What was the FBI after? It seems based on the way the raid on Mar-a-Lago went down that they weren’t just trying to pin a general charge on a president taking classified documents, especially considering it was within his rights to do so as the ultimate arbiter of what is classified and what is not. Were Deep Staters who command the FBI after something specific?
During Ghislaine Maxwell’s first interview after being arrested and put in solitary confinement awaiting trial, she made some very peculiar statements. They were so off-the-wall that they were certain to be included in any post-interview write-ups. Here’s what she said:
‘Mysterious’ events have led her to create an imaginary cellmate, despite the fact she has been in solitary confinement from the start, with a light being shone into her cell every 15 minutes to ensure she has not self-harmed.
‘Strange things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby. When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a ‘cellmate’ called A-17 so when something strange happens I blame it on A-17.’
Who would call an imaginary cellmate “A-17”? Some at the time speculated that the placement of the odd phrase was intended to send a message to the outside world, perhaps the powers-that-be who she wanted to alert. The message could have been that she is aware of what’s in “A-17” and that’s why they need to keep her alive.
For months, it’s been a mystery what the term means. But after a list of contents taken from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI was released, there it was. Item 12 was “Box labeled A-17.”
Is it possible that among the documents taken by Donald Trump when leaving the White House was some or all of the dirt Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell collected over the decades? We know with a high level of confidence that Epstein had ties with the CIA and Maxwell had ties to Mossad. Some have assumed they were working for the intelligence agencies to collect the dirt. It makes sense.
It also makes sense that if they did, it would be something Trump would want to take with him.
During today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show (the isolated segment on A-17 and Maxwell is here), the comments that I read afterwards for the segment regarding Ghislaine Maxwell reminded me that some Trump supporters are unwilling to accept the possibility that Donald Trump can do anything wrong, ever. They lambasted me for insinuating that Trump had access to the Epstein-Maxwell client list and didn’t share it with the world.
Let’s get real. As a supporter of Donald Trump, I appreciate his policies, style, and strength of leadership. But I’m not under any illusion that he is a squeaky clean righteous warrior who would never use curse words and who reads his Bible every night. The Epstein-Maxwell list in the hands of powerful men means they have power over other powerful men. I would see someone like Trump keeping the existence of the list under wraps, justifying it by knowing he could do more with control over powerful men than by exposing them for the sake of public lambasting since few if any of them would ever be held accountable in a court of law.
Imagine if Trump had dirt on Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and any of the other infamous members of Jeffrey Epstein’s island getaway club. Would he or most people reveal it to destroy them or use the dirt to control them?
To be clear, I think the chances of this theory being accurate is probably between 5%-10%. It’s very unlikely, but it’s interesting enough to take note and to speculate about if it is, indeed, what the FBI was after all along. The one circumstantial piece of evidence that makes me believe it could be true is the fact the raid made no sense based on what we’ve been told. If they simply wanted to bust him with documents that he wasn’t supposed to have, they could have easily just isolated the warrant to the storage room where they knew the documents were kept. The fact that they stuck their necks out so far in light of all the negative attention they knew they’d get tells me they were looking for something very specific, and this could be it.
Let’s also consider what sort of documents Trump or any president would take with them after they left office. They would take documents they could use, so anything that was truly national-security-related would almost certainly never be taken. Knowing Trump had intentions of returning to the White House, it seems plausible that he would take documents to help him that included dirt on Democrats, the Deep State, and powerful people. If the White House had some or all of Epstein’s and Maxwell’s dirt, that seems to be one of the things that Trump would want to take as a very useful souvenir.
It’s all speculation, but nothing that we know now disproves it. Therefore, it’s possible, and if we’ve learned anything over the last couple of years it’s that crazy things that are possible have suddenly become likely.
All of this crap is ridiculous. If Donald Trump wanted to keep that stash of docs hidden, he would have hidden them where they could not be found. It’s all BS.
“The obvious”
Indeed so.
And, who is to say the elite, wealthy abusers of underage girls do not deserve to have the light of day shone on them. Especially so since our (obviously corrupt) DOJ has not lifted a single finger to bring the wealthy and powerful to justice – so much for Justice in America being blind. The foreigner Obama ripped off her mask years ago with assistance of his accomplice the corporate media.
Trump, remnants of the media, please expose the criminals yesterday! While at it, expose the users of the congressional slush fund used to buy off victims of congressional sexual harassment. DO IT!
or maybe put copies out for the goons to take and have the originals somewhere else. If Biden got 81 million votes, why are they STILL so afraid of Trump?
