Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin makes a tackle, gets up, and immediately falls down. Every commentator immediately declares that Hamlin’s medical emergency is due to “commotio cordis.” Or so it seems. Any discussion of the possibility of the COVID vaccine’s involvement is “lies.”
I serve as a medical information resource to an Orlando political talk show called “The American Adversaries.” So, when this very public medical event happened, I became Chris Hart’s on-air guest. His co-host is Mike McBath, a former Detroit Lions player who is still actively involved in player issues. While doing my homework, I found lots of doctors making diagnoses. It did not matter whether the vocalist was in the front or the back row, he was singing in unison with the choir. This raises a serious question for these doctors. “Didn’t your medical school make you take a class on ‘differential diagnosis’?”
Let me ‘splain this for you. If you have high blood pressure, your doctor should do a good history, an examination, and some tests before he decides on the proper treatment for your blood pressure. Do you have:
- Morbid obesity
- Family history of hypertension
- Periodic sweating and fast heartbeat
- Or (many more)?
The point of all this is to make certain that the doctor is tackling the actual problem causing the high blood pressure. If he doesn’t, you’ll get a treatment that, at best, won’t help and, at worst, might be dangerous. Most of us are familiar with this in the epidemic of diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Lots of bright kids are getting (mal)treated with medications when their only problem is that they’re bored in school. The proper treatment for them is more challenging school work, not medications.
Just as hypertension and bored kids need proper diagnoses, the Damar Hamlin incident cries out for the same. And all those doctors making armchair diagnoses should slow down until they see all of Hamlin’s chart. In particular, they should stop claiming that anyone who implicates the clot shot is spreading misinformation. I haven’t seen Hamlin’s chart, so I can’t say for certain what caused his cardiac arrest, but I can be responsible and explain what may have happened. Notice that I said “may,” not “did.”
There are at least four possibilities that must be in the differential for Hamlin’s arrest.
1. Commotio cordis
2. Sudden death following COVID vaccination
3. Adrenaline-induced lethal arrhythmia following chronic COVID vaccination-induced myocarditis
4. Chronic underlying structural or electrophysiological cardiac pathology manifesting at that moment.
It’s crucially important to understand that those four don’t include all the “rare birds” listed by Dr. McCullough. Further, all of them would look exactly the same during the seconds from contact to collapse. All of them would stop his heart from pumping at the same moment. From the time his heart stopped until he passed out would be on the order of ten to fifteen seconds. That’s simply because your brain and body haven’t used up the oxygen the bloodstream already delivered.
Anyone who has watched a hunting show knows that an elk or moose can run hundreds of yards before collapsing, even after its heart has been destroyed by the bullet.
Ditto for Damar Hamlin. He made the tackle, stood up, and fell over when his brain and muscles exhausted the oxygen they already had.
We can wipe one of those choices off the list right away. Top-line professional athletes get really serious cardiac exams before their team signs the final contract. So, Hamlin is virtually certain no to have had any big-time anatomic or electrical problems with his heart before he joined the Buffalo Bills.
Commotio cordis (Latin for “commotion of the heart”) happens when a small dense object impacts the sternum (breast bone), creating an electrical impulse at exactly the wrong moment in the cardiac cycle. This “R on T” phenomenon puts the heart into ventricular fibrillation, a rhythm that doesn’t pump any blood. This is the “diagnosis” being shouted everywhere in the internet. But nobody claiming “This is it!” has a clue. There just isn’t any public medical data on Hamlin’s event. All we have is the Monday Night Football video and a clock.
Commotio cordis is most common in teenagers, whose chest walls are more flexible than adults. But even there, it’s rare, with only twenty or so cases in the US each year. Common missiles are softballs, hockey pucks, and similar small items. They strike the sternum, in the center of the chest, very close to the heart.
In Hamlin’s case, a frame-by-frame inspection of the event shows that the runner’s right shoulder pad struck Hamlin on the right side of his chest. This pad is designed to reduce impact forces, so it’s very unlikely that it would have generated any appreciable shock.
In fact, multiple knowledgeable observers, including Mike McBath, have commented that there was nothing unusual about the tackle. Hamlin was throwing the runner to Hamlin’s left as the runner tried to escape around Hamlin’s right. The runner’s helmet never impacted Hamlin’s chest.
