Lending Tree, the online lending marketplace, asked 2,040 American consumers in early September how they were doing. Seventy-six percent of them said that Bidenflation has made it more difficult than ever to pay their bills. Half of them said they have had to pay certain bills late in the last 12 months. That includes essentials like utility bills, mortgage payments, and cable or internet bills.
When pressed for the reason why, more than half of them answered, “I didn’t have enough money to pay the bill.”
The New American has diligently covered the decline in the economy, contrary to those in the mainstream media whistling past the graveyard. On September 10, we reported that the U.S. consumer was in deep trouble, according to a report from the New York Fed. But one had to dig deep into the numbers to find the truth.
The U.S. Census Bureau was slightly more forthcoming, reporting that nearly four out of 10 adults in the country were finding it “somewhat” or “very” difficult to pay their household expenses: food, gas, rent, insurance, healthcare, and so on. […]
— Read More: thenewamerican.com