Ten years ago would you have ever thought we would be having this debate?
Transsexual cosplay has somehow become the reigning social issue of our era, with trans activism taking precedence within government, public schools and even the corporate world. For reasons that defy logic the question of “trans rights” has superseded all other conflicts regarding civil liberties. A group that comprises less than 0.5% of the US population has been dictating the national discussion.
Not only that, but there is reasonable suspicion that a majority of these people are not actually “trans” but are simply joining what they see as an opportunistic trend. Perhaps it’s to get attention they feel they are entitled to. Perhaps it is a way to feel as if they are a part of something historically meaningful as they do little else with their lives. Perhaps it is a play to get special treatment and special protection under victim group status.
Becoming trans is, after all, the easiest way for an otherwise straight white person to climb to the top of the oppression totem pole. And in a world where being a victim is a currency, that’s a highly valuable option.
But then again, the biggest reason trans ideology has become such a point of contention in our country is because it seems to have an unhealthy obsession with the grooming of children. We’ve all seen the video clips on social media of grown men in women’s stripper garb twerking in front of toddlers for dollars. And while we might experience a natural repellent disgust in response to this, it’s important to recognize that the majority of trans activists feel “proud” and vindicated. They actually think it’s a win. Normal people are on an entirely different end of the moral spectrum from trans activists and there can be no diplomacy with such a group.
The problem extends to the subversion of public schools and classrooms. Gender fluid propaganda, an concept backed by NO scientific evidence, is being taught to very young children in place of core academics. As test scores and reading comprehension plunge in America our kids are being brainwashed with woke nonsense, often in secret as teachers and school boards refuse to divulge their lesson plans.
Ten years ago, teachers knew their place in society – To educate children with the goal of academic achievement in mind and to defer to parents on all issues related to their kids. They are not social workers, therapists, sages or gurus. In most respects, they are not very important at all. However, in recent years the teaching profession has adopted serious delusions of grandeur with visions of tearing down and rebuilding the minds and principles of the next generation. They see your kids as their science experiment.
Many trans activists have no intention of having children of their own to pass on their “values” so it makes sense that they would have to target other people’s kids and indoctrinate them instead. The cult has to live on somehow.
Then we get to the worst of the worst – The gender affirmation industry. It’s a coordinated program, a sudden flood of health facilities which have made gender identity politics their bread and butter. Their goal? To convince gullible or narcissistic parents and impressionable children to pursue life changing hormone therapies and even surgeries in an attempt to convert the child into something they will never be: The opposite sex.
The psychological and social implications of this in the long term are unknown, but if the experiments of gender ideology founder John Money are any indication, then it will probably result in an entire generation of stunted and suicidal youths.
Trans activists have long argued that their movement is nothing more than a human rights effort and when they get “equity” in rights and treatment all will be well. This is, of course, a lie, like the majority of claims surrounding transgenderism. In the US, trans activists already have all the same rights as every other American. The reality is that the trans movement has long been a political movement with considerable ambitions of power and influence.
They have their own social dynamics, their own methodologies, their own doctrine, their own taboos, their own gatekeepers and they even have their own flags. It’s time for the public to acknowledge that we are looking at an attempt to spread a political system – It’s not a victim status group looking for fair treatment, that’s just a cover and a shield from criticism.
In the case of typical social justice organizations, much like most Marxist movements, we certainly see an attempt to destroy old cultural systems and to rewrite history using false narratives. But with the trans movement, we see something new: It’s not just an attempt to brainwash children to do the bidding of the party, it’s an attack on fundamental biology, the very roots of humanity and truth. It’s a creature that mutilates children, their minds and their bodies, with the intent to trap them into the leftist fold from the moment they can walk and talk and feed off of them for the rest of their lives.
Whenever I think of trans activists, I can’t help but be reminded of the novel IT by Stephen King and his well known monster ‘Pennywise the Clown.’ Pennywise is a formless evil, a chameleon that wears various faces, sometimes to lure victims to their doom and at other times to create fear by taking on the image of people’s worst nightmares. He stalks children in particular because they are the most vulnerable.
Another less understood concept in the book is the effect Pennywise has on the town of Derry, Maine where he hides. His presence causes rot and degradation as the residents are worn down by darkness and despair. He takes your children and then revels in your misery.
Why is the trans movement so focused on children? Why do they want drag queens, commonly associated with sexualized performances, to read books to toddlers? Why do they want kids to go to highly sexualized drag performances? Why are public schools allowing trans ideology to be taught in classrooms instead of academics? Why are schools secretly taking kids to such performances without parental knowledge or consent? Why is trans ideology being planted in kids entertainment? Why are parents being lied to about gender fluidity as if it is backed by science when it’s not? Why are children being groomed for gender reassignment drugs and surgeries? Why are states allowing children to get gender reassignment surgery without parental knowledge? What the hell is going on?
Many would point out the obvious conclusion that the trans movement has a child fetish. Stephen King is himself a rabid leftist who wrote a disturbing child orgy scene into his IT novel. It’s clearly one of the motivators, but I think that trans activism is a little more complex than simply an excuse for pedophilia.
A decade ago this kind of behavior would have been treated as suspect if not repugnant altogether. If adults with gender dysphoria (a rare mental illness) want to act out a personal fetish on their own time then that is their prerogative. However, this is about exposing innocent bystanders with no critical thinking skills to that same mental illness and that same fetish; a captive audience. This is about parents and teachers convincing children to act against their biology so they can use the child as a virtue signal prop. This is what narcissists and psychopaths do, except that it is being sanctioned politically in many states and from within the federal government.
Why? Because it is useful for gaining power. Imagine for a moment that you are a monster, the most disturbed creature you can think of. All you do is thirst for control and the anguish of your enemies and this thirst can never be fully satiated. How would you go about asserting your dominance over the population?
You would have to weaken the citizenry first. You would have to divide them, and what better way to divide them than to drive a wedge between them and their own children. Make the kids a target, bring them to your side or use them as leverage to make parents submit.
You would have to undermine the foundations of the society, eliminate the lessons of history and pervert the pillars that maintain stability. You would have to convince people that vanity and “PRIDE” are virtues rather than failings. You would have to convince people that all behaviors no matter how destructive must be treated as acceptable and that all discrimination no matter how sensible is wrong. And, when all heritage and all principles are erased you are then free to feast, for evil is now good and good is now evil and there is no one left to stop you.
The trans movement is a vehicle for the absorbing of the youngest generation into a political cult. It is part of a much larger agenda to undermine not just the basic tenets of western culture but to undermine the basic structures of moral compass and conscience. Some trans activists may be unaware of the part they are playing; they might even believe that the targeting of children is about exposing them to new ideas of “acceptance.”
That said, I think many of them do have a clear understanding of their actions and many of them are well aware of the consequences of their efforts, and they take great joy in the destruction they sow.
The pendulum is starting to swing back in the opposite direction as the general public is finally waking up to the threat of far-leftist movements. Multiple states are acting to ban gender affirmation centers and are working to protect kids from the predatory behaviors of trans activism. There is a long way to go, though, before we can get back to a society where the insane is widely considered insane. The patients are still running the asylum, for now.
They don’t just want to force you to use their pronouns and fabricated vocabulary, they want you to pay homage to their flags and applaud their delusions. They want you to embrace their warped version of reality and their vision of the future. They want you to sacrifice your kids to the gods of deconstruction and the process of indoctrination, and they want you to keep your mouth shut about it.
Like Pennywise the Clown, the trans movement wears disguises to lure or to frighten. They don’t want equality (they already have that), they want fealty. They want submission. And, they definitely want your children.
Article cross-posted from Alt-Market.
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