Remember the false narrative about WMDs in Iraq? That was so the US politicians could invade and steal oil. That’s called disinformation, and the US Government is a leader in its practice and implementation. Disinformation is misleading or false information, such as a mainstream “narrative,” that is deliberately deceptive. It’s worse than misinformation, which is not always deliberate. Narratives are often never attributed to any particular source, besides other false narratives, that all just circle back to each other as “sources,” as witnessed with the long-standing Russia-Collusion hoax after Trump won the presidency.
Over time, disinformation can affect memory and influence actions of those who become emotionally connected or “brainwashed,” even after that incorrect information is retracted. The role of social media should not be underrated, especially among millennials and today’s youth, as disinformation coming from the US government through those portals has been nothing short of a disinformation tsunami.
Advances in technology have helped the CDC and Biden Regime rapidly spread disinformation about disease, climate, war, and resources
Young folks, including young adults, teens, and children, are quick to believe everything they see and hear on social media, YouTube, and by searching via Google. They don’t watch much TV news, talk shows, or read the newspapers, like the older generations still do. For example, entire communities of young people are convinced the world is getting hotter due to human activity and that we’ll all die of heat if we don’t stop using gasoline in the next decade or two. That’s environmental disinformation spread by regulatory agencies, like the EPA, on a grand scale.
Nearly all Democrats and Liberals are still wearing their bacteria-breeding masks from the pandemic, either out of sheer brainwashing (paranoia) or as a sense of collusion, or both. They don’t understand that the masks were always just a form of communist control of the populace, to see how badly they could be coerced, and to help breed disease and disorder during the scamdemic. Talk about a contagious form of disinformation. It was the masks that went “viral,” more so than any virus or “gain of function” parasites. Then came the Covid clot shots and the most dangerous and deadly disinformation campaign the world has ever known. It’s nothing short of a Vaccine Holocaust, and it’s still happening.
For politicians to continue embezzling American taxpayer funds on the grandest of scales, they must invoke war and somehow brainwash a large swath of citizens to support it. This is the case with the “War on Ukraine.” The brainwashing is right there in the name, as it declares that the war is ON them, and so they must be defended, as if the leaders of that nation are innocent of horrific crimes and NATO-funded atrocities. In fact, several chemical warfare bio-labs were built, funded, and revealed there, but the disinformation campaign by Beijing Biden and his cohorts has convinced many Americans otherwise. Ukraine forces are Nazi-sympathizers and deserve no assistance from our country, especially while the USA is suffering its own economic woes and supply chain dismantling.
The food, money, and gun grab is core to the Biden Regime turning America into a socialist and communist hell-hole
Food shortages in America are well planned, but the socialist regime does not want anyone to realize it, so the disinformation campaign on that runs deep. Everything but the purposeful supply chain crippling is to blame, including “Russia’s war on Ukraine,” climate change, random fires and explosions at food processing factories, bird flu, and wait for it… Americans who won’t eat bugs instead of meat and eggs.
Between the Obama regime and the Biden regime, over $15 trillion dollars has been printed and disappeared into thin air. None was spent on education, infrastructure, or military defense systems. It’s just gone. Some was given as handouts to keep people reliant on Big Government, only to try to ensure future votes from lazy, unemployed peons, illegal immigrants, and drug addicts. The disinformation campaign about money is splattered everywhere, while the tyrants in Washington DC (along with their globalist cohorts) try to rob the rest of the world of every single penny.
Then there are always disinformation campaigns run by the Democrats right after mass shootings. Most mass shootings occur when young men, often Democrats themselves, take psychotropic SSRI medications and use registered weapons to shoot up a school, mall, or movie theatre. Sometimes those events are completely staged by the FBI. Still, the disinformation narratives run across all mass media and social media so the ‘Dirty Dems’ can attempt to take away all guns from Americans and nullify the second amendment of the Constitution. This is nothing new, and it never works.
One of the first large-scale disinformation campaigns came with the Vietnam War, where American politicians continually lied and told American citizens we were “winning” the war, while putting Blacks on the front lines in what was later termed the “meat grinder.” Martin Luther King tried to blow the whistle on this disinformation campaign, but he was shot to death for it.
Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about surviving and thriving in the near future, and news that’s being scrubbed from MSM and social media as you read this.
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Whoever wrote this articleay have just cost this venue some credibility. Up until this morning I have accepted everything printed here without exception. Today though you said that our attack on Iraq was due to disinformation about WMDs so we could take their oil. I’ll read it again to make sure but that was my takeaway from the first pass.
You know Iraq had WMDs and anyone who doubts this is naive. But most importantly we didn’t go in there for oil nor did we ever take a single drop from there without paying premium price a.k.a. what those ungrateful bastards charged us afterward. Don’t lie.