How would Maxwell know what is in a box labeled A-17 a week ago by the FBI? She has been in jail longer than that.
That’s the point. A-17 would have been a code phrase to refer to the list like “Crossfire Hurricane” was a code phrase to refer to the first attempt to get President Trump removed from office. Maxwell and those in the know–Trump, the deep state, and probably those on the list–have know what A-17 means for years.
JD, I suspect President Trump has the Epstein list but to withhold it doesn’t mean he is using it as blackmail leverage over the people on it. It could be part of his self-protection, a kill-switch (I die and the list goes public). It could be that the list is better used in combination with other information. On its own, it is interesting but small potatoes in the scheme of things. The names of the ruling dregs are unlikely to be on it, just the names of their minions (like Bill and Hillary Clinton). Consider this bigger story, in early 2020 Pompeo let on that the administration knew that the Covid-19 virus was produced in the Wuhan lab via human manipulation and was purposely released into the world. It was “shipped” to the U.S. on the same day, January 15, 2020, that China signed the trade deal with the U.S. and Pelosi delivered the articles of impeachment to the Senate (recall how she sat on them for several days). This was not a coincidence. Sending the bioweapon into the U.S. was, unarguably, an act of war by China against the U.S.. Had President Trump called it out for what it was, WWIII would likely have been started and hundreds of millions or even billions would have been killed. Better for Trump to keep that knowledge close to the vest and ultimately get rid of the relative few in the West and in China instigating for war. There is so much we don’t know. We do know that Trump is a courageous and brilliant Patriot. We know that to defeat the powerful and dispersed enemy of humanity–the ruling dregs–he has to play the board expertly. I am trusting that he will. It is clear the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him and evidence for that abounds, yet both political parties, the judicial system, the corporate media, and law enforcement agencies–with few exceptions–are all standing firm against it. It isn’t enough to present the evidence. The table must be readied and the American people prepared to accept what they could not have believed.
I had almost the exact same theory on this. I started bringing it up at my shop and the more people I started talking about with it, the more started saying they hadn’t thought about it being related to Epstein but it makes a whole lot more sense when you start thinking about how far they would go , from the Epstein angle.
Yes. And, saying the obvious, it shows the depth of fear Maxwell has of these criminal, wealthy creeps. Iow, she does not to commit “suicide” by hanging herself from a 4′ bed post. For sure, Dr. Baudin was absolutely correct. The blood curdling scream heard that night was Epstein seeing his killer enter his cell.
they/fbi/deep state were after any evidence [crossfire hurricane] etc… that trump has against the cabal…
The docs they knew he has or that they knew the contents would likely be of little interest to them. It would only be useful to them if they could get every copy Trump has or could have in the future which they had to believe they couldn’t get. It was a fishing expedition with an Unconstitutionally broad search warrant because they couldn’t say and didn’t know what they were looking for. It would be something they don’t have, know about, or even know if it exists. They want to know President Trump’s plans. As he’s said from his first campaign when mocking Obama et al, you don’t announce your plans (e.g., when we will pull our troops out of a theater of war in advance) to the enemy. His strategies are effective because they are unknown and often unexpected. These people–wounded souls–largely operate out of fear and Trump terrifies them. He knows them and their plans very well. Because they are non-rational they don’t understand him or anticipate his actions. This abuse of power was a feeble and clumsy attempt to get information about Trump and his plans; not to recover info of what they’ve done in the past but info about what he will do in the future. Plus, they hope it could serve as fuse lighting for a Civil War that would give them an excuse to use a heavy hand to squash MAGA and perhaps delay/cancel the midterms. They are grasping for straws and making mistakes because they are panicked.
I call my imaginary room mate Misc Confidential Documents. is that weird?
Why would the intelligence agencies allow Trump to attain the Epstein list in the first place? They wouldn’t. They’d hide it from him.
Is true. Especially with all the back-stabbers that worked for him in the White House. One of Trump’s greatest problems was the poor vetting his staff did for him. Purportedly, it was Jared and Ivanka – they should not be allowed anyway vetting help for 2024.
They probably didn’t allow it.
Go to YouTube and watch the interview done by an independent journalist with Bradley Edwards (an attorney who led the civil litigation against Epstein in 2009. Video is entitled “Bradley Edwards explains the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein”. Entire clip is about 8 minutes and the discussion of Trump starts around 4:45.
