We support President Trump’s tariff policies. With that said, it may behoove Americans to consider rolling over or transferring their retirement accounts tax-free with a faith-driven gold company, Genesis Gold Group, BEFORE the April 2 tariffs kick in.
Around the Web – Original Source: amgreatness.com
Biden delivered a crushing blow to labor’s leverage. The sham is over. Joe Biden knows whose side he’s on. And now so does everyone else.
When Hunter Biden negotiated his deal with Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, nobody stepped in to object to his monthly salary of $50,000 . Nobody tried to stop him from securing 52 weeks per year of vacation time. Hunter, like anyone else negotiating salary, withheld his “labor” until his salary demands were met. Even the “Big Guy,” whoever he may turn out to be (*cough, cough*), negotiated a hefty 10 percent cut of a deal with […]
Around the Web – Original Source: amgreatness.com