The other day, I posted an article and did a show titled, “Dealing With Newly Awakened Anti-Vaxxers.” It was prompted by the prominent vaxx-nannies like Piers Morgan who used to ridicule vaccine skeptics but who are now singing a different tune. A few said I was too harsh. Most said I wasn’t harsh enough. But there was a third unexpected response that made me give a lot of thought to the future.
I received hundreds of correspondences from people who have been vaxxed and now they don’t know what to do. Some asked about treatment options to try to get “unvaxxed.” Others asked if there were legal avenues they could pursue to get compensated for damages. Unfortunately, there was no way to give them positive responses to either question.
The past is the past but the future is still in play. Whether we are in the end times (I believe we are) or not, our mission moving forward is to get the truth out to as many people as possible. There is the Biblical truth, which for Bible believing Christians should be the most important part of our mission. Then, there’s the worldly truth and few things are as important as waking even more people up about medical tyranny, Pandemic Panic Theater, The Great Reset, and how the Covid vaccines play a role in all three.
As I’ve said many times, we need allies. It’s easy to be harsh and say those who chose to get jabbed must deal with their mistakes on their own. But as I’ve learned from the hundreds of correspondences I received, a huge chunk of those who got jabbed did so because they were given a tough choice. They couldn’t go to work with the jabs. They couldn’t go to school without the jabs. Their kids couldn’t play sports without the jabs. They couldn’t travel to see family without the jabs. There are many reasons people chose to get the shots, but at the end of the day they still chose to do so. We’ve all made mistakes in our lives. This one just happens to be horrible and permanent.
To not let doom and gloom sink in too much for those who have already been poisoned, there’s a benefit to waking up now. It seems based on studies and what some doctors and scientists have told me that the jabs’ effects are cumulative. The more you get them, the worse off you are. That means that those who haven’t been jabbed often are less damaged. This is good.
There’s another reason to believe this is the case. The powers-that-be are pushing boosters and new shots far more aggressively than attempts to get people jabbed for the first time. Initially I thought this was because they realize those who are too “stubborn” to have gotten jabbed already are very unlikely to get jabbed for any reason going forward so the powers-that-be didn’t want waste the energy. But I now believe their motives are more nefarious. If the damage done by the jabs is cumulative, then it would make sense for them to focus on further injecting the 70% of the population that’s already joined the jab club.
If we can conclude that the masses are waking up, we also need to assume the powers-that-be know this and are planning ahead. The most likely scenario to me is they’ll try to inject (pun intended) fear back into the equation. That could be renewed Pandemic Panic Theater with a fast-spreading subvariant that’s accompanied by a push for “improved” boosters like the latest bivalent shots. It could be a new disease altogether. This second possibility is why I am so bullish on the late Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Z-Dtox and Z-Stack Protocols. We’ve kept them as a sponsor despite far more lucrative offers by other nutraceutical providers because I can say first-hand that Dr. Z’s products work. My family never wore masks, has never been jabbed, and as far as we know we’ve never gotten Covid.
Below are two articles back-to-back by S.D. Wells. They need to be shared because now more than ever we have an opportunity to wake even more people up. Momentum is on our side, at least temporarily, so we must capitalize. Those who we can prevent from getting more jabs are potential allies in the future when the powers-that-be make bigger moves. Our freedoms are at stake. Our nation and world are at stake. Our lives are at stake. Stay frosty, folks.
Staying FULLY UNVACCINATED proves to be the safest defense against contracting Covid
Article by S.D. Wells from Natural News.
It took awhile, but a few billion people are now able to confirm what they suspected since the beginning of the pandemic, namely that it is mostly a fear-based campaign that went “viral,” and the main goal was always simply pushing toxic “vaccinations.”
In other words, if you DO NOT have millions of spike proteins throughout your vascular system and flooding your vital organs, you have a better chance of fending off Covid. This is simply because your immune system, heart and cleansing organs are not being taxed, polluted and strained by millions of toxic prions that mimic the lab-concocted, gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 virus.
