twitter has nothing on Disqus. Besides, if it ever becomes that important to me personally, I’ll just go make the comment elsewhere and include the sites Ive visited who were insulted most by Disqus.
When the woman, who was revived said, in reference to herself, said “no one less worthy than me”, that was a red flag as to her truth and veracity. It is the kind of statement provided by those who tend to exaggerate and embellish their ‘stories’. Just saying that, when verifying the “supernatural”, there needs to be healthy skepticism. But all those involved could be said to have ‘wanted’ her story to be true. Maybe…
The parent should be arrested for child abuse.