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Capitol Police received alerts from both U.S. Homeland Security and District of Columbia authorities about potential violence at the Capitol more than two weeks before the Jan. 6 riots, a pre-Christmas warning that flagged online chatter about waging a “bloody war,” concealing guns, and burning down the Supreme Court, according to internal memos obtained by Just the News that reveal much earlier and persistent red flags about the tragedy.
“Right-wing extremists are talking about tunnels below the Capitol Complex and the allegiances of USCP officers,” Capitol Police intelligence expert John T. Nugent Jr. wrote in an e-mail Dec. 21, 2020 sent to a distribution list of the department’s Intelligence and Interagency Coordination Division.
Two days later, another Capitol Police official, Matthew N. Hurtig, sent a series of attachments in an email summarizing recent “domestic terrorism” threats. His email warned that “militia members discuss attending a January Pro-Trump-Rally and that one of the militias, the Oath Keepers, was asking Trump ”not to concede, warns of ‘bloody war’ if he doesn’t invoke the Insurrection Act” and “seize all databases of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DNI.”
Around the Web – Original Source: