With an article like this, it’s necessary to state some caveats and disclaimers up front so I am not misconstrued. First and foremost, I do not hate people because they suffer from gender dysphoria any more than I would hate someone who suffers from schizophrenia. There will be those who claim I am spewing “hate speech” even as this article attempts to compassionately address a rapidly rising problem in our nation.
Second, adults may make life decisions as they please as long as those decisions are not detrimental to others. If an adult wants to claim they are the opposite sex, I will disagree but I won’t prohibit them from thinking that way just as I wouldn’t prevent someone from eating too many carbs. We all make bad choices in our lives and we must all suffer the consequences from them. Where I take exception is when those bad decisions harm others, especially in the form of indoctrination and brainwashing of children.
Lastly, as a nation we desperately need to stop the spread of LGBTQIA+ indoctrination in our children. This means we need to become more outspoken, more aggressive, and more direct. The adversary is extremely outspoken, aggressive, and direct and our side has been far too passive. But we MUST oppose violence and lawlessness from both sides of the debate. My calls for our side to be outspoken, aggressive, and direct are NOT calls for violence. We need to take the high road.
With all that said, here are three truths we need to acknowledge if we’re to have any chance of saving this nation from the trans supremacy agenda.
Many Transgender Activists Use Intimidation and Violence to Promote Their Message, Which Means They Are Terrorists
According to Brave Summarizer: “Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government or civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
What happened to Riley Gaines this week is quickly becoming the rule, not the exception. She spoke out against men in women’s sports at a conservative event. For this, she was assaulted by a mob and forced to barricade herself in an undisclosed location on campus while police figured out how to help her escape.
That is terrorism.
I started with that one rather than the obvious attacks, such as the mass murder of Christians that took place in Nashville, because we need to acknowledge that terrorism is not just about bombs or hijacking airplanes. The Trans Terrorist Cult has become more aggressive with their attacks and will not slow down. They must be called out as domestic terrorists. They must be dealt with legally as such.
Gender Dysphoria Is a Mental Disorder, Therefore Pushing it on Children Is Psychological Warfare
One of the most ludicrous arguments I hear about the spread of LGBTQIA+ ideology among America’s children is that it comes down to personal liberty and choice. The left is invoking some of the right’s arguments from other topics. Shockingly, many on the right have given themselves a pass for not tackling the issue by pretending like this is about liberty.
This is despicable as it pertains to children because gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. Encouraging it does harm to those who are coerced into it. And before anyone claims that “allowing” children to make the decision is not coercion, let’s remember that the most protected and forcefully revered group in America today is the trans child group. They are treated special in school. They get glorified. They get kudos. They’re told how brave they are. They get interviewed by the press. Some of them get on television. Coming out as a “trans kid” is like finding the golden ticket in a Willy Wonka chocolate bar package. Of course children are going to covet it.
What we are witnessing is the most widespread and coordinated psychological warfare mission launched since Two Weeks to Slow the Spread. They are normalizing a mental disorder as not only acceptable, but advantageous. We’re being bombarded with it from every angle as corporations embrace wokeness out of a combination of fear and delusion. In the future, I will discuss how we must engage in a counter-offensive against those who are penetrating the minds of our children. But first, we need people to acknowledge this for what it is. We can’t fight a war if too few even acknowledge a war is happening.
Only Massive Revival and Repentance Can Save This Nation
Let’s be crystal clear about something up front. Whenever I declare that spiritual solutions are necessary to solve a problem, I am NOT saying that we should just pray about an issue and otherwise ignore it. Calling for revival is not a call for us to stop fighting the good fight. We need revival AND we need to directly address the evil scourge of trans supremacy that is spreading across the nation.
They are not mutually exclusive.
This is not a contradiction. The reason I can call for revival and repentance as the ONLY solution while also calling on us to engage in earthly opposition to the problem comes down to timing. We need to do everything we can to promote revival, but we cannot force it on our own. It will take time, which means that fighting back the spread of LGBTQIA+ supremacy is important in delaying our nation from being overrun by it.
Those who are not Bible-believing Christians do not have to engage in revival in order to fight by our side against trans supremacy. If your worldview does not accept revival as an option, then we can still work together on the earthly front. But even those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior yet can acknowledge that Biblical revival can benefit those who are being brainwashed into a state of gender dysphoria. Judeo-Christian values strengthen the family even without the spiritual component.
America is at a crossroad. If we do not grab the steering wheel immediately we will definitely take the wrong path. It starts by acknowledging our adversaries for who they are.
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