We support President Trump’s tariff policies. With that said, it may behoove Americans to consider rolling over or transferring their retirement accounts tax-free with a faith-driven gold company, Genesis Gold Group, BEFORE the April 2 tariffs kick in.
Around the Web – Original Source: redstate.com
(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) I think it’s safe to say that Joe Biden had a bad week.
Joe Biden hit historic low approval levels, going under 30 percent for the first time in a Civiqs poll, with even his Democratic numbers going south. On top of that, Democrats were in disarray over him, throwing him under the bus. Even the NY Times admits there are issues now, citing concerns from the White House staff from his shuffling gait to his cognitive abilities.
Meanwhile, the CPI went to 9.1 percent and the PPI indicated that inflation was likely to continue with an 11.3 […]
Around the Web – Original Source: redstate.com
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