“If a doctor in his spare time can lose his job for discussing vital issues of the day on his own social media page, then none of us are safe.”
While Jereth Kok may not be a household name to most folks, many Australian Christians at least would/should recognise it. As I have reported in a number of articles now, this Christian general practitioner lost his job some five years ago. This left him scrambling to find work since August 2019 as he seeks to provide for his family of four.
The Medical Board of Australia had given him the boot. Wow, he must have been one really bad dude. Did he steal funds from the medical practice? Did he molest a patient? Did he engage in gross medical malpractice? Um, no. He simply posted some general commentary in his own time on a few websites.
The sorts of things he said on his own Facebook page and elsewhere that caused the MBA to go apoplectic were along these lines:
- Children should have a mother and a father where possible.
- Men putting on dresses and growing their hair does not turn them into women.
- Killing unborn babies in the womb is a morally questionable practice.
- Marriage should be between a man and a woman.
- One can rightly discuss questionable medical procedures and practices.
— Read More: caldronpool.com