Around the Web – Original Source:
Joe Biden won a record low number of counties in the United States by an alleged “winner” in 2020 – winning only 17% of the counties in the US.
Biden won fewer counties than Barack Obama in his 2008 record-setting election.President Trump won 2496 counties in 2020, Joe Biden on 477.Trump won 84% of America, Biden “won” 16%. TRENDING: Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Wall Street Journal Provides Troubling Data Suggesting COVID Vaccines ‘May be’ Causing COVID Variants to Evolve Cultural Husbandry posted this amazing graphic on Wednesday.From his tweet: From 1984 through 2016, spanning presidential elections, seventeen […]
Around the Web – Original Source:
At what point do patriots of either party, if there are such in the Democrat party, and the high percentage of voters who are independent learn to:
1. Prevent elections being stolen, since that is nothing less that a coup and overthrow of the will of the American voters and therefore the Constitution itself since founding pillar is free and fair election, in short, election integrity.
2. Mitigate thefts, reduce them to unsuccessful attempts through laws, requirements, and standards that are sensible and fair and enforced.
3. Bring those corrupting our elections to justice. Arrest, indictment, prosecution, and long prison term when convicted, and the conviction rate should be high.
In order to do this, the Rs need to get rid of Romney’s niece as GOP Chair, get rid of McConnell, election someone other than McCarthy, a Rino with weak knees who will betray those who believe in free and fair elections, get Trump to step aside. He has been a big part of the problem with his idiotic appointment during all his four years: Ivanka, Kushner, Sessions, Comey for six months, Wray, Barr, Mathis, Bolton, Milley, almost all his WH staff including Rudy well beyond his expiration date as a lawyer and advisor, and on and on, including using Fauci and Breix (?) to lead the covid fiasco and crimes. And Trump acts like he never heard of these people… he never, ever takes responsibility for his screw ups and he is incapable of learning.
DeSantis 2024… this is not time to screw around. If Trump is a patriot he will step aside. If he is only an egotist, he will not, and then he needs to be kicked to the curb.
The Democrats know the * critical * counties in each Swing State….that they must control.
Like…. Wayne County (Detroit)…. and Maricopa County in Arizona.
That is where they concentrate their efforts…. for their CHEATING.
It doesn’t take much to stop the Republicans from winning….now that the Democrats have discovered MAIL-IN VOTING…..and using DROP BOXES for early voting with FAKE BALLOTS.
The Republican Party will never change….worse yet, if you count all the RINOS who are against Trump.
The RINOS would rather have a Democrat in the White House…..than Donald Trump.
That is why I do not think Trump has a chance of winning in 2024.
The Democrats will repeat what they did in 2020…. an exact REPEAT.
Plus….. Michigan is now LOST to the Democrats…. as well as Pennsylvania.
Trump has NO CHANCE of ever being re-elected.