Today’s Twitter Files drop was loaded with bombshell revelations. As I noted in response to a previous installment, it appears that rather than leading with the biggest revelations, then trickling out lesser stories in subsequent drops, Twitter saved the blockbuster reports for these last three.
The big news today was that the FBI censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, not just with Twitter but other media companies. This isn’t news to our readers as we’ve known about it since October, 2020, but the vast majority of Americans had no idea then and likely still have no idea today. But buried in thread item #46 was arguably the most damning piece of evidence to date. They didn’t just ask Twitter for help with suppressing the story less than a month before the election. The FBI PAID Twitter for doing it, a move that unambiguously helped Democrats steal the White House.
According to Michael Shellenberger:
The FBI’s influence campaign may have been helped by the fact that it was paying Twitter millions of dollars for its staff time. “I am happy to report we have collected $3,415,323 since October 2019!” reports an associate of Jim Baker in early 2021.
46. The FBI’s influence campaign may have been helped by the fact that it was paying Twitter millions of dollars for its staff time.
“I am happy to report we have collected $3,415,323 since October 2019!” reports an associate of Jim Baker in early 2021.
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) December 19, 2022
This is among the biggest of MANY pieces of evidence proving the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a political organization that occasional works on law enforcement as a side gig. They are the Deep State’s tip of the spear for their domestic manipulation campaigns. They spent decades and countless taxpayer dollars engaging in political meddling, which should come as no surprise since they’ve been doing so since J. Edgar Hoover was in charge.
$3,415,323 may seem like a drop in the bucket for a government that operates in terms of billions or trillions, but it can go a long way to get members of media and Big Tech to do the bidding of the Deep State. They didn’t want Donald Trump to win so the FBI engaged in one of the ugliest forms of government corruption possible: collusion through bribery.
This is a game-changing Twitter Files drop… at least it could be if it’s given any attention at all by the people. Unfortunately, it likely won’t be if we rely on corporate media to report on it. This is why it’s incumbent on patriots to do a better job of informing our “normie” brethren than we did at informing them about the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020.
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Just in case there’s still anybody alive who still hasn’t figured out how social media makes their money.
I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me such payments would mean Twitter acted as an agency of government, which should seal the deal in the case against the government’s putrid violations of the 1st Amendment. Apparently all the IC bellyaching about election interference was more about trying to eliminate their competition.