In a nutshell, Edwards says that out of ALL the people they subpoena’d who were known to have associated with Epstein, ONLY Trump responded to the litigation team’s request for information. He told them he would spend whatever time they needed to tell them everything he knew about Epstein and his operation. Edwards then went on to say that what Trump told them not only turned out to be true, but was helpful in them winning their judgement against Epstein on behalf of thirteen of his victims.
We ALL know if Trump had done anything wrong in the company of Epstein that would have been the FIRST line of attack against Trump years ago. Matter of fact, the left tried that, parading out some young woman who was going to have a presser stating she was raped by Trump at Epstein’s NY home. Arranged for by Gloria Allred’s daughter (attorney Lisa Bloom?) just before the 2016 election. But at the last moment Lisa Bloom ditched the effort and the press event did not occur.
Nobody cares about who met with Epstein or if the cheated on their wife. The list is worthless. This is a stupid story not worthy of reading.
Better to be prepared, consider all scenarios, for entering this fight. It will be an all out fight for survival. Count on it. The dirty left and Dems will stop at nothing, n.o.t.h.i.n.g. to prevent light being shown on them. Best to be prepared and practice good counter moves. Enough with being the nice and soft gop of the past. The knock down, drag out street fight for our lives hangs in the balance.
Interesting and possibly very significant that Palin lost her race. The first time in 50 years a Dem won. Really?
Au contraire, mon frère. It’s most interesting. Why would you say this?
If he had really important documents, he had copies of them, too.
This is so much Horse5hlt (HS). But we need to be careful, this is psychological war on the public. Anyone who was in the military for any length of time has gone thru prisoner E&E (JEST or any other name you want to use) schooling can see what these idiots are doing. The problem is not many people know or understand what is happening and in some cases those who have may not be reading this or other blogs showing it. The very reason why we must keep info flowing as much as possible.
Imagine if Trump has dirt on Obama’s 8 year fraudulent presidency, which he openly said years ago that he did? Does no one remember the days of Trump saying Obama was not eligible and an identity fraud? Trump was 100% correct making him the last person both complicit in The Obama Fraud parties ever wanted to be America’s president. The fear of President Trump is fear that the biggest criminal act in American history may be fully revealed and acted. In January of 2009 when John Roberts swore-in Obama America’s government and her military were given to her enemies. Crimes against American citizens and her Constitution do not get any bigger than that. Hillary was the planned and promised in 2008 after Obama cover president and when she lost to Obama’s nemesis Donald trump both parties panicked trying to remove Trump from office as soon as possible. They succeeded in the stolen 2020 election and are now desperately trying to insure Trump is never president again.. Both parties are ultimately protecting the fraud Obama from being officially exposed, to protect what is most important…themselves……………….Problem for America is, their really are crimes, ” too big to prosecute.”….
Boy, pull up your pant legs because it’s too late to save your shoes. Sheesh.
Jasonn…..Roberted knows exactly what he is talking about. I’ve been following ALL of this since before Obama showed up. The Canadian Free Press did a piece on Obama filing with the Board of Elections to run for the Presidency. There were photos of two stacks of paperwork. In one stack there was a page with a paragraph stating that Obama was legally entitiled to run for the U.S. Presidency. That paragraph was deleted out of the other stack. Which one do you think was filed with the Board of Elections? Yep. And Pelosi’s signature was front and center on it, along with many other Democrats. Straight forward treason.
And as far as what is going on here in the U.S. right now, go to the UN.org and read Agenda 2030. It will tell you every thing you need to know. (Our current national situation has been planned for literally decades.) I read it over ten years ago and had a heart attack at the time. If anyone who doubts what you say tell them that you’ll be ready to discuss our national situation once they have read it. And for dessert tell them to read, Rules for Radicals. One of the many things it says is that you must crash a society so that then you can rebuild it the way you want. They are working on it diligently.
Makes me crazy when writers, commentators and talk show hosts talk as if Biden is a dottering old fool who does know what he is doing. Folks, the Democrats are right on schedule. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. Read Agenda 2030.
Bottom line, READ.
All this speculation is ridiculous. It all assumes Donald Trump is stupid. Remember going up to the raid he was in negotiations to return certain documents.
If he was holding the requested documents then those would be expected to be in his safe. The raid wouldn’t be over those documents. They were looking for other potentially damaging dirt he could unfold.
Do you all think he would store those along with all the other documents?
Simple strategy… if you were hiding money and knew the government suspected so would you hide it in the very place they would come looking for first?