Ohio-based lawyer Thomas “Tom” Renz has warned the American people that a war is being waged to destroy and destabilize the United States.
Renz said the enemies are hitting America from different directions, including from within.
“Whether it’s [Wuhan coronavirus] COVID-19, whether it’s the economy, whether it’s just military operations, invasion through the southern border, trafficking – it’s just everywhere,” he said during the Episode 60 of “Another Renz Rant” podcast.
“Everywhere you look, you see a lot of the push to end free speech in America is coming from outside. But coming from outside, they can’t do anything. It can only be done if they can manipulate us inside. And that’s what’s happening.”
According to Renz, these attacks have become possible because of corruption.
Americans must fight corruption to take the country back
The lawyer turned patriot and freedom fighter pointed out that the American people must take the country back by fighting off corruption. He added that America’s elected officials have sold out the American people and they could not be counted on from President Joe Biden down.
Even the federal government is at war with the American people, Renz said. He noted that the destabilization of the American nation has already started with the violence on the streets happening and the criminals not being arrested or prosecuted.
The lawyer from Ohio pointed out that America has an open southern border, where drug and child trafficking are rampant. He added that the energy supply is under attack with power stations being shut down and legislation being passed to bar energy-producing facilities like coal-fired power plants. Globalists and climate alarmists are also pushing for more widespread use of electric vehicles and the destruction of energy production capabilities.
The attack on food supply also continues, with the killing of animals either by fire or gene therapy injections. Food processing plants and farms are also being destroyed. (Related: Thomas Renz: The people attacking food supply, health freedom are the same people attacking America – Brighteon.TV.)
He mentioned that Missouri House Bill 1169 did not pass, but it was wildly successful since millions of Americans have become aware of what is going on with the food supply. Renz added that several states are now sponsoring bills like HB 1169 in their states, and that is a victory because Americans worked hard to get the word out.
And then there’s the push for central bank digital currency (CBDC) and the destruction of the dollar.
“If you wanted to put a plan in place to destabilize and destroy America, what would you do differently than what’s happening now? The answer is nothing. They are destroying American families, American culture, the American way of life,” Renz said.
Those who dare to speak out are being censored.
Renz said all these are happening not as a result of the Biden administration making some policy errors. These are planned and well-coordinated actions geared toward the destabilization and destruction of America.
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“We are under attack. And the question is, ‘Are we going to tolerate it now?’ This is not a physical attack. This is not a kinetic war. General [Mike] Flynn talks about 5G warfare in his book. This is not a kinetic war. Nobody’s shooting at us other than the crazies on the streets and the mass shooter trans people. This is a war to destroy and destabilize our nation that may or may not at some point be followed up by military action,” said Renz.
Watch the video below to know more about Tom Renz’s latest rant. This video is from the Thomas Renz channel on Brighteon.com.
More related stories:
- Lawfare with Tom Renz: Biden’s Sept. 1 speech told half the US population they are a threat to America – Brighteon.TV.
- The George Soros ‘color revolution’ in America is in progress – Antifa and BLM are nothing more than Soros minions trying to destabilize America.
- Lawfare with Tom Renz: Health freedom fighter Pam Popper discusses the importance of people coming together as one – Brighteon.TV.
- The evil that ‘leads’ America is destroying us as they work with China to bring in the ‘New World Order’ with the ‘Biden crime cabal.’
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Yeah we know, Kevin. What is your solution? “Voting”?
Forty years too late, bubba!!!
I am really impressed by this sentence:
“General [Mike] Flynn talks about 5G warfare in his book.”
Yup, the very same Gen. Flynn who complimented the representatives of the Chinese Communist Party on their “Belt and Road Initiative” —- Gen. Flynn is that stoooopid!
CCP has 40 seaports and 11 satellite/Earth stations throughout Latin America and has at least 1 submarine base and several SIGINT facilities in Cuba and Flynn was complimenting them on their agenda?!
Lots of rocket scientists out there . . .
Forgive my hypercritical–sounding attitude, but after being insulted —- the least of which was having been classified a “tinfoil hat” countless times —- for the past 20 to 40 years, these overnight “freedom fighters” now sounding the alarm long after this nation has gone over the cliff is waaay too little, waaay too late!!!
The government funding for the transgendering (or butchering/chemical castration) of little children began back in 2005, and was greatly ramped up duing 2015 — 2017 (Obama and Trump administrations)!
Yes, yes, yes, Trump needs to return to make evermore pro–CCP appointments like Milley, Gilday, Wray, McMaster, etc. —- yes, yes, yes, nothing is the spikevax president’s fault, he’s too stooopid to ever be guilty of anything so the nation needs him back for more!!!
If America is to survive it needs someone with brains onboard, with knowledge of history who has the basic wits to recognize that DEI are communist political minders systems, not “spontaneous social movements”!
An individual who has yet to recognize that the WEF’s Christopher Wray is one of the bad guys, whose degenerate halfwitted son, Don Junior, preaches against a boycott against Bud Lite “because they occasionally donate to the Republican Party” (evidently Dr. Megele would also be acceptable if he were a donor?) will not save the nation!
Manchurian Joe makes Trump appear grand, but that is hardly justification!
This is SO true, but, the first and most important attack that has been made is on Faith. Yahweh declared when we forget Him, He will turn on us. Evil has taken over schools and seminaries, destroying the minds of youth, from Pre-school to college, then to universities, from training to teachers to lawyers to preachers. All to destroy Faith to going against Faith. The Moral fiber like a rope is being cut, one string at a time. It’s this Moral fiber that is the binding of unity of this and any Nation. Once this is gone far enough, the rope has NO strength to hold together, so we fall apart. This is where we are. ONLY a return to Yahweh, His Law, by fasting & praying by men can start this to turn around. This if done correctly will yield an Awakening, which will yield a True Revival. With this will bring about the next correction, Action by our Executive Branch. No not who we have now, the supposed Joe President, could be another, but also Governors have this Executive Branch, and can and should make a stand, as States are their own and are what makes the Federal, for there is no Federal if there is no States as long as we have anything of a Republic. But also there is another Executive Branch that most People don’t know of. This Branch is the Office of the County Sheriff, of which is the only Branch elected by the People that has in itself arresting powers. If Sheriffs, of which is directly in the hands of the People, took a stand, all the crimes that going on up to High Treason could be dealt with. But UNLESS MEN don’t get convinced and gather with a Solemn Assembly with gathering for at least 3 days, desiring the direct involvement of the Mighty Hand of Yahweh, because they love Him, their family and Nation, then ALL is Lost. Ladies if they understood this, they would be submissive in support of and encouraging their man to be a man and leader of the home to protect them, their home, children and Nation, and urging them for this Solemn Assembly. There is Total support of this in Holy Scripture, even the office of Sheriff, and directs us to do this, giving even examples of total direction coming and then being held off after this takes place.
Consider this, looking unto Scripture, unto Yahweh and Surrender to His Will. Or ELSE
Gunny, Evangelist