This is a look into ADE, auto-immune disorder and how booster shots continue to weaken the immune system, a bit more each injection, because there are millions more spike proteins to invade vital organs, including the liver and pancreas, as we are seeing with science-backed evidence. Pfizer-Gate has been blown wide open, and the masses are starting to die off and disappear, almost like Nazi Germany, but this time throughout the world. It’s a vaccine holocaust, and it’s not just lead by Pfizer, but Moderna and many more pharma conglomerates.
So if someone asks you what your vaccine “status” is, and you want or need them to know (even though it’s nobody’s business), then simply say “I am fully… unvaccinated.” This choice has enabled your immune system to do what it’s supposed to do, naturally and fend off viruses, bacteria and pathogens. This way you also avoid the horrific statistics of injury and death caused directly or indirectly by the Covid clot shots.
The “fully vaccinated” suffer while the “fully unvaccinated” enjoy strong natural immunity, best for avoiding or beating Covid-19
Whether someone has subjected themselves to just one gene therapy injection or several as a series with boosters, their body has been invaded by millions, if not billions, of toxic virus-mimicking prions that somehow attract heavy metals and create long, rubbery clots in the blood, around the heart, in the brain, and inside vital organs.
All of the fully unvaccinated in America know that these clot shots are the main cause of the massive uptick in cases of pericarditis, myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, miscarriages and stillbirths, and sudden “unexplainable” adult and infant deaths (SADS or SIDS). It’s certainly not a syndrome, unless that ‘syndrome’ is caused by mRNA “technology” creating a new cell syndrome that can’t fight off viruses or bacteria anymore.
Do you suddenly have antibody-dependent syndrome? You must be fully vaccinated. Is your own immune system attacking your vital organs because they now contain toxic virus-mimicking spike protein prions inside them? You must be fully vaccinated. Got sciatica acting up badly or happening since you got the Fauci Flu jabs? It’s not a coincidence.
The fully vaccinated are also suffering from out-of-the-blue cancer tumors at the site of injection (haven’t you seen the new warnings?), and these medical doctors can’t seem to explain it away, certainly never pointing the finger at the clot shots, even though scientific evidence does point to the Wuhan virus injections.
That’s why remaining FULLY UNVACCINATED is proving to be the safest defense against contracting Covid-19 and its variants. Those who are bragging and “feel safe” because they are “fully vaccinated” are finding themselves dealing with new health events, exacerbated pre-existing conditions, and starting to regret what choices they’ve made. Doctors and scientists around the globe are blowing the whistle on the clot shots, seeing the carnage right in their own labs and offices now.
Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis and severe, chronic inflammation.
Sources for this article include:
Turns out that VAXXERS are a global menace to themselves
Article by S.D. Wells from Natural News.
First, the shilling folks at Pfizer and the CDC promised the nation that getting the Fauci Flu jabs would flatten the curve, stop the spread, and end the pandemic. Remember? They said if 90 percent of the population got the Covid-19 “vaccines,” then that 90 percent would be safe from the anti-vaxxers who are a “global menace” living in denial and danger. Surprise; the “global menace” turned out to be vaxxers who are dying at an insane rate. It’s true. The TRIPLE-VAXXED account for 94 percent of all Covid-19 deaths, revealing that the real ‘global menace’ is the Fauci Flu jab itself and all those who got it, push it, and still believe it works.
The single worst thing a person could have done for their health in 2020 – 2022 is take the covid jabs
According to an official government report from UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), about 18 months were tracked during the pandemic showing Covid-vaxxed children were 45 times MORE LIKELY to DIE from any cause than unvaccinated children. Let that sink in for a minute. So by simply saying no to the Covid jabs, a child is more likely to be able to survive the pandemic and a host of other life-threatening conditions.
Sign up everybody that’s left and all the kids on the way for that plan. Sounds like the benefit of remaining fully unvaccinated far outweighs the risk of getting shot up with millions of toxic spike protein prions, but all the so-called “anti-vaxxers” and those labeled “anti-science” already knew that.
In the same ONS report, the conclusions tell us that vaxxed children are also 137 times MORE LIKELY to die from Covid-19 than those children who have natural immunity and never get the protein-prions stabs.
