Food Innovation Hubs (FUBs) are being set up all over the world for the “transformation of food systems”. In November 2020, the World Economic Forum announced that the European Food Innovation Hub will be located in Wageningen, in the Netherlands.
Prime Minister Rutte announced last year that his country would invest in the Global Coordinating Secretariat of the Food Innovation Hubs. This secretariat will also operate from Wageningen.
“Fishermen gone, farmers gone, the next planned ‘crisis’ will be famine. Fortunately, there is The Solution: the WEF ‘food hubs’! stated FVD leader Thierry Baudet.
“I find this quite disturbing. What do we need a food coordination centre for? Of the WEF, no less. Under the guise of ‘fair prices for farmers’, (good) citizens are made dependent on the WEF for their food supply. Isn’t that scary?” asked health scientist Yvonne Simons.
Independent researcher Frank Hoogerbeets noted: “Food hubs must take total control of the food supply through WEF policy. So there is no place for farmers anymore. Not reported by the NOS [National Public broadcaster. ed.].”
Prime Minister Rutte spoke earlier at the WEF about these ‘food hubs’. His government meanwhile blames farmers for producing too much “nitrogen”.
The nitrogen hoax
Last week there were several farmers’ actions against the announced nitrogen policy. The government wants to drastically reduce ammonia emissions from agriculture to protect nature. For some farmers this means that they cannot continue their business in the same way in the future. Angry farmers’ activists blocked roads, visited the Mediapark in Hilversum and went to the house of nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal. The police arrested several activists for assault and vandalism.
During the debate about the manufactured “nitrogen crisis” in the country and in particular about the farmers’ protests against the tyrannical plans of the Rutte administration, Wybren van Haga (BVNL) lashed out at the cabinet. “The nitrogen hoax is inexplicable,” said Van Haga. He said that farmland was being confiscated for a problem that does not even exist.
Van Haga (BVNL) did not mince words. “Dutch farmers,” he said, “are being ruined by this cabinet on the basis of a non-existent nitrogen problem. Thousands of lives are being destroyed, families are being torn apart and the work of generations is being destroyed.”
The situation is so bad that “several farmers have hanged themselves.” And, indeed, “the right to property is no longer worth anything – farming culture is demonized, the government no longer appears to be a protector of the rule of law.”
Gideon van Meijeren, member of parliament for Forum for Democracy (FVD) was quoted in De Dagelijkse Standaard: “The expropriation plans of the cabinet are a downright declaration of war on the agricultural sector. Under false pretenses, farmers are being robbed of their land, centuries-old farms are being demolished and farmers’ families are being totally destroyed.
“It is terrible to see that several farmers have now been driven to such desperation that they feel compelled to take firmer action to make their cries heard.” He urged the government to stop “the unlawful expropriation plans” based on the nitrogen hoax.
Police filmed attacking farmers
The mainstream Dutch media have painted the farmers’ protests as “violent”. But what really happened during the Dutch farmers’ protests?
Dutch farmers say that the police acted particularly aggressive and violent during the protests near Stroe and Kootwijkerbroek on Tuesday and that media reports about these protests being “violent” are incorrect.
Agressie lokt agressie uit.. dit gebeurd er voor film met mokerslag op politiebussen.. #boerenopstand #boeren #IksteunONZEboeren #Rutte4Exit
— Herr Martin ☻️
(@Martin16025281) June 29, 2022
The media showed images of young people who attacked police vans near Kootwijkerbroek with, among other things, demolition hammers. The police arrested 10 people in connection with public assault and attempted manslaughter.
According to the farmers, the information from the police is incorrect. A young farmer told the Barneveldse Krant that they were surprised at the A1 near Stroe by an unknown group that set fire to car tires close to the highway.
“That went very fast and broke down within a minute, but they were not part of us. We don’t know them either. During the invitation to the protest, it was emphatically stated that we would not set fire to tires,” said the farmer’s wife.
In addition, a 19-year-old boy drove a tractor with a tipper that was being chased by police vans. A riot police van tried to overtake the tractor at the cattle grid on Heetweg. Because there was no room on the cattle grid for two large vehicles, the tipper swerved slightly, causing the bus to hit it, his father explained. “That’s why he was arrested for attempted manslaughter, but they just wanted to overtake him where there was no room. Such a charge is really unbelievable,” he said in an extensive interview with the newspaper.
The father, who followed the vehicles in his van, was shot at with an electroshock weapon and beaten in the stomach by riot police and members of an arrest team.
An officer fired his electroshock weapon at his youngest son. “He received a few violent shocks and then also blows from a baton,” he told the Barneveldse Krant.
As a result of the interview, Caroline van der Plas of the BoerBurgerBeweging has once again asked for a statement of facts from the Minister of Justice about the farmers’ protests, now that the stories of the media and farmers do not match. “What really happened? The House must get the facts. On Thursday, the report of the facts was still refused by [PM Mark] Rutte,” complained Van der Plas.
On Wednesday evening, Tim Hoogeveen was arrested during a protest on the A37 near Holsloot. He was suspected of attempted manslaughter because he allegedly ran into a police car with his tractor. Media and politicians once again accused farmers of being “violent”. Justice was unable to determine on the basis of images and statements that it was attempted manslaughter and Tim was released again, reported RTV Drenthe.
Transforming food
A 2020 document from the Rockefeller Foundation outlined an ambitious plan to transform the food system under the guise of Corona. The document was published just after the World Economic Forum announced its Great Reset agenda and titled Reset the Table.
The document argued that the US food system needed to be overhauled with a focus on “social justice” and “protecting the environment”.
The Rockefeller Foundation advocated “sustainable agriculture” and “healthy food”. The WEF focuses mainly on insects as a “sustainable” protein source.
In addition, the Rockefellers advocated digital surveillance and the collection of data on the eating habits of Americans. This is already happening in Europe. Statistics Norway (SSB) has ordered large Norwegian supermarket chains to share all their receipt data with the agency.
Majority of citizens support their farmers
Most Dutch people said they would simply work from home now that farmers were planning to shut down the entire country. This has emerged from a representative survey conducted by Hart van Nederland polling more than 4 100 people. The research also showed that a majority support the large protest action by the farmers.
Farmers are planning to shut down the whole of the Netherlands at the start of the week with actions expected at airports (Schiphol, Eindhoven, Rotterdam and Lelystad), the port of Rotterdam and distribution centres of supermarkets.
Article cross-posted from Free West Media.
Down with the godless WEF! Get these corrupt tyrants out of our lives!