As we celebrate a new year, America experiences an optimistic reboot for potential growth, productivity and prosperity; a restart to things hoped for and expectations of personal happiness and safety; a resurgence of religious awareness and acceptance.
Yet beware, this is not a true reset. For lurking in the recesses of four years of concealed and shadowy incompetent governance lies the potential for destructive forces yet to be realized. Terrorist acts bespeak contempt for our American way of life – the ramifications of previous arrangements and engagements of elected and unelected governing positions spilling out onto the forefront of our lives in vivid displays of blood and distractions. And why?
Penned in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887, Lord Acton wrote:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
Those who rise to positions of power are presented opportunities for meaningful good or societal abuses and self-enrichment. Aspirations of money and influence drive people to irrational decisions resulting in outcomes not beneficial for others and eventually themselves. […]
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