The covid-jabbed sheeple are jamming up the hospitals
Now we are witnessing Americans who got the Fauci Flu stabs seeking much more medical attention than the fully unvaccinated, natural health advocates. Remember when the hospitals and fake news media claimed all the un-vaccinated people were overcrowding the hospitals and the vaxxed masses couldn’t get basic or emergency care in a timely manner? It was the other way around. The clot shots are causing many, many more critical health problems than just clots. Take a look.
They should call it the “Vaccines Dangerous” program, but instead it’s called the V-Safe program, where the jabbed up masses are supposed to all go to report health damages incurred by getting at least one Wuhan Flu shot. Now get this: over 70 million symptoms were reported from the 30 percent of people who got vaccinated who actually reported their problems to the V-Safe site (out of 230 million people that got at least one Covid jab). That means that statistic, though it’s already very scary, is most likely multiple times higher.
So it’s all the jabbed-up sheeple who are filling up the hospitals, in the waiting rooms, lying in beds, getting diagnostics run, and wondering why all of the sudden they’ve got myocarditis, pericarditis, strange rubbery vascular clots, sciatica, Covid-19 multiple times, severe inflammation, allergies, and more.
The most common symptoms of vaccine-induced health damage that were reported to the “V-Safe” program included the millions of people saying they were suffering post-vaccination from the chills, swelling, joint pain, muscle and body aches, headaches, fatigue, and general pain, with over 4 million of these complaints marked as SEVERE. You cannot make this up.
The V-Unsafe Program, as it should be termed, was also chock full of complaints regarding 13,000 toddlers (under 2) with over 33,000 symptoms that included pain and loss of appetite. Sounds like a prescription that causes mal-nourishment and irritability.
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In conclusion, we’re now approaching a million reported cases of Americans who, post-Covid-vaccination, rushed to get medical care, crowding up the hospitals, while the media and the vaccine industrial complex blamed all of the unvaccinated. What a hoax and a scam, now busted wide open. So it turns out that all those vax-fanatics are a menace to themselves. When will they ever learn?
So much for vaccine passports. It was all a lie to sell more toxic jabs. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis, and the spread of more disease.
Sources for this article include:
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We really do have to try to save the jabbed. As you say, most of them did it under great duress – many just to keep their jobs and keep their families going. I believe some doctors are working on treatments now but it’s going to be hard to undue this GENETIC damage. I’m concerned that the damage by the vaxes, which I believe was intentional, can be genetic – that is inheritable by the next generation. The human genome itself may be damaged, which was probably part of the intent. People can try Ivermectin, HCQ, Vitamin D, and some of the other treatments that have proven to be effective against COVID itself, these may help in the short term. However, we should not let these Big Pharma companies and their political allies escape unscathed from the damage they have KNOWINGLY wrought. They need to be severely punished for what they have done to possibly, billions of people.
The species might need a selective breeding program to propagate a new generation of unvaxxed humans. It will be important to keep it out of the hands of the elites and their pets as they have betrayed mankind and can’t be trusted.
To hell with them let them die
Does that apply to young children?
The above link provides links to legal help for vax Ed as well as useful treatments.
I can’t believe anyone fell for this after clearly seeing the hypocrisy, the law-breaking of medical ethics and protocols in the name of “emergency”. A neat way of skirting the law and the Constitution which you decided did not need upholding in times like this.
I hope you respect your Constitution better now.
I said the same thing. People had 9 months from shutdown to vax introduction to figure out the scam.
For my whole life I viewed the medical establishment with very high respect. Now, after January 2021, I view them in a wholly different light. So many in the establishment I see now as not deserving of any respect. These folks are no better than 3rd world nation health workers. Two different medical doctors pressed me hard to get the vax – when I clearly showed each one the studies highlighting serious issues, it meant nothing, but nothing to them. They continued to push the vax. So I shut up and stopped shining light on such studies because, obviously, they had eyes and ears but nevertheless could not see or hear. I immediately left their clinics and questionable practice. If possible, even worse, the AMA now pushes gender “reassignment”. Is there anymore proof of the malfeasance in our medical establishment needed to warrant seeking advice from outside the establishment?
Yes, run! Seek out functional health practitioners. Western medicine doesn’t heal anyone…only gives out drugs upon drugs to mask the underlying causes of disease. Vaccines are all harmful and to our pets also. The body is made to heal itself.
