Over the past two years, there have been thousands of stories, cases, studies and adverse events reported regarding horrific “side effects” and health detriment caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Most people have heard about, read about, experienced, or had a loved one experience physical damage from the Fauci Flu jabs, including the most popular kind, including blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and SADS (sudden adult death syndrome). Yet, there is more, and much more damage going on than all of that, unfortunately.
Though the vaccine industry and pharma in general are protected from liability of their health-decimating “medicines,” and though mainstream media never publishes anything negative about vaccines, there are many adverse events happening that you probably don’t know about, and many of the victims are spreading the word, and even winning settlements and lawsuits.
Here are the top 7 most UNEXPECTED adverse events from the toxic spike protein injections, and the attributed/linked very serious health consequences
- Shingles develops (even in the eye)
- Sciatica shooting pains (often down the center of legs)
- Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
- Loss of motor skills and critical nerve damage
- Catch COVID multiple times after the shots
- Going blind, including developing optic neuritis (inflammation damages the optic nerve that sends visual info from the retina to the brain)
- Long, fibrous clots that lack post-mortem characteristics (not same as blood clots)
COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to the reactivation of the virus that causes shingles
New studies suggest a link between the Fauci Flu jabs and REACTIVATION of the shingles virus. This happens after the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), that can happen several times for some people.
Several case reports indicate these shingles “flare-ups” and “eruptions” are happening shortly after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. In 2021, and article published by Trusted Source via NIH reported several cases of shingles eruptions after vaccination with mRNA jabs.
Serious nerve damage becoming a much more common “side effect” from the Fauci Flu stabs
There are two main types of nerve cells: sensory nerves (carry messages of pain, pressure, sensations) and motor nerves (tell muscles to move). These nerves are fragile and can be damaged rather easily, including by spike proteins blocking the flow of blood and neurons to key areas, plus damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) of nerves, leading to weakness and sometimes paralysis.
Certain vaccines, like the COVID jabs, can cause acute nerve damage by causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (ADEM). Since the spike proteins travel throughout the body, polluting vital organs, other nerve damage gets done, and some of it is irreversible.
COVID “vaccines,” as they are mislabeled, can also cause brachial neuritis (a.k.a. Parsonage-Turner syndrome) that affects nerves that control muscles in the shoulders, arms, and hands. Symptoms include burning sensations, pins and needles feeling, and loss of function after the vaccine.
Blood clots caused by COVID jabs can result in devastating injuries, including permanent blindness and deafness
Blood clots can result in devastating injuries just about anywhere in the vasculature of the body. When clots occur in the brain in microvasculature (tiny blood vessels that distribute blood within tissues) of the eye, the person can experience impairment or total loss of vision. This is known to happen following vaccines, including COVID jabs.
Though the mass media and social media remain quiet about these events (ban, censor and delete posts as “misinformation” or “disinformation”), that does not mean they are not happening, and more often than one may think.
As it turns out, a quite large number of these incidents have been reported to government regulatory agencies, including VAERS (US system), the UK “Yellow Card” system, and Europe’s “EudraVigilance” database. In other words, mass numbers of visual injuries from COVID jabs are being reported worldwide. It’s actually a hot topic, and investigations are underway. Plus, add to that chaos sudden hearing loss followed by deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms cause by the Fauci clot shots.
Restless Leg Syndrome – Pilot study from 2021 reveals as much as 7% of those who receive COVID-19 vaccinations suffer from RLS
Nearly 3/4ths of those injected with spike proteins who suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) afterwards had NEVER had RLS before in their lives. More than 13 percent of these victims of vaccine violence say that RLS did not go away after the first few days, meaning RLS for them could be long-term or even permanent. The conclusion of the pilot study also reveals that COVID-19 vaccination “may have provoked or lowered the threshold for RLS symptoms” in participants with previous RLS.
Triple-vaccinated for COVID show highest rate for catching COVID, repeatedly
Reports worldwide reveal that COVID-19 “vaccine” effectiveness continues to drop, even though the effectiveness was very weak to begin with. Now, studies show that humans who are TRIPLE-INJECTED are now three to five times more likely to become infected with Wuhan “gain-of-function” disease than the unvaccinated. Let that sink in for a moment.
These results are evident for all age groups, not just the elderly or immune-compromised.
What’s worse is that deaths are skyrocketing for the fully injected, meaning they’re either dying from the virus or from the toxic jabs, that cause blood clots and heart stress.
“The figures show that the case-rates are highest among the triple vaccinated in all age groups,” reports Daily Exposé (of the UK)… “But not just by a little bit, instead by a million miles. And the gap between the unvaccinated and triple vaccinated has been getting worse by the month.”
Do you believe you were injured by the toxic Fauci Flu jabs? Maybe you have strange, long, fibrous clots that no doctor has ever seen before. These are most likely from the Fauci Flu jabs, that collect heavy metals and form nano-particle clots that can be fatal.
Take the Vaccine Injury Claim Eligibility Quiz now to see if you are eligible to file a claim for compensation for a vaccine injury. It’s quick and easy. Then, bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis, and severe, chronic inflammation.
Sources for this article include:
- Pandemic.news
- NaturalNews.com
- Ca.ChildrensHealthDefense.org
- VaccineInjuryLegalTeam.com
- MedicalNewsToday.com
- E-JSM.org
- TheEpochTimes.com
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