Steve Kirsch has been extremely involved with fighting “vaccine” misinformation. No, he’s not fighting the anti-vaxxers who share what corporate media refers to as “vaccine misinformation.” Kirsch fights those who are promoting the false Covid agenda. He battles press, doctors, and anyone who claims the jabs are “safe and effective.”
Kirsch has built eight high-tech companies in his career as an investor. His attention turned to the jabs once he learned about friends who had relatives dying shortly after getting injected. That propelled him down a road to become one of the most prominent anti-vaxx voices, especially with his extremely popular Substack. He has an excellent resource for those who want more facts to help spread the word.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, Kirsch joined me to discuss what’s been happening lately. I asked about what the rest of us can do to fight vaccine misinformation. Not all of us are tech millionaires with popular Substacks, so I turned to him for insights.
Kirsch’s answer to one particular question highlighted an important way we can fight back against the jabs. It all comes down to asking the right questions of your doctors. Here’s the partial transcript from that particular segment:
Rucker: My final question for you, sir, goes back to what can we do? I know you’re out there fighting the good fight. I know. I wake up in the morning, I pray and I try to figure out what can we do today to fight the good fight. And then I go all the way to the end of the day and then I pass out usually at my computer and then start again the next day.
But what about everybody else? Yeah. What about my listeners? What about your Substack people, your subscribers? What about this audience that’s rapidly grow? What can they do?
Kirsch: Get educated, right? And one of the best ways is subscribe to my Substack. You can subscribe to other people’s Substack as well.
Pierre Cory has a Substack. Jessica Rose has a Substack. Robert Malone has a Substack, you know, get educated on this stuff so you know what you’re talking about. So when people say, ‘Well, about what about da, da, da, da, da,’ that you can respond
Try to red pill your friends, try to say, ‘You know, have you seen this article? You see this article that just came out?’
Forward my articles, forward it on social media. Say, Hey, I have a question,’ and this is something that everybody could do, is play dumb, play dumb with your doctor. ‘Hey, I read this article on Steve Kirsch’s, Substack on da, da da, da da. Well, what’s up with that? Like, is he wrong? And if so, how is he wrong?’
Like, why is… ask your doctor? Why is Dr. Malhotra, who was once a proponent of vaccines saying he looked at the data and now he’s calling for the halt of the vaccines. And Peter McCullough is calling for a halt and Robert Malone is calling for halt. Are all these people wrong and how do I know?
Or my favorite is, ask your doctor for the all cause risk benefit analysis, mortality and morbidity for these vaccines. ‘Hey, can I see it?’ And your doctor will say, ‘Well, it doesn’t exist because we never studied it.’
And, and Alex Berenson, and I’ll give him credit. He wrote a great article recently said, ‘Hey, you won’t find these studies.’
You know, I’ve been saying this for a long, long time. These studies don’t exist. They don’t exist for any vaccine. There’s no cost benefit analysis for any vaccine where the vaccine is compared against the placebo. And we look at the all cause mortality and morbidity of the vaccine. So all you do is you ask your doctor, and I don’t care whether it’s your pet doctor who’s pushing the vaccine on you.
Because all of it turns out that all the vaccines, we don’t have any safety data on them. We don’t have any all cause mortality, morbidity, risk benefit analysis against the placebo for any of the 70 vaccines that we tell you to inject into your kids. It doesn’t exist. And in fact, the studies that have been done, which they try to discredit, and like Paul Thomas did one, which showed that the more you vaccinate, the more office visit the, the kids have, the more sicker they are and so forth.
But there’s no study. That shows that, hey, the more you vaccinate, the lower the disease, the lower the cancer rates, the, you know, there’s no, there’s no such study because, and they don’t do it. And vaccines have been around for 60 years. Why haven’t they done it? Why haven’t they done a study showing, ‘Hey, we were right.’
The answer is because they know they’re wrong. They know if they did the study, it would completely eradicate trust in the medical community for waiting 60 years to do a study showing that these vaccines are not safe. So they don’t do the studies and they train people in medical school, of course, everybody knows vaccines are unsafe or sorry, that everybody knows vaccines are safe.