Absolutely RIGHT!!!!!!!!
Right on sister.
Good comment. I agree.
The malfeasance has been there for over 120 years at least – the difference now is that more people are noticing it. Also, when you speak of Third World doctors – I have to tell you that I saw one of these so-called Third World doctors, who happens to be practicing in a First World Nation, in a hospital a few months ago and he was the first doctor who I thought was worth his salt. He was better trained, had a better bedside manner and was very intelligent, caring and thorough. Western doctors all get the same training, and it is that training that is a large part of the problem, along with “associations”, such as the AMA, who CONTROL the licenses to practice. So, the REAL QUACKS have been the “doctors” all along, it just took covid for more people to see it. I will therefore look forward to the new paradigm of medicine that will be coming our way shortly, and I hope that NONE of these people are included in that system. I decided to take control of my own health MANY years ago, and I haven’t looked back – I’m healthier now than I was for my whole childhood and right up until the time I gave up trusting doctors!
What would be the costs of “saving” the vaccinated? What are the benefits.
What would be the costs of “not saving” the vaccinated? What are the benefits.
In war, injured soldiers take 3 to 4 men off the field, where as dead soldiers take 1 man off the field. So, assuming there is no cure for being vaccinated, and being vaccinated causes permanent significant disability and illness that requires permanent significant expenditures, the costs of saving the vaccinated could be catastrophically large, and if the disability makes them non productive, that damage becomes exponentially worse and there is only our humanity that benefits. If, on the other hand, many of the disabilities and illness caused by the vaccines are temporary or reversible, the cost could be minimal and we gain or retain or fellow citizens and coworkers as well as our humanity.
Obviously, there is not enough information to make a conclusion on whether is it worth saving them or not. So, for now, the answer is we accept them as they are, and work towards discovering the true nature of the vaccines and the injuries they cause humans.
I went from F them let them die to we should probably support them writing this pro/con argument.
A great many of those who voluntarily took the chemical concoction jabs reviled, ridiculed and demeaned those of us who were not so naive and gullible as to fall for the scam nor ‘listen’ to ‘them’ when they said those terrible things about us because we refused to follow the herd. It’s hard to have sympathy for those who looked down their, now desperate, noses at us! I don’t think they deserve any sympathy. Those who took the ‘jab’ because of whatever were presumably responsible adults who ‘weren’t! Fortunately for them and unlike them, I am a human with a “soul” and will do what I can for them but hold them in eternal contempt nonetheless.
The big issue at the moment… is the ongoing coverup, and not having a functioning Rule of Law in the U.S. and around the world.
It’s a slam dunk that there was BIG big fraud on the part of Pfizer, as well as the FDA. Fraud on Pfizer’s side, renders their tort claims protections “null and void”. But when you have been direct party to the killing of 100’s of thousands of people, and the Government’s own regulatory apparatus is directly culpable with the fraud, the best case scenario is claims being paid which will ultimately come out of the citizens pockets.
Pfizer couldn’t cover the claims… they would just file bankruptcy, and that puts Gov on the hook.
I have been saying for 4 or 5 years, that the people in and around the DC Beltway, that are behind crimes against the U.S., if they had to choose between being exposed or nuclear war, they would pick war with out hesitation.
NOW look where we are!
It is a clear-cut case of genocide by the governments, globalist oligarchy and their associates and other special interests. The situation needs to be dealt with on that basis.
As for the victims try to be merciful if possible but their foolishness does not have to be rewarded.
The law prohibits people from suing the pharmaceutical companies for damage from the vax but can’t people sue the companies, agencies, politicians, school boards, doctors, etc who blackmailed them to get vaccinated.
The spreadsheet from UK’s ONS has one important note in it: deaths immediately after receiving the shot are not counted as covid deaths.
Also, while in every month except Feb of 2021, the unvaccinated is always less than the “ever vaccinated”, i.e., those who have received one or more vaccine shots.
