The removal of religion in schools under the premise of “separation of church and state” led to the decline of America, according to Ohio-based lawyer Tom Renz.
“It was no wonder they started pushing this idea that religion had to be separated from our country – and they started pulling it out of schools,” he said during the May 9 episode of “Lawfare with Tom Renz” on Brighteon.TV.
“Well, let’s look at what happened. Look at the decline that our country experienced in the decades following. The farther religion has gotten from the school; the farther the schools have gotten from teaching kids to be good people; the farther we as a country have declined.”
He also touched on the Supreme Court’s 1962 decision in the Engel v. Vitale case, which ruled that school-sponsored prayer in public schools is unconstitutional. According to the high court, school-sponsored prayer violated the First Amendment as “it is not appropriate for the government to endorse any particular belief system.”
Unfortunately, Renz said the ruling began the real push to remove religion from America. He continued that throughout the 20th century, several bad Supreme Court decisions were at the heart of the nation’s decline.
“Our country is failing right now. Why are we failing? Well, because the morons running our country came from schools where there was no teaching of morality of what’s right and wrong. There were no values taught. We didn’t educate our kids or families to be good Christian people, or good any other type of people. Instead, we move up.”
Renz: Christian entities founded oldest US schools
Renz pointed out that the oldest schools in the U.S. were established by Christian entities and continued largely by churches and communities through the 1800s and most of the 1900s. These had a two-fold purpose of teaching people about the Bible and its values, and teaching children to become upstanding people when they grow up.
“It wasn’t to teach them advanced math, computer programming, trades [or] arts. There were no pottery majors or history majors,” he said. “It was primarily, ‘You need to learn to read and write, so you could study the Bible and be a good person.’ They believe that saving their soul was far more important than anything else.” (Related: Book author Vishal Mangalwadi: Church should be at the center of education.)
Until 1867, there was no federal program for schools. However, the Congress of that time created the Department of Education in a four-paragraph bill. Renz said the law was passed to promote the people creating schools in their communities, not the federal or state government.
Moreover, the bill that gave birth to the Education Department promoted the sharing of information so people could create good schools and support education. Churches and schools were on the same page regarding education until the 1960s, when people started working to end segregation in the school system.
Renz ultimately cited the Soviet Union considering an attack on America through its schools. “There has been a huge movement to undermine American schools and the moral fabric of American society, and it seems to be achieving its goals for quite some time now,” he said.
Watch the May 9 episode of “Lawfare with Tom Renz” below. “Lawfare with Tom Renz” airs every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. and every Saturday at 12:30-1 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.
More related stories:
- Connecting the Dots with Dan Happel: Education molds students to be workers, not thinkers – Brighteon.TV.
- Carey Woodruff: Deceptive curriculum in education system taking the youth down the wrong path – Brighteon.TV.
- Dr. Steve Hotze blasts GROOMERS disguised as teachers in the public education system – Brighteon.TV.
- Tom Renz rants about widespread promotion of LGBT ideology in school system, social media.
Sources include:
What a load of crap.
The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
separation of Church and state is a lie and will be reversed like roe v wade was. No where in any of the founding documents can it be found. It was invented by a roosevelt appointment.
The First Amendment (of the U.S. Constitution) provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Thé founders would not have, not even in their wildest dreams, ever thought that we would have such a cl0wNiSh population to believe all lies & deceit coming out of zero journalistic-integrity MSM, to be able to turn the USA into such a clown world where up is down and left is right.
See, this would have worked if it was located in Amish Christian neighbourhood. This would have worked if parents tought their offspring to be just and righteous. But we living in ClownWest & the days of a righteous society have passed.
Sorry, the links were messed up…
Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. The snowball accelerated in 1980 when Carter gave birth to the department of education. Secularism and the age of public unions dropped out of that and we have been sliding to the obvious goal the marxists had planed all along. We have been warned for the last 70 years what was coming. We are headed toward a physical confrontation. the marxists need a reason to confiscate firearms. It has already started, small issues one after another to desensitize the people toward dismantling the republic one stone at a time. But rest easy it is happening for your own good. Ask any uniparty member they will tell you!
