(End of the American Dream)—Okay, this is starting to get really weird. At the same time that the Middle East is erupting in flames, the U.S. is being pummeled by major natural disasters and we are preparing for the most pivotal election in modern history, extremely unusual things are happening in the heavens.
The “Comet of the Century” is making a spectacular run past our planet, the Sun has unleashed an extremely powerful coronal mass ejection, a “second Moon” is now orbiting our world, and it is being suggested that we are witnessing an “intriguing alignment of constellations and stars” that appears to relate to events written in the Book of Revelation. Are we really supposed to believe that it is just a “coincidence” that all of these things are occurring simultaneously?
According to ABC News, Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas will be closest to our planet on Saturday…
Prepare to spot a rare, bright comet.
The space rock is slinging toward Earth from the outer reaches of the solar system and will make its closest pass on Saturday. It should be visible through the end of October, clear skies permitting.
As I have discussed previously, something else will also be happening on Saturday.
Yom Kippur beings at sundown on Friday, and it lasts until sundown on Saturday.
Yeah, I suppose that is just another “coincidence” too.
The comet is about two miles wide, but NPR is reporting that the tail of the comet “extends for tens of millions of miles”…
A comet discovered last year — known as C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS — is set to make a close approach to Earth in the coming days.
The snowy dirtball is nearly 2 miles in diameter and its tail of dust and gasses extends for tens of millions of miles, Bill Cooke, lead of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, told NPR.
You will be able to view this comet with the naked eye, but if you have a pair of binoculars you will be able to see what is taking place in spectacular detail…
The comet will initially appear low on the western horizon in the glow of twilight about 45 minutes after sunset each day starting Saturday, Oct. 12, through the end of the month, Cooke said.
The comet can be seen without special equipment but the best view will be through a pair of binoculars.
“Comets look okay to the unaided eye, but with a pair of binoculars, they’ll knock your socks off,” Cooke said. “It’ll be really good in a pair of binoculars. So, if you got a pair of binoculars, why don’t you bring those along and take a look at the comet.”
Amazingly, this comet is making a run past our planet at the same time that something truly unique is happening among the stars.
The following comes from an article that was just authored by journalist Troy Anderson…
On the day I write this, Oct. 9, 2024, a particular video has caught my attention. It explores an intriguing alignment of constellations and stars, drawing parallels to the descriptions found in the book of Revelation.
According to the video, this date may involve a celestial event that mirrors what the apostle John described in his prophetic vision on the Isle of Patmos nearly 2,000 years ago.
Many have written books about how the stars literally foreshadowed the birth of Christ over 2,000 years ago.
Could it be possible that God is using the stars to warn us about what is coming in our time?
According to Anderson, “a rare alignment of planets and stars” appears to depict “the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the great red dragon”…
The video suggests that on Oct. 9, there will be a rare alignment of planets and stars that matches descriptions from the book of Revelation, including the symbolism of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the great red dragon. If these interpretations hold any weight, then this date might represent a significant marker in the prophetic timeline. As a journalist and researcher of biblical prophecy, I find it worth exploring whether such signs could indeed be an indication of the times we’re living in, especially following the Great North American Eclipse on April 8, 2024, which I wrote about in an article for Charisma.
I am so glad that he linked what is happening now with the eclipse that happened on April 8th.
Because I am entirely convinced that they are very closely related.
Meanwhile, the Sun continues to behave very erratically.
We are being told that a “fast-moving coronal mass ejection” was unleashed on Tuesday night, and that caused NOAA’s Space Prediction Center to issue a G4 geomagnetic storm watch…
A “severe” solar storm could make the northern lights visible in the U.S. farther south than usual while also posing the potential to disrupt modern technology, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
A fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME) — a powerful burst of magnetized plasma from the sun’s corona — erupted from the sun on Tuesday night, prompting NOAA’s Space Prediction Center to issue a rare G4 geomagnetic storm watch, indicating “detrimental impacts” to critical technology and possible widespread voltage control problems, according to NOAA.
The CME is expected to cause a moderate solar storm here on Earth on Thursday and Friday, according to NOAA.
On top of everything else, our planet has now acquired a second Moon.
That’s right.
For a little while, a “temporary mini-moon” will be orbiting our planet…
Over the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard somewhere that Earth was going to get a second moon. Well, we can now confirm that Earth now officially has two moons after capturing asteroid 2024 PT5.
On Sunday, September 29, our planet captured the tiny asteroid named 2024 PT5, turning it into a temporary mini-moon.
Needless to say, the vast majority of the population is paying very little attention to what is going on in the heavens.
And hardly anyone believes that the very strange things that are taking place in the sky have any real significance.
But as I have documented, in Genesis chapter 1 God told us that one of the primary reasons why He created the Sun, Moon and stars was because He planed to use them as “signs”, and He has been doing that all throughout human history.
Now it is happening again, and most people are completely missing it.
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
No worries until Mt Shasta cracks off and Arizona starts erupting.
It will get real when the politicians confess to their lies.
While I fully agree there has been much weather modification practiced by many nations over the past three decades, that solar storm, when the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis appeared as far south as DC, Maryland and Delaware, could easily be a major causal factor in the massive hurricanes now pummeling the Southeast!
The Climate Change mindless freaks always, in their ETERNAL IGNORANCE, view the planet Earth as a closed system, bereft of any knowledge of astrophysics, climatology, marine sciences and and paleoclimatology, et cetera!
External daily and eon cycles have enormous impact and effect on the planet’s weather!
Great points on climate, etc.
It seems modern humans are the ONLY animal on the planet that have so much hubris to think pipsqueaks can affect climate and/or our star. But then it was not long ago they actually assumed they were the center of the Universe. The ignorant clearly still do. It’s quite comical.
Dispensationalists, please read what Jesus says to the Jews after he tells them the parable of the wicked husbandmen.
It’s uncanny. Leaves are actually starting to fall off the trees in my yard.
Good One!
Of course, the CIA was behind the latest G4 solar storm. They have been manipulating the Sun for decades.
Thank you for this helpful summary. You personally do a lot of important writing and valuable effort between this site and TheLibertyDaily.com, which is my go-to news aggregate and has been for years. Your stories are often scoops, you analyze the material correctly and honestly should get some kind of Journalist of the Year award. All I can say is a sincere Thank You. You are one of the few making a difference.
The “comet of the century” didn’t really turn out to be visible with the naked eye (I know, I tried, amateur astronomer). Neither can the temporary “moon.”
Something that was supposed to be a “sign” would be easily seen by all. Don’t read too much into it.
“The sun is active very erratically”
THAT is the dumbest statement ever. The sun is doing what it’s done for billions of years.
PREPARE for things you can’t PREVENT.
Curious how you know that the sun is doing what it’s done for billions of years.
no offense, but i always take fake tribe members with a very critical eye….even when they have proven they are truth tellers and even when they claim that Jesus Christ is Lord God….so definitely not trusting you
The alignment may affect aspects of the earth, possibly, if sufficiently strong enough, tectonic plates may be affected. A few months ago, scientists studying the Pacific Plate and the Cascade Plate discovered vent holes along the induction zone that appear to be releasing a liquid lubricant that, they estimated, previously allowed the two plates to release energy somewhat smoothly, evenly. If sufficient lubricant is released, conceivably greater pressure will build up to a point where it is finally released explosively at biblical, catastrophic tectonic plate movements such that, these scientists estimated, the seam of those two huge plates from Vancouver Island south to near San Francisco, everything west of Freeway I-5 will be destroyed from an unimaginably strong movement as the Pacific Plate slides beneath the Cascade Plate. Hopefully, i remember sufficiently accurately what they said. Regardless, you should read it for yourselves. These scientists are actually predicting the event. Notably some 300 years ago, a super earthquake caused huge slides into what is now the Columbia R near North Bonneville as well as incredibly huge and a similar event at the same time in what is now Seattle. The timing is most difficult to estimate, but many serious scientists estimate the next such tectonic plate event is overdue based on the average of past intervals between episodes. It will happen, according to the tectonic plate scientists, it’s just not known when. I only report this herein because it reminds me somehow of major, natural events in the past that were interpreted as Acts of God angry at the grotesque failings of human beings, e.g., the Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, etc.