To make the unvaxxed look have higher percentages they use person-years/100K values. It’s a nice slight-of-hand math trick which isn’t applied to the unvaxxed because they don’t slide up a scale from 1 shot to 2 shots to 3 shots to 4 shots or more. The person-years calculation is supposed to adjust for that, but how to you apply that to a single value that doesn’t “slide”? You can’t, but in doing so you inflate the result for the unvaxxed, making them look more at risk. It is explained here:
Lastly, the UK ONS spreadsheet does not contain any formulas for its person-year and other calculates. All values, even putative calculated values, are numerical only.
I’ve always been a strong advocate of vaccines. I argued vehemently with friends who thought vaccines caused autism. I considered them kooks. I kept trying to get the covid vaccine but it took until April ’21 for it to be available. I got it immediately. Two weeks later I had numb and tingly, front teeth, lips, nose, stomach, and head ache. I was very fatigued. The only thing that would calm my stomach was food. If I pigged out I felt better. But the relief would only last a few hours. My fingers and toes were measurably cold.(I grasped the kitchen food thermometer and it was 72F. My wife’s hands in the same measurement were 90F.) I searched the internet for my symptoms and I was thinking along the line of a brain tumor. But I found nothing at all. I talked to my doctor. We agreed the symptoms seemed neurological. So he suggested an MRI of my head. He was thinking brain tumor too. I was out of town so couldn’t get to an MRI facility for a couple of months. But the symptoms began to fade. My wife suggested perhaps it was caused by the vaccine. I argued strongly. We even screamed. I insisted it started before the vaccine. Then she checked the calendars and we concluded I had first contacted my doctor about 3 weeks after the shot and I had had the symptoms for about a week at that time. So it started two weeks after the shot. In early June I searched the internet for numb and tingly AND this time included “vaccine”. Again I found nothing.
Finally in July I was feeling much better. Only slight numb and tingly of my nose. And the headaches weren’t as bad. There was no way it was the vaccine – I thought. So in mid July I got the second shot. Two weeks and 3 days later, exactly, my front teeth went numb and tingly. And in a few hours everything was back and it was much worse than ever. Ten times worse. This time the correlation seemed very strong that it was the vaccine. But I was still not sure. I kept searching the internet and finding nothing at all. Then in about late August the story hits that Eric Clapton had cancelled his world tour because of vaccine side effects. Searched the internet again. I found reports about Eric’s symptoms in his Rolling Stone interview. Again I searched “numb and tingly” and this time many forums popped up with many people reporting symptoms similar to mine. They were even using the term “numb and tingly.” How could they have found out about my description of the symptoms if the only one I had communicated with was my doctor? Then I found a few people on a forum that described their symptoms in detail and they precisely exactly matched mine. What are the chances that all these people have come down with brain tumors producing exactly the same symptoms as my brain tumor? None!! It had to be the vaccine.
Many of the reports of the numb and tingly symptoms had posting dates of early Feb. Yet the search engine could not find them and now they can?! I fully believe that the search engine companies were censoring reports of vaccine side effects and that is why I didn’t find them. And they quit censoring when there was big news that Eric Clapton had the symptoms. So they opened the flood gates.
If I had found them then I would have known my symptoms after the first shot was because of the vaccine and I wouldn’t have gotten the second vaccine. I am sick today because of internet censorship.
Since the second shot in July I have had more symptoms emerge. Including a heart attack. 15 months later and I still have symptoms though they are fading away. The worst one is my toes are still burning and numb. (Not from diabetes, two doctors checked and so did I.) I still get the headache nearly everyday. My stomach is still queasy.
My front teeth and nose still get a little numb and tingly. In fact they are right at this very moment.
My toes are still cold and burning at the same time. I keep my feet under and electric blanket most of the time.
My overall health has been deteriorated by the vaccine. I have been tested for covid multiple times (the doctors offices required it). Always negative. I have never gotten sick with anything that was like the symptoms of covid as described on the news. No fever. I don’t socialize with others very often. I am convinced I have never had covid. Also, I will never get another vaccine of any kind for the rest of my life. More than 20 flu shots will just fade into the past.
