Another day, another corporate retail brand embraces the DEI-driven wokeness of the LBGTQIA+ Supremacy agenda. This time, it’s bookseller Barnes & Noble, a company that has displayed woke tendencies for years. Now, according to LibsOfTikTok, they’re not holding back.
This is what you see in almost every Barnes & Noble store. When they say “We’re coming for your kids,” they’re not kidding.
This is what you see in almost every Barnes & Noble store.
When they say “We’re coming for your kids,” they’re not kidding.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 7, 2023
The presence of an child indoctrination book at a bookstore is nothing new. Any major book retailer that has a children’s section will have these types of brainwashing books mixed in. But Barnes & Noble has made it a priority to not only display these books in their own section, but to make it prominent in just about every store in America.
We cannot stop the radicals who take their kids to drag shows or push them to switch genders before Kindergarten, but we can strive to classify both pervert freak shows and genital mutilation as activities or adults only. In the same vein, we cannot prevent retailers from carrying indoctrination materials, but we can punish them by withholding our money when they actively and aggressively promote the brainwashing.
It’s time to buy books from companies that aren’t trying to confuse children or empower woke parents with brainwashing materials. Boycott Barnes & Noble.
As soon as I see sign of it, I turn away. If for no other reason, it is being a bad witness, bad example, and dragging Jesus’ name through the mud, to put oneself in any situation that could be deemed to be endorsing or approving of porneia, especially causing little ones to sin.
I refuse to send the wrong message. I refuse to push the limits of possibly sending a wrong message, such that there could be any doubt. And I’m not the only one who sees it from this perspective. Christians aren’t maliciously lashing out, being militant, or anything of that nature. We’re just standing unmoved.
This is not quite the same as a proactive political boycott.
And it’s going to happen whether there’s an organized call to action or not.
The porneia promoters would like to frame it as if we are the offensive, imposing, militant ones, as if the promotion of porneia to such a degree we see today has always been, but that is not the case. Reality is the opposite. They are the militant, offensive, aggressive, imposers, cultists hellbent on extorting and forcing everyone else to fall in line …
It’s not only refusal, as a matter of honor for and fear of the Lord, it’s also that the Lord simply wouldn’t allow it. Sending the wrong message in any manner at all, would weigh on my conscience like a ton of bricks. Sending the wrong message is to arrogantly and pridefully defy Almighty God – in the case of abominable sin, to an extreme degree. And I’m not willing, or frankly stupid enough, to defy Almighty God …
The left would like to frame it in the reverse, as if we’re a bunch of hateful bigots bent on militantly taking over the country and marching them into gas chambers.
Of course, that’s nowhere near the reality.
It’s a matter of knowing I will answer to the Lord on judgement day. It’s a matter of being able to sleep at night, in good conscience. It is for reasons such as these …
And it’s also partly, as a simple matter of common sense, because I know that dealing with those who’ve been given over to a reprobate mind is not likely to work out well to begin with, especially given that they are aggressive, vengeful, militant, and seek to harm any and all who do not fall lock-step in line. I like to deal with Christians who are on the same page as me. There’s much less likelihood of conflict and trouble.