Right? And, and it perpetuates the. This is why Dr. Malhotra was so convinced the vaccine serve, that’s why he took the vaccine, because in medical school they said trust the authorities, trust the trials and trust medical science and trust your, your history. Believe us, if vaccines weren’t safe, we wouldn’t be recommending it to us.
So it’s not even something open for discussion, it’s just a given. So anyway, for people to take action, the more people are educated on this and the more they confront the doctors because it’s the doctors that people pay attention to. So if you want to do one thing for me is ask your doctor for the all cause mortality, morbidity, risk benefits, study for any vaccine.
He may tell you to go somewhere else for asking that question. But what he will not do, and I guarantee you this, what he will not do is he will not show you the study because there isn’t one. And so, you know, when I talked to my blue pill friends, they said, ‘Steve, you’re not a. All my doctors are saying, get the shot. Now, if one of my doctors said don’t get the shot, I might think you’re right, but none of my doctors have said not to get the shot.’
And I say, Of course, they’re not gonna say that because they don’t want to have their license taken away. So you have to ask them that one question. Show me the data. You know, it’s like Jerry McGuire, right? You see the movie Jerry McGuire? You know, ‘Show me the money,’ right. In this case I want everybody to go to their own doctor, everybody listening, and just ask them one question. ‘Hey, could you just show me the data? Could you show me the the risk benefit data all cause all, and this is important, all cause mortality and morbidity.’
That’s the key. All cause mortality because these guys just focus on one thing which is, ‘Oh, did the vaccine have an, uh, an effect?’ Yeah, but at what cost? They never think that the vaccines could be causing any significant mortality or morbidity. You know, it’s like the most recent boosters, right? They’re tested on eight mice. They’re not even tested on human beings. They have no idea what the long term effects are. Like, why should you take a vaccine where you have no idea? Look, is this thing gonna… ask your doctor, ‘Is this thing going to modify my DNA, like, permanently?’ And, he has to say, ‘I don’t know,’ because we don’t know yet.
After the interview, I started thinking about the importance of asking our doctors such questions. If we’re really going to end medical tyranny, we’re going to have to get more brave doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to step forward and tell the world what they know. Unfortunately, I imagine that most medical professionals are now well aware that the jabs don’t work and they are causing a massive number of adverse reactions, but they’re usually too afraid of losing their jobs or even their licenses if they go against Big Pharma and the government on the issue.
If more patients hold their own doctors accountable, maybe they’ll start speaking out. We did this, and thankfully we had picked out some amazing medical professionals for our family. We only had to leave one of our family’s many doctors. The others were not willing to endorse the vaccines, and after I let them know that I was adamantly opposed to them, a few became more open to describing to me what they’ve seen and why they only recommend jabs out of fear of getting booted from their profession.
Our pediatrician hasn’t bended at all. Even in woke California, he does not recommend getting kids jabbed. He doesn’t recommend adults getting jabbed. He doesn’t have anyone on staff who got jabbed. He’s a great doctor, a real blessing.
Seek the same.
Ask questions. If doctors and nurses are going to lie in order to save their jobs, you have the right and even the responsibility to be aware of their stances. And if they’re in denial or outright lying, find better options.
Article originally published on my Substack.
I asked my heart doctor to tell me if he could tell me what the noise was that was coming from the engine of my
car, and he said he wasnt a mechanic, so I said: YOU ARENT A VACCINOLOGIST but you are telling me all about
vaccines, and the specific one you are talking about isnt even a vaccine. HE WASNT AMUSED.
I have no sympathy any more for any person who has buried their heads in the sand on the Fauci death juice. Get that if you want it, but remember people warned you, so while you’re not well and fading away, don’t blame those who knew better. And most of us did not need to listen to conspiracy theorists talk about it; we simply knew better. For just one aspect, if you don’t get a regular flu shot, every so often, you might actually catch the flu. Usually you dodge it, but not always. You either get better and move on or your body wasn’t up to the fight and you passed away. Sometimes if you do get the flu shot, same results. But most people with their eyes open have seen and heard about these insane oligarchs plans to murder half the worlds population and they are achieving it. You can get in line to be murdered with the other sheep, or you can stick out your
and say nope. You’re gonna have to think up something better than that plan.