This doesn’t mean that commotio cordis has been completely ruled out. It just makes it much less likely. And there are two other possibilities we must consider. The first is that Hamlin was in that short window for myocarditis and sudden death after the mRNA COVID shot. With no information to confirm this, we must put that in the “question mark” box.
A closely related possibility is chronic myocarditis from the COVID shot. This creates a susceptibility to adrenaline, leading to bad heart rhythms. In fact, it appears that all sudden death incidents, both after COVID and COVID shots, are directly due to surges of adrenaline.
Once again, Mike McBath confirms that during a game, at the moment of intense activity like making a tackle, personal adrenaline peaks. If Hamlin had this sort of subclinical chronic injury from the mRNA shot, the moment of the tackle could easily have set off a lethal event.
The events after Hamlin’s collapse also point us to the “vaccine,” which we know he had taken because he is not one of the two Bills who did not get the full original course. He was defibrillated very quickly, and this should have been able to convert him to a stable rhythm. But it took nine minutes to get a stable heart rhythm re-established. This suggests more serious underlying pathology, as we’d expect with a vaccine injury.
The careful reader will notice that I have not said, “Hamlin’s injury is due to xxx.” I just don’t have that information. The multitude of commentators voting for commotio cordis could be right.
But the information we have lines up better with a vaccine injury. Finally, I do not have high hopes for complete recovery. A nine-minute resuscitation is likely to lead to severe brain injury from lack of oxygen. But his early recovery of language function does point toward a better outcome than most.
The NFL should mandate that all its players and staff be examined for vaccine-induced cardiac injury. It would be a great service to them and to America.
Ted Noel MD is a retired Anesthesiologist/Intensivist who podcasts and posts on social media as DoctorTed and @vidzette. His DoctorTed podcasts are available on many podcast channels.
Thank you for a thoughtful examination of the data and a call for medical questions, rather than group/mob consensus to trying to eliminate the possibility of the untested vaccination being the culprit.
If your heart is STOPPED, even briefly, I can tell you from personal experience, YOU KNOW. And when that happens, the last thing you would want to do is JUMP to your feet. You are immediately taken by fear. And you will want to lie down. And BTW, a cardiac event is often excruciating. My personal experience says the event most likely happened after he stood up.
Great article and great post.
Now, expect the Fake Medicine echo chamber to cancel you and revoke your license to practice medicine for this heresy.
So the safe and effective stuff causes a fragile heart and with exertion at a high level of competition what could go wrong?
safe and effective stuff causes a fragile heart and with exertion at a high level of competition what could go wrong?
I’d never heard of this football player before but I knew there were a very few that resisted the ‘shot made mandatory’ (as have I). A friend told me of the event and I was sure then, as now, the answer lies in irresponsible medical behavior without basic analysis of a manufactured hoax.
Thank you doctor for reminding doctors they are investigators, too. Please act like it.
Eleven months ago, intense pain, a black big toe with the bottom rotting away and a CT showing 10cm of total blockage of a femoral artery necessitated a bypass operation with several follow-up blood flow appointments, one requiring a balloon expansion and overnight stay in hospital. After all that, nobody has asked me if I got vaccinated or not. Never. What happened to curiosity? Where is the gathering of real life evidence?
Anecdotal evidence has weight if piled high enough.
I’ve lost two good friends less than a month after their shots. I don’t know a single soul killed by Covid.
Something is VERY wrong!! It needs to be righted!
So sorry to hear what happened to you. I applaud you for speaking out. The whole world knows what is going on with the jabs and these doctors who continue to act ignorant are slapping us all in the face, including the maimed and the dead. They are bribing the injured and the families of the dead to keep their mouths shut, which makes those who take the bribe instead of speaking out and Saving Lives, culpable in this horror.
Kind of hard to trust doctors after the events of 2020 to now and ongoing.
Like the first commenter I know two people (men in their 60s) that dropped dead shortly after being vaccinated. I know one 30 year-old that got such bad myocarditis after hit first injection that his pro-vax doctor told him not to get the second. I know one 19 year-old man that had a brain bleed ten days after vaccination and will be in his parents’ care for the rest of his/their lives. I know two others seriously injured post-vax. But I don’t know a single person that died or was injured by covid. Why are governments still telling everyone get vaxxed and/or boosted??? The world has gone completely mad.
Great job, thanks for speaking the truth!