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I was recently asked whether I thought that Juan Merchan, the tainted judge who presided over the kangaroo court in New York City against President Donald Trump, might put President Trump in jail .
Let’s contextualize this whole thing. There is not a Democrat in Congress, a leftist in the media or education, or in the Biden administration who can speak a sentence without saying the name, “Trump.” President Trump lives in their heads. He owns them. (RELATED: ALAN DERSHOWITZ: A Prosecution So Crooked It Would Even Make Joseph Stalin Blush)
The Swamp, D.C. Cartel, Establishment — or whatever you call it — corruptly controlled the government before Donald Trump became candidate Trump, and after he became President Trump. It is real. President Trump, nee candidate Trump, promised to drain, eradicate, attack and defeat the Swamp.After fighting the D.C. phonies for two years […]
— Read More: dailycaller.com