(Natural News)—Researchers from Thailand have found that surface temperatures across Greenland have been dropping in recent years, not increasing like the climate alarmists claim.
Data going back to the turn of the millennium shows that Greenland’s ice-covered sub-regions have been getting incrementally colder year after year. Greenland’s ice-free sub-regions, conversely, have ever-so-slightly warmed during the same time period due to an increase in “population density.”
The findings, which are based on more than 31,000 satellite recordings, suggest that a “total collapse” of the Greenland ice sheet is not going to happen in the next few months like the World Economic Forum (WEF) claims.
(Related: Earlier this year, a climate professor by the name of Bill McGuire tweeted that he thinks “culling” the human population is the only way to prevent a climate collapse.)
Antarctica barely warmed in 70 years
But that’s just Greenland, some people are probably saying to themselves about the new research. Well, think again because similar data was pulled out of Antarctica, which has barely warmed over the past 70 years of detailed observations.
At both the North and South Poles, climate conditions are hardly as dire as the climate cultists would have us all believe. At worst, there is very slight warming in some spots, but this is countered by very slight cooling in others.
It is almost as if the climate is always fluctuating and that this is a completely normal phenomenon that should not scare people but interest them about the way our natural world works.
Overall, the Thai mathematicians found “no evidence of warming over ice-free and ice-covered areas” in Greenland other than very minor deviations that are probably just statistical margins of error more than anything else. The same is true about the Antarctic, which means there is no global warming taking place.
The very minor changes being observed around Greenland can be attributed to “natural variability rather than anthropogenic forcing,” the scientists say.
“Most climate models were unable to reasonably simulate the unforced natural variability over Greenland,” they add.
As for Antarctica, every so often some ice melts and breaks off, particularly in the western part of the region, which drums up fears about a “tipping point.” These fears are unsubstantiated, though, especially after international scientists involved with another study found that Antarctica, like Greenland, is actually cooling somewhat.
The American Meteorological Society discovered a 2°C decrease in temperatures over the 20-year period that ended in 2018. During the spring season, the temperature decrease was 1.84°C every decade. During the winter, it was a 1.19°C decrease over the same time period.
As usual, carbon dioxide is rarely mentioned in papers and articles about cooling temperatures because that molecule is only maligned when temperatures are warning. When the data shows cooling rather than warming, scientists start admitting that the climate naturally variates and that CO2 has nothing to do with it.
Amazingly, a similar scenario is unfolding around the world’s equatorial region which is likewise seeing temperature cooling rather than warming. How will they explain that one?
“I cannot understand why politicians who have access to all of this information pander to them,” one commenter wrote, “them” referring to the climate lunatics pushing climate nonsense.
“Why doesn’t a single leading politician from across Europe stand up like Trump and say that we all bought in to the lies of a cult but we now know that the polar regions are not melting uncontrollably, the sea is not boiling and corals are quite okay, not a single person has drowned in rising seas. A few days ago, someone on this site posed the question: What are they really targeting in 2030, because it is not climate change, so what else is it?”
The latest climate-related news can be found at Climate.news.
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