(Harbinger’s Daily)—I had to smile recently when I read a short article about new research on the Grand Canyon. This geologic wonder has been studied by thousands of scientists and yet continues to surprise them with its various features—and this article highlighted several features that sound rather like there was a global flood as described in Genesis! This is not surprising to Bible-believing Christians.
The new research looked at the Tonto Group, a 500-meter-thick formation, containing the Tapeats sandstone, Bright Angel Shale, and Muav Limestone (as well as two other minor) strata, that is conventionally assigned to the Cambrian layer (this represents the initial stages of the global flood). While evolutionists believe it to be 540 million years old, listen to how they interpret this area based on their studies at Grand Canyon and other places (emphasis added):
- “The Tonto Group holds a treasure trove of sedimentary layers and fossils chronicling the Cambrian Explosion some 540 million years ago, when the first vertebrates and animals with hard shells rapidly proliferated and sea levels rose to envelop continents with emerging marine life.”
- “From the Tonto Group’s 500-meter-thick strata, we’re learning about sea-level rise and the effects of catastrophic tropical storms – probably more powerful than today’s devastating hurricanes – during a period of very hot temperatures when the Earth was ice-free.”
- “Sea levels were so high during this time period, Dehler says, that rocks like the Tonto Group were deposited atop every continent on Earth, as seas bathed the continents in a complex mosaic of shallow marine, coastal, and terrestrial environments.”
Sea levels rose all around the world, bathing the continents and depositing vast rock layers that stretch across continents. That’s all coming from evolutionary scientists—but it almost sounds like they’re describing the initial stages of the global flood as waters began to rise and sea creatures were rapidly buried by these rising floodwaters.
I’ve always said that if the Bible didn’t mention a global flood, most geologists would believe that there was one! The evidence is all around us, and it’s overwhelming.
The article mentions that Grand Canyon is like a crime scene, where detectives must piece together what happened in the past. And that’s true—that’s the nature of historical science. We can’t directly test, observe, or repeat the past, so worldview—what one believes about the past—determines the interpretation of the evidence in the present.
The battle isn’t over the evidence. It’s over two different interpretations of the same evidence because of two different starting points: God’s Word vs. man’s word.
Ken Ham is an author, speaker, and Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular interests: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter.
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No mention of Noah’s ark found by Ron Wyatt in the 70’s. I find it off that the information regarding Noah’s ark being found and carefully dissected to prove it’s authenticity over the years and hardly anyone talks about it.
The Biblical flood was a local event caused by the flooding of the Black Sea:
Science can fill in the gaps. If everything in the Bible was taken literally then we’d have no explanation for species that weren’t known in Noah’s time, along with no Age of Reason, modern medicine, or computers to post about this kind of stuff.
Nonsense.There is nothing about either electronics or software, whatsoever, that requires you to believe in Evolution, or requires that you believe the flood was local. It’s fairly stupid to even make such an assumption. None of it would not exist had it not been for many, many Christians along the way, such as Boole, Pascal, and so on.
As it pertains to what we call “big E” Evolution, the same is even the case in medicine. That is, we recognize that there is variation within species.In fact, that’s why Noah didn’t have to take as many animals on the Ark as one might assume. For example, he only had to take one pair of dogs. Though we do believe what the Bible says that human flesh is different. And modern medicine understands that also. We just went through a 2+ year pandemic because researchers had to manipulate and force the particular strain of covid viirus to be infectious to humans. You’d probably be surprised how many creationists there are in the field of medicine, as well as those who believe supernatural events occur. Doctors testify all the time to things happening that they not only cannot explain, but things that shouldn’t be possible, and completely defy everything mankind thinks he knows about medicine.
We don’t deny evidence. We interpret it differently.
Your reasoning that belief in God, and in supernatural events, is antithetical to reason, is severely lacking of reason 🙂
Without Christians, you would not have medicine, or computers to post about this kind of stuff. You wouldn’t even have the electricity to power the computer. You wouldn’t even have a country in which you were free to speak about it.
I was an accomplished software engineer. Made it through school with straight A’s and academic honors. The in the workplace, put the proof in the pudding. I was very good at my job. Everything from bare metal embedded, to kernel mode drivers, to desktop, to web. Automation, machine control and robotics. You name it, there’s a good possibility I did it.
Never once did any aspect of my work require me to believe that all life came from lightening striking a mud puddle, in order to do my work and do it well.
I did have to work my way through school with a bit of cleverness. Of course, back then, you could answer questions in a manner that provided for you to specify that you yourself did not believe it. Back in the 80’s, I can remember science teachers saying at the beginning of the semester, “look, I don’t believe all this mess either, but we have to teach it”.
This idea that nothing is possible, that mankind cannot achieve anything of worth, without a belief in Evolution, and without an atheistic rejection of the supernatural, is just plain nonsensical. There is zero basis for such illogic. I believe many just jump onboard with it in order to try to make themselves look and sound smart. Often, likely because they themselves may not have the knowledge and skills required to achieve or produce anything of worth.
These ‘”scientists” clearly are in denial of continental drift being accepted for the last 65 or so years. Ot they would not be playing the Grand Canyon proved the great flood.
You really believe water covered the earth for about a year, then Noah released two of each animal to repopulate the world? All plants would have perished (try submerging your plants and seeds for a year and see how well they recover) and the world would have been a giant mudflat. The animals would have nothing to eat except each other. After the two lions are the two zebras and the two tigers are the two antelopes (etc., etc., etc.) then all the carnivores starve too. And the two tapirs swam back from the Middle East to South America, the two polar