The campaign team surrounding the 2024 Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, Governor Tim Walz (D-MN), and his wife, Gwen Walz, is seeing significant staff changes following several embarrassing weeks for the candidate. Several more experienced individuals, some veterans of the Biden campaign, are being added to better manage Walz’s public events.
Malik Houghton is moving from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to serve as political director. Peter Velz will serve as the director of special projects after running the logistics for the Democratic Party’s 2024 convention. Meanwhile, former Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton campaign advance staffer DJ Ryan is taking over as the director of advance. Additionally, Gwen Walz’s staff is seeing the addition of Biden advance staffer Stephen Groves, Biden White House Deputy Director of Presidential Scheduling Bridget Williams, and aide Monique Flowers.
Since being tapped as Kamala Harris’s running mate, Gov. Walz has been embroiled in cascading controversies, most stemming from his habit of embellishing or outright lying about his record. Earlier this month, the Democrat vice presidential nominee was denounced by members of his own family—including his brother, Jeff Walz, who posted on Facebook that he is “100 percent opposed” to Tim Wazl’s politics. Jeff Walz added that his brother is not the “type of character” voters want to lead the country.
Just days after being attacked by his brother on social media, family members in Nebraska were photographed wearing custom “Walz’s for Trump” t-shirts. The public embarrassment compounds denunciations issued by members of Walz’s former Minnesota National Guard unit, from which he took early retirement, calling him a “habitual liar,” a “coward,” and a “deserter.” […]
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