(Daily Signal)—Voters in 15 states are headed to the polls or to caucuses Tuesday, in what is arguably the most important day in the 2024 presidential primary season; that is, Super Tuesday.
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia are all holding primaries. Caucuses will be held in Alaska and Utah.
Ryan Walker, Heritage Action for America executive vice president, says that when you look at the states that have already held primaries, “Nikki Haley has not garnered more than 40% of the vote.” So, Walker says he will be watching to see whether the former South Carolina governor can go beyond that threshold in states voting Tuesday. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation, of which Heritage Action for America is the grassroots arm.)
Former President Donald Trump has already clinched GOP primary and caucus victories in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, Idaho, and Missouri. Haley won the D.C. primary over the weekend.
Trump got a boost in media coverage ahead of the Super Tuesday voting when on Monday the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in his favor and against Colorado’s efforts to remove his name from the ballot there citing the “Insurrection Clause” of the 14th Amendment. The ruling clears the way for Trump to earn more delegates on Tuesday ahead of the GOP convention in mid-July.
“A state cannot decide if a former president, or a former candidate, is allowed to be on the ballot, especially if they have not been convicted of a crime,” Walker said.
Walker joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss what issues are driving voters to the polls on Super Tuesday, and what the results could mean for determining who ultimately will be the GOP nominee for president.
Listen the podcast below:
CISA Act of 2018 put DHS in control of elections/election security and Census — created CISA/EI–ISAC which none of the pseudo—conservative sites will mention —– FORBIDDEN TOPIC —- Brownstone Institute did mention EI–ISAC regarding censorship, NEVER mentioning thst the EI stands for ELECTION INFRASTRUCTURE —- kind of an important DETAIL!!!
DHS mamages those open borders, leading to 100,000 CITIZENS being killed by ILLEGALS these past 3 to 4 years —- another FORBIDDEN TOPIC!
We see the occasional story, like the horrific death of that Geoegia lady student, but no full reporting of real statistics and numbers of fatalities!
REAL NEWS goes a long way —- where is it????