The weirdest symptom was Guy Fieri hair. My hair was very blonde until I was about 30 and then it got a little darker and reddish. Us natural blondes tend to have fine hair. It lays down flat. Just straight and flat. All my life. But in about Nov ’21 my hair started getting stiff and growing straight up. My haircut is usually about 1 to 1-1/2 inch. I theorize it was growing out stiff perhaps a month after the second dose but it takes a while for it to grow long enough so that a whole inch would be stiff and I start to notice. I couldn’t get it to lay down no matter what. I got out of the shower with my hair soaking wet and it was sticking straight up. And no combing would lay it down. Finally by about June ’22 it started to lay down again. It’s still got a little stiffness but now it only just looks like I have a wave. I’ve never had wavy hair. I bet a year from now my hair will be flat again.
You can use EDTA,it may help you to recover.
I would not recommend a person such as this to take a product – this person likely needs a professional practitioner – a naturopathic doctor or functional medical doctor would be the go. This person clearly would not have the skills to do this without professional help. Detoxing the WRONG way or too quickly can make things far worse than better – there is a lot to doing it properly and safely.
So you were an untrainable moron until it hit you hard enough to convince you of the truth. I hope you had the guts to go back and apologize to all the people you ridiculed even though you had no clue what you were talking about. Shame on you for being a clueless know-it-all.
Yes, there is censorship, but it isn’t the true problem – you clearly do not have good research skills and would be better off asking for help or engaging a naturopath or functional medical doctor to assist you.
I’m in my 70’s and truly believe that there hasn’t been a travesty of this magnitude since the holocaust. We can no longer trust anything coming out of Big Pharma, especially from Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astrazenica. To make it worse, we can’t trust the health care system or our own doctors anymore either.
The people who perpetrated and sustained this nightmare need to be held accountable.. I hope and pray every day that we can take this country back. God forgive, but nothing would please me more than seeing the WEF, WHO, CDC, politicians, and Big Pharma personnel without a place to hide from the torches and pitchforks.
God Bless what’s left of America
I agree but don’t worry about GOD forgiving you. You are following the “will” of GOD so you’re in the clear with him. There is nothing there that ‘needs’ forgiving.
In the Old Testament of the bible GOD commanded man to take action against the evil people of the world but his kid doesn’t believe that way. I’m an Old Testament kind of guy. I cant follow the teachings of just one offspring of GOD ‘especially’ when that kid teaches forgiving my tormentors… I want GOD like punishment brought down on those evil monsters!
Jesus would have upheld gods’ laws and judgments and required the government to enforce them. This is based on his statement in Matthew chapter 5: 17-18
He would approve of those who do the will of his father.
In an effort to discourage the use of the commie-word “masses” for aggregations of humanity, I have adopted a policy of not spreading or relinking articles with that terminology, (when I would have otherwise. ) “Masses” is “disrespectful” of individuality, like “herd”. Terms such as “Crowds”, “throngs” “gatherings”, denote voluntary aggregations of people, and are more respectful of humanity. Please do not use leftie language. Words mean things.
after the vax nannies and Karens spent two years vilifying the wife and I, plus the government taking away a number of our constitutional freedoms, I don’t care if they start cacking from the demon clot shots.
As a Pure-Blood (UnVaxxed), I’m just sitting here smiling. After 2 years of hearing nothing but scorn & ridicule from the Vax-Zombies and Screaming Karens, looks like my Common Sense beats your “science”. So sorry that y’all shortened your lifespan by getting Vaxxed. Better get your affairs in order, your date with a coffin is getting closer everyday. I tried to warn you, but according to you Vaxxers, “I was just a stupid redneck hick.” Nope, I wasn’t stupid. Redneck…..ok, I’ll take that. Hick……nope, I’m whatcha call “college educated”.
Was that cold & mean-spirited? Heck yeah. Far too many people are winners of the Darwin Award. Here’s your trophy…..enjoy the dirt nap. Bye.
As a pure blood and type 0 negative I can appreciate your anger and frustration with the people who got vaxxed and those who created it and pushed it on the public. All of us pure bloods were treated with contempt and more. People make mistakes and getting the jab was a whopper. I take the position of rendering sound advice to the victims of the clot shot and no reward for their foolishness. Attempting to punish them is pointless and preventing them from harming pure bloods and the next generation is essential. Many potential mothers have been removed from the gene pool because women are susceptible to following orders or advice from the MSM and officialdom. Pure blood women are apt to be rare. As for the miscreants that created the virus and the clot shots plus those that pushed it on the public, they are guilty of genocide and are in need of a date with the hangman and an undertaker. Showing them any quarter is not justified.
Nothing more funny or to a point enjoyable, than to see all those people who took the Pharmaceutical Department of Defense Bio Weapon shot who berated and scorned those who were intelligent enough to not be a duped follower, and now look……..most of them are now dead.
Dear God, have mercy on us all!
Those of us who were duped into believing and trusting authorities we’ve been trained to respect all our lives; and those of us who have suffered so much vilification for standing on our own critical thinking that we’re too drained of compassion now to extend the empathy WE needed to those who need it now.
Love IS the answer. ALWAYS. We are all better than this. Be the light of the world.
you are so right with everything in that sentence. Love will transform the Earth once we rid ourselves of the parasite class who have kept us in a mental prison since they first took conquered us
This planet Earth is a school that challenges us to make our way back to our Heart. On 3rd dimension good and evil are allowed to co-exist unbeknownst to many who believe in appearance only. A tiny cell is sourced from within, and so are we. We are not bodies no matter what we may think. We are Spirits and all the feelings, and thoughts we have each day have created the bodies we carry around. Lack of love in our thoughts and feelings, may it be towards ourselves or others can and do often create vulnerable bodies which can be a welcome to viruses and bacteria. We were never meant to be negative. Negative states have become common-place, and is encouraged by entertainment, Hollywood, as well as distributed around the media as reality., I.E., meta. Reality and Illusion. Most are fixated on the illusions as though they are real, this, if believed bringeth forth a weak response than if reality was understood through awakening.
Isn’t it time to awake brothers and sisters?
We are All One!!
true. even worse. the least vaxx are Africans and the most are Europe/America and East Asia.
It was Germans who “disappeared” in “Nazi Germany”…21 million of them.
8 million, 1940-1945 and 13 million of them 1945-1950. (solely by Al lie policy)
The above link provides links to legal help for vaxed as well as useful treatments.
It was always about getting that poison into peoples arms. I said as much on Facebook many times and each time it was taken down. The social media sites need to be held accountable as well for the censorship and their Reptillian fact checkers.
I have seen reports that these spike proteins have been found in breast milk, so mothers who took the jabs had best avoid breastfeeding their babies, or else they will pass on those spike proteins to their infants.
Another scary thing I’ve read is that the Red Cross has stated that they do not label or separate donated blood based on whether the donor was vaxxed or unvaxxed. Which means, if you are wisely unvaxxed and need a surgery for some health issue and that surgery requires that you be given blood – you run a huge risk of receiving blood that came from someone who took the jabs.
And, then there are the speculative reports that are claiming that people who have been vaxxed can ‘shed’ those spike proteins and pass them along to people who are unvaxxed and in close proximity to them.
I agree that of course we need to help the jabbed. Problem is that most of them don’t even realize they need help yet, and will generally not listen. However, I would help anyone who approached me. If you can afford it, then visit a naturopath or functional medical doctor, and if you can’t, there are MANY protocols that are available on the internet for helping with the jabbed ingredients. You will need to detox metals and especially graphene, learn how to rebuild your blood and get some 5G protection. Eat the best food you can afford, and organic wherever possible – the pesticides prime your body for invasion of the vax ingredients. Definitely consider safety with regard to 5G – always keep your phone in airplane mode when not using and keep it as far away from you as possible when you aren’t using it, including using speaker phone where possible. The BIG problem could occur when the 5G gets dialed up. There are components in the jabs that will only be released from the hydrogels when certain external influences occur – that is, when 5G is pulsed in a certain way at a certain frequency – THIS will cause the rest of the hidden gems to be released – the likely result could be something along the lines of the Marburg Virus. If you’ve had a jab or two – DON’T HAVE ANY MORE whatever you do. The boosters are supposed to be about 10x the strength of the originals and have “added extras” in them. Many of the original jabs were placebos – so, if you had no problems at all, then you likely got one of these. Don’t play Russian roulette with your life FOR ANY REASON – there are other jobs, but you only have this one body for this lifetime. I wish the jabbed all the best and hope as many as possible will survive.