Editor’s Note: I am not with the Pentagon, but I do fall into the category of people who believe the UFO phenomenon is driven by demonic powers. I know that puts me in the “fringe” of being a “religious zealot” or whatever, but so be it.
As a secondary theory, it seems at least possible that human elements from the darkest realms of government are behind it all and will use these technologies to further herd the people into their cages, both psychologically and physically. I tend to believe that if this is true, then it’s still being driven by Powers and Principalities and is therefore demonic in nature. With that said, here’s Michael Snyder…
(End of the American Dream)—We live in a world that is getting even weirder with each passing month. In the old days, if you talked about “UFOs” and “aliens” a lot of people would be tempted to think that you were nuts. But now “UFOs” and “aliens” are the subject of high profile hearings in Congress, and corporate news outlets are constantly running stories about new sightings. It has become quite clear that something is going on in the skies above our heads, and this has sparked a tremendous amount of speculation. Are we really being visited by entities from another world, or is something else going on?
Some of the aircraft that have been appearing in our skies are absolutely massive. For example, a new Netflix documentary is examining the case of a gigantic “delta-shaped” UFO that was seen by hundreds of people in Texas over an extended period of time…
For five months after Halloween of 2007, more than 300 locals living 80 miles southwest of Dallas/Fort Worth in Texas began reporting something strange in their skies: a giant ‘delta-shaped’ UFO.
Estimates of its size ranged from ‘over 300 feet to one mile long,’ as the large ‘V-shaped formation,’ sometimes seen with seven orange-red lights, hovered above campfires, cruised past major highways and sped silently across the horizon.
Now, Netflix’s new UFO docu-series ‘Encounters,’ which premiered Wednesday, has delivered fresh details on this larger-than-life object witnessed by over 300 locals high above the desert.
So who is piloting these aircraft?
For decades, movies, television shows, novels and video games have been conditioning people to believe that they are “aliens” from another world.
But there are other theories.
In fact, a British news source just published a story about “a very large contingent of people” at the Pentagon that believe that these creatures are actually demons…
Pentagon commanders have clamped down on research into extraterrestrials because of their religious beliefs, it’s claimed.
Leading UFO researcher Ron James says senior figures in the US government fear aliens are in fact demons. Ron, who is Director of Media Relations for UFO research group MUFON, claims there is “a very large contingent of people” within the Pentagon who opposed the work of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [AATIP] because they think the UAPs regularly reported by US military sources are piloted by creatures from Hell.
How did they arrive at that conclusion?
The article does not say.
But apparently this belief is so pervasive that it was even affecting who was getting funding…
He says he was told by Luis Elizondo, who has gone on record as being the boss of AATIP, it “was not just a little voice in The Pentagon…but a huge group of people thought the phenomenon that was being witnessed was demons”.
This fundamentalist Christian lobby within the US defence establishment “actually affected Elizondo’s ability to get funding, “ Ron says. Belief in both UFOs and the literal truth of the Bible is not entirely incompatible, he adds.
Of course there is quite a bit of evidence that supports the notion that these entities are not our friends.
According to Dr. Hugh Ross, human encounters with these entities are “always deleterious” and can never be categorized as beneficial…
As for the human reaction to these encounters, Ross also noted they are “never beneficial” and interactions are “always deleterious.”
“The best you’re going to come away from with one of these encounters is recurring, terrifying nightmares,” he said. “Worst case scenario, you get killed.”
Reports of alien encounters also mirror what some have experienced during claims of demonic activity, he said. From going into trances to engaging in automatic writing, Ross believes the parallels between possession and purported interactions with extraterrestrials cannot be ignored.
And it should be noted that a very high proportion of those that do have such encounters are involved in occult activities in some way.
So something very strange is definitely going on with these creatures. And these days members of Congress are even openly talking about them.
During a recent podcast, U.S. Representative Tim Burchett suggested that these entities appear to have technology that humanity “can’t handle”…
A Tennessee lawmaker issued a dire warning after claiming to have seen classified UFO footage that hasn’t been released to the public.
Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., speculated extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity “can’t handle” during an appearance on the “Event Horizon” podcast.
“If they’re out there, they’re out there, and if they have this kind of technology, then they could turn us into a charcoal briquette,” Burchett said.
And he went on to say that we “couldn’t fight them off if we wanted to”…
Burchett is a sitting member on the House Oversight Committee, which has held hearings about potential threats of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), a government-derived term for UFOs.
“We can’t handle it,” Burchett said during his podcast appearance about potential alien tech. “We couldn’t fight them off if we wanted to. That’s why I don’t think they’re a threat to us, or they would already have been.”
Burchett seems to believe that if they were going to attack they would have done so already.
But what if he is wrong? Or what if they have another insidious plan that does not involve direct warfare? There is so much that we don’t know.
Thankfully, new legislation may make it easier for information about UFOs to get out to the public…
The Senate passed an amendment in July that will be part of the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) for 2024.
Known as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Discloser Act, it says Government agencies with records, samples of craft or ‘biological’ material must hand it over within 300 days.
President Joe Biden will have 90 days to appoint a nine-person Review Board responsible for investigating each record and determining if they are considered UAPs that should be disclosed to the public.
Any government agency possessing such records will be required to hand over printed and digital copies to the board, which has 180 days to investigate and 14 days to publish their findings.
Hopefully this new legislation will do some good. But why now? Why are they suddenly being so open?
As I asked in my most recent book, are we being prepared for something? I wish that I had answers to all of those questions. But I don’t.
I do believe, however, that a very evil agenda is at work, and I also believe that things will get much clearer during the months and years to come.
Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
My comments are in no way critical of this article and I do not doubt anything in this article, my comments are STRICTLY AIMED AT THE PENTAGON: any Mental Category One veteran today has zero faith in anyone or thing within the Pentagon, whose personnel are incapable of locating their GENITALS!
After years of incremental EQUITY staffing, away from merit–based systems, the Pentagon doesn’t even qualify as a joke ——the abysmal, putrid level of the high command officers is horrendous, they are all unfit for duty!!!
The USS Bonhomme Richard Debacle, the USS Connecticut Incident, the Chicom surveillance balloon overflight (or overflights) are beyond THE BEYOND in sheer corruption, imcompetence, mass dereliction of duty, etc.
The Pentagon . . . the US military (or Milleytary) can never be an EQUITY institution, which today it is! Halfwitted CEOs at IBM decided to embrace and go full–on coxial equity in the late 1970s and 1980s, taking IBM from #1 position and plummeting it to below #100 position, and rather quickly!
The clown executives believed any joe or jane off the street who were in speciific gender/race/ethnic groups could easily be a hardware wngineer, database developer, DSP engineer, etc. —- they really believed such insane nonsense —- like a fictional movie where the college basketball player blows out his knee and decides to become an “overnight computer genius”!!!
Sorry, IBM CEO cowboys, don’t work out like that! And a 21st technical military it works out a thousand times worse and more deadly in a suicidal manner of speaking!!!
There was, until very recently, also a psycho dude at the Pentagon, occupying a high–level position with highest security clearance and access to the most sensitive data who was operating ILLEGAL dogfights for 21 years and electrocuting dead the losing dogs with jumper cables! So this individual should have had frequent security background checks yet nobody ever caught on to this?????
“Frederick D. Moorefield, Jr. is the DCIO for Command, Control, & Communications (C3). As DCIO, Mr. Moorefield provides technical expertise and broad guidance on policy, programmatic and technical issues relating to C4IIC to integrate and synchronize defense-wide communications and infrastructure programs. . . .”
(The above is from his cached bio, removed from the DoDCIO site!)