The First Amendment only restrained Congress and the Federal Government, not the States. The Federal judiciary used the Fourteenth Amendment to selectively “incorporate” the Bills of Rights and apply them substantively against the states under the “due process” clause (“Substantive Due Procees”). The Federal judiciary has turned the limitations against the Federal government back against the States! This is the source of our troubles!
When a nation shuns God, God gives them over to the desires of their heart – so they may learn from their mistakes and turn and repent. And if they do not repent, eventually He will judge them for their wickedness. He will judge US for OUR wickedness.
Because even from of old … the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually [Gen 6:5]
“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.” [Jeremiah 17:9-10]
To me, the bigger problem with government and religion is current regulations limiting church political activity through tax law, including endorsing legislation or candidates. If the church can’t comment on the important issues of the day, they’re unable to provide critical guidance to the people. Meanwhile the devil’s allowed full reign on these issues, while church-going people are relegated to discussing old bible lessons from two thousand years ago, daring not to apply them too closely to current issues.
Religious leaders and others in the church should be free to speak about what they wish (1st amendment), even if the discussion delves into politics. The censorship of the church is a big part of what got us into this sorry state. I’m sure it was an early threat to power in this country that needed to be (and still does) neutralized.
In all actuality, what led to our present condition in this country (the root of it), was and is bad doctrine by the various denominations. ALL denominations have erroneous doctrine, which is to be expected when we divided up in these sects. Remember, Scripture warns us to “have no divisions (sects, denominations) among you.” Declaring only mercy and grace – without the necessity of following the Law of God – has led to this. The Law cannot save, but it is the responsibility of Christians (“If you love Me, keep my Commandments,” “Do we then nullify the Law by Grace? May it never be! We establish the Law!”) What was nailed to the cross, the “writings that are against us”, was not the Law, as Christ Himself declared that nothing of the Law would pass away until ALL was accomplished, but was the writings the Pharisees built around the Law, extending it to ridiculous areas. Thus Christ condemned them for this. We have brought this upon ourselves by wanting an easy life and ignoring the parts of Scripture that are ‘inconvenient’. Repent now, and get ready for the onslaught!
“What a load of crap” is allowed as a comment, yet my assertion that government should not be regulating church speech through tax law is not allowed. Your moderation is garbage and not very conservative.
America was subverted by Communists taking over the Democratic Party. This has zero to do with religion. Our founding fathers were deists. English Deism was an important influence on the thinking of Thomas Jefferson and the principles of religious freedom asserted in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Other Founding Fathers who were influenced to various degrees by Deism were Ethan Allen,] Benjamin Franklin, Cornelius Harnett, Gouverneur Morris, Hugh Williamson, James Madison, and possibly Alexander Hamilton. Deism is the belief in the existence of God, specifically in a creator who does not intervene in the universe after creating it, Kevin
When the churches failed miserably at stopping Satan from eating us alive, people realized that the churches they attended could no longer sway the criminality of the socialist hell bent on turning American into Venezuela. And just as it was stated in the bible, when the Apostles confronted Jesus with their concerns that there are others out there who are also healing the sick and shouldn’t we make them stop? What did Jesus say……. Basically saying “If they are doing the work of God, then leave them be”. Does the church believe that our government is even close to doing the work it should, and here are the churches and clergy expecting us to turn the other cheek, because the church has become helpless in figuring out that it is the people they are supposed to help stand strong against criminality, and they do not because they may have their license to preach taken away, thus they have become party to the State’s need to keep us as slaves. Did you religious people not understand the words of Jesus and understand the man who overturned the Money Changers Tables in the temple when it was obvious the Sanhedrin had no belief they needed to stand strong against Rome and thus the Sanhedrin was instrumental in helping to have Jesus strung up on the cross !!!
Hear, hear!