(Natural News)—On December 5, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its partner organizations released a report claiming that one of the biggest threats to the deep state’s power fortress is the unmitigated spread of “misinformation” online.
Dubbed “Cybersecurity Futures 2030: New Foundations,” the report, which is based on a study, puts forth the notion that one of the biggest cybersecurity concerns for the establishment is free speech that threatens the existing world order.
“The study postulates the future of cybersecurity lies rather in safeguarding the integrity and source of data,” reports Reclaim the Net about the study.
“This introduces a novel perspective on the significance of locating and quashing fabricated information, cynically tagged as ‘mis’- or ‘dis-information’ held in the cybersecurity domain.”
The study was shaped based on the contents of numerous international conferences, both virtual and geo-located. Sessions held all around the world in conjunction with an online gathering of participants across Europe played an instrumental role in shaping “the futuristic, hypothetical scenarios catapulting cybersecurity to 2030.”
(Related: You know what else the globalists are afraid of? Mass adoption of Bitcoin cryptocurrency.)
If you disagree with WEF, you’re “illiterate”
One of the key elements of the WEF’s position concerning so-called “misinformation” is that it stems from illiteracy. In other words, if you disagree with something the WEF says is true, then you are illiterate.
Because of this, the WEF stresses in the report a desire to push digital security “literacy training,” which the globalist body puts forth as a weapon to ward off “misinformation” and “disinformation” from spreading online.
Mis- and disinformation are the “core of cyber concerns” at the WEF. They are similarly feared by the mainstream media, which also has its own “media literacy” brainwashing tools to manipulate government officials into cracking down on free speech.
This is somewhat of a problem in the United States due to that pesky First Amendment, which guarantees all Americans the right to free speech. The WEF hates the First Amendment, but can only do so much to thwart it before the law gets involved.
To make it seem like the group only opposes “wrong” information as opposed to free speech in general, the WEF is heavily pushing an “internet literacy” narrative that presents the problem of mis- and disinformation as something that can be fixed through “education.”
“The report’s writers unfold an interesting perspective where ‘stable governments,’ with long-term tech and cybersecurity strategies up their sleeves, morph into reliable and trustworthy information gatekeepers,” Reclaim the Net explains, noting that the WEF now lumps mis- and disinformation into the same categories as data fraud and “run-of-the-mill cybercrime.”
“The study also puts the roles of government and the private sector in preserving trust under its lens, particularly in the U.S. context, deliberating who should be entrusted with the key censorship task.”
Earlier this year, the WEF released another report highlighting seven trends that it says could shape the future of cybersecurity in 2030. These trends include:
- Cybersecurity access and progress being widened, including through the elimination of passwords and the implementation of something else to verify one’s identity – perhaps an implantable microchip?
- A worsening crisis in online trust as advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) blur distinguishing line between humans and machines online
- The growth of AI and ML to the point that most formerly human-run systems become controlled by robots
- An increase in “digital sovereignty” and internet fragmentation
- A growing tug of war between the right to privacy and the government’s lust for more power and control
- Uncertainty about the “metaverse” and what it might entail
- Shifting power dynamics concerning the sovereignty of nations and how they individually handle free speech and online privacy
The latest news about the globalist love affair with censorship can be found at Censorship.news.
Sources for this article include:
Like the ABC “news” report which regaled us with Lael Brainard’s “concern” (ROFLMAO) over the bid by Nippon Steel to purchase US Steel — Lael Brainard who has ardently worked to offshore EVERY job and production facility to communist China —- has “concerns” —- why not dig up the grave of Mao or Pol Pot and inquire of them?!
And the ABC “news” further mentioned that the “super secret” CFIUS would look at it, whose former head of Global Security recently blew up himself and his house in an Arlington, VA, neighborhood!
Why are these PuppetMedia reports so freaking bizarre?!?!
[And, of course, the true back story on US Steel, founded by Andrew Carnegie, whom we are told “he gave away” all his fortune —- he didn’t, it was merged into the Rockefeller family fortune via intermarriage between their family members (Andrew Carnegie Rockefeller recently passed away in 2017); we are told Carnegie “donated” buildings for countless libraries because he was a “great man” instead of that is how, in pre–Big Tech censorship days, he censored books and controlled the publishing industry, forcing them to change “robber barons” to “philanthropists” etc. Control the books into public libraries, exert control on publishing companies and public readership —- cunning devil who posed as a “peacenik” while peddling war materiel to European nations in WWI! (His shipyards sold the submersible to the Kaiser used to sink the Lusitania –– John Moody bragged about this before the sinking occurred in his book, “Masters of Capital”!)]
What a guy, that Carnegie!!!
Regarding the Rockefeller family’s “measely fortune” — — — back in 1960, their actual net woth, in REAL NUMBERS, not relative numbers, was between $30 billion to $60 billion, back when billionaires were unknown!
Their movement of billions to foundations and trusts, effectively utilized an ancient financial structure called the STICHTING, dating back to the 1400s: removing those billions from their personal financial statements — hence they would no longer be taxed for them — to those trusts and foundations, which they still controlled, but “officially” no longer owned — — “GHOST ASSETS”! Which accounts for their lowest rating on the super–flakey “Forbes List of the Richest” — — about as reliable as a medical opinion from Joey bin Biden’s wifey, Dr. Jill!
The populist congressman, Wright Patman, composed quite a number of revealing reports on this “foundations & trusts” scam, although few have ever read them!!! (In essence, the global network of Offshore Finance Centers — or OFCs — formerly called tax havens in times past — is one giant STICHTING!)
Treasure Islands by Nicholas Shaxson
(interesting legislation factoid regarding President Kennedy on behalf of American workers —— only writeup in print of it I have ever witnessed!?)