One of the necessary measures the New World Order needs in order to achieve their vision of The Great Reset is for certain essential resources to be completely under their control. Water, energy, and medicine are among them, and are grouped as the third control-factor I listed recently in an episode of The JD Rucker Show. Today, we’re talking about these and why patriots must make themselves as independent as possible.
The vast majority of Americans are completely beholden to public and private supplies of water. We get it from our faucets, bottled water from stores, and delivered for some in the form of bulk containers of water. Considering just how important water is to life, it behooves Americans to break free from dependence or we may find ourselves forced to bend to the will of a near-future tyrannical government.
Storing water is important for most. Some have easy access to wells, river, lakes, or abundant rain to provide their fresh water for extended periods, but most would be in trouble if the faucets and stores stopped providing us with this essential for life. Storing water takes space and often plenty of money. On top of that, stored water can be very easily contaminated. Those who do not want to be beholden to government should do what they can to story water. Filtering it is also imperative, which is why I strongly recommend one of our sponsors for water filtration.
We’re already feeling the pain at the pump. Many are seeing their electric bills go up, and before the end of the summer it’s almost certain everyone will see this manufactured phenomenon. Then, we get into colder weather and the experts are already warning of natural gas costs going up dramatically.
There are many threats that could cause blackouts and other energy shortages. It’s not just the government, though the measures they’re putting into place seem to make them the prime suspects. It could come from cyberattacks, natural disasters, or unnatural disasters.
It’s a best practice to acquire strong ways to have energy available when you need it. This can mean solar generators for some. That’s what we use, though I cannot make a valid recommendation because I’m not sure I purchased the best ones. Fuel for heating and cooking such as wood and charcoal are also extremely important.
This is the one that gets complicated. Millions of Americans are dependent on prescription medications to maintain their lifestyle or even to stay alive. Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of alternatives for some.
There are two things every American family should do in case access to medication becomes scarce or controlled by public-private partnerships with draconian requirements. First, talk to your doctors about getting as long of a supply as possible. Be mostly honest with them; you may not want to say you’re concerned about the New World Order using medicine to control you, but it wouldn’t be crazy to say you’re concerned about the supply chain and rising costs in the future so you want a longer supply on-hand.
The second thing to do is to seek alternatives. For some, this is impossible, but for many there are natural remedies or alternative sources for medication that can replace the current prescription drugs you’re taking. I’m not a doctor so I cannot make any recommendations, but speaking to your doctor or consulting with someone in holistic medicine may behoove you to do before it becomes a life-threatening issue.
Get Ready
As many of my readers and listeners know, I have never been one to embrace conspiracy theories, at least not before the last two or three years. But now that we’re seeing some of the old “debunked” theories present themselves as long-standing realities, it has become very necessary to take them seriously. We are aware that the powers-that-be are trying to usher in a utopia, at least for themselves, that will make the vast majority of people beholden to them. We must do what we can to maintain our own independence.
This is not just a public service announcement for the sake of being a good guy. I’m being selfish in calling on as many Americans as possible to remove their attachments to government. I know that if and when the crap hits the fan, the fewer people who are beholden on government, the easier it will be for us to fight back or rebuild when the dust settles. We should all want as many of our fellow Americans as we can alert to be aware of how to stay independent.
For some, that means getting off the grid and escaping society as much as possible. For others, this is simply impossible. But regardless of your situation, there are steps you can take to mitigate the dependence you may have in the near future. We can make it through this, Lord willing, but even if we don’t the most important thing to do is to maintain our faith. Christians know how the story ends, and even as we go through challenging times we can take heart in knowing that eternity will be worth any suffering we go through in this life.
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!