The worst kept secret in politics is that most Establishment Republicans play for the other team. If not unofficial card-carrying Democrats, they are full-time members of a Uniparty that actively undermines the work of rank-and-file Republicans.
For the longest time, Republican voters just thought their “leaders” were stupid. Their unimpressive “representatives” not only seemed incapable of making the simplest of political layups, but also routinely dribbled the ball down the length of the court just to score on themselves. Far from ever witnessing elected Republicans snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, middle-class Republicans regularly watched country club Republicans snatch defeat from certain victory.
All that inexplicable buffoonery finally revealed something far more unsavory: just as Marxists have been engaged in a “long march” through our institutions in a diabolical but dedicated effort to replace America’s foundations in freedom with communism’s concrete boots, they did not spare the Republican Party from their subversive infiltration.
There’s a reason why Republican officials in Georgia, Arizona, and elsewhere have worked with lawless Democrat prosecutors to imprison any Republican fighting for free and fair elections: those “Republican” officials have always been agents for the other side. As ordinary Republicans see more and more of these “Republicans In Name Only” for what they really are, voters have come to the shocking conclusion that the vast majority of elected officials are in fact RINOs, too.
For decades, voters haven’t been choosing between Democrats and Republicans but rather between Democrats and Democrats pretending to be Republicans. The illusion of electoral choice has allowed Marxist globalism to advance behind the veil of Uniparty tyranny.
That illusion is now shattered. How do we know? Because RINO schemes are no longer working as they once did. Endorsements from Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan — the leaders of the party only a decade ago — are now the kiss of death for any candidate. People see through the Murdoch family’s efforts to use its media empire to create astroturfed support for politicians under the family’s control.
The Bush-Cheney construction of a post-9/11 surveillance state that Obama and Holder transformed into a whole-of-government operation for targeting conservatives has mangled any goodwill grassroots Republicans once attached to the Bush or Cheney names. What residual esteem might have remained, Liz Cheney successfully destroyed when she participated in Nancy Pelosi’s nefarious J6 inquisition designed to malign President Trump and his supporters as “domestic terrorists” and punish them for daring to exercise their constitutionally protected free speech. RINO support for despotism has left an acrid taste that will never be fully washed out.
At this critical juncture in American history, when nothing less than liberty’s survival is on the line, the Establishment quislings running the Republican Party have done demonstrable harm to the country. When Obama’s IRS was illegally targeting conservative Tea Party groups, Mitch McConnell was silent.
When Obama’s FBI was illegally spying on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, Republican members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence were silent. When Andrew Weissmann was using Robert Mueller’s special counsel witch hunt as a weapon to obstruct Trump’s presidency, Paul Ryan was silent. When the Gestapo-FBI worked with Democrats to advance the preposterous narrative that the J6 political protest against mail-in-ballot fraud was actually an “insurrection” seeking to topple the U.S. government, nearly every elected Republican remained silent.
When Merrick Garland’s Department of (in)Justice decided to spend the next three years hunting down patriotic grandparents, conservative journalists, and military veterans — most with no criminal records but rather lifetimes of service to their countries — as if they were “terrorists,” elected Republicans remained silent.
While J6 protesters are separated from their families and thrown into jail cells without any semblance of due process, there is silence. While J6 targets commit suicide to avoid the financial costs and emotional carnage leveled by an indifferent criminal “justice” system, there is silence.
While Democrat prosecutors, judges, and juries work together to hand out decade-long prison sentences to Trump-supporters as punishment for their unapproved thoughts, there is silence. While Democrat prosecutors, judges, and juries work together to fine, disbar, financially ruin, or incarcerate anybody advocating for election integrity, there is silence. While Democrat prosecutors, judges, and juries work together to deliver harsher judgments against President Trump than the U.S. government has sought for some convicted terrorists, the silence is deafening. At the very moment in history when an opposition party has been most needed to avert America’s descent toward total tyranny, the Republican Party has been AWOL for all to see.
With no political party staunchly defending Americans’ liberty, the totalitarian virus spreads quickly. Nancy Pelosi stepped away from her coven last week to bemoan Republican efforts to burn literary classics. The allegation is completely false. Americans are actively defending themselves against the Democrat-aligned Deep State’s viewpoint discrimination and social media censorship campaigns, but Pelosi applies Democrats’ tried-and-true rhetorical weapon — projection — with ease because Establishment Republicans have been silent in the face of tyranny. She knows she can lie about conservatives burning books while Democrats openly assail free speech because the feckless Republican Party is nothing but a foil meant to advance Uniparty goals. The charade is obvious and odious.
In support of Nikki Haley’s presidential ambitions, New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu claims Haley will win because she is the natural candidate for people who believe in that “‘live free or die’ thing.” Putting aside the difficulty of defending how a neocon such as Haley — who believes that internet anonymity is a national security threat — could be the “liberty” candidate, it is Sununu’s flippant description of living freely as some shiny-but-unimportant “thing” that demonstrates the hollowness of his words.
“Live free or die” isn’t a bumper sticker. It’s an American creed that the good people of New Hampshire made their state’s motto for good reason: without liberty, we have nothing. To Establishment Republicans, though, “liberty” is a trinket to be dragged out during election season, something for Sununu to say out loud, as if he’s borrowing an unfamiliar word from a foreign language. Surely someone with a firmer faith in freedom should lead the Granite State — or at least someone who doesn’t beg Democrats to vote for his preferred candidate in the Republican primary.
Alas, this is where we are today — “represented” by a rubbery rump of reprehensible RINOs who refuse to recognize tyranny even when it slaps them across the face. Former speaker Paul Ryan did nothing to prevent Obama from forcing socialized medicine upon the American people. He was silent while Biden forced Americans to undergo experimental medical treatments. He has done nothing to defend conservatives from the DOJ’s ongoing legal persecution. He has never once called out Liar-in-Chief Joe for targeting “Make America Great Again” voters as “domestic terrorists.” He has said nothing as federal agencies take turns abusing their authority to put Donald Trump in legal jeopardy. Yet Janus-faced Ryan has the audacity to call President Trump an “authoritarian.”
Mitt Romney — a morally vacuous, deceitful, and self-serving poser who alters his personal convictions whenever political expediency requires — hyperventilated over President Trump’s accurate assessment that the Biden Crime Family had engaged in quid-pro-quo corruption with foreign actors in Ukraine and elsewhere. In order to protect Biden’s 2020 election prospects, Romney ludicrously accused Trump of committing the worst kind of impeachable offense — investigating his opponent. Fast-forward a few years, and not only has Biden abused the criminal justice system to endlessly target Trump, but also the evidence of his own culpability in a foreign bribery scandal has become overwhelming. Yet mendacious Mitt now sees nothing.
Just like their Democrat donkey friends, the Republican Party’s paper elephants are all jackasses.
Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Mitt’s still pissed that Trump never grabbed his pussy. Such a loser. I wonder how young the boy is in the pictures they are blackmailing Mitt with.
absolutely agree!!!
That was a great article. RINOs are equivalent to traitors. At least you know that a Democrat will assault you from the front, whereas a RINO will stab you in the back after helping him/her get elected (e.g., Sen. John Cornyn on gun laws). One additional adjective that I would add to describe Romney is “sanctimonious”. Trump is right to focus on Republican primaries as one of the steps required to drain the swamp. Term limits would assist as well.
You forgot the paper elephant heading up the RNC…Ronna the Jilting Jackass should be toppled first. She’s the whore of Blabb-a-lot, the acting head of the snake, the Dem-in-Drag who has done more to sabotage conservative candidates than 10 elected RINOs. Why she remains in position is a testimony to how “do-nothing” the Republican base is as well. It isn’t just the politicians who have abandoned duty.
Nothing will change as long as we are not willing to fall on our swords and not vote them in even if it means the Democrats win. What have we achieved by voting for the Bushes, Cheneys, Haleys, Ryans. Mitts, McConnells, Thunes and all the other faux Republicans?
…are you serious..nope, never cast you vote w/the notion “even though a democrat will win”… that should never factor in w/your vote… NEVER!
The voters have to be more discerning in the future. Not everyone with an R after their name is on our team!!!
The treasonous rino swine mitch and his rino henchman leadership team, all betrayed its constituents to collide with obumma and usher in puppet Joe, America has since thoroughly rejected, All of those treasonous rino senators need to be held to account, even the ones that remained radio silent.
president trump WILL clean house… let him do what he does best.
I agree with the article. The identified suspects are at fault. Trump however is not an effective insightful executive however superior he is to any Democrat running or rumored to be running, who are just plain evil. Trump is too easily distracted, dropped the ball or otherwise handed Democrats the game on several important issues and I fear will not make any better personnel decisions by substituting one group of flatterers for another. To the extent “blame the party weakness” is in vogue Trump anointed the RNC chair and thereby its apparat after his first nomination, and renewed it to encompass the 2024 election. So I guess one cannot hate on the establishment without hating on Trump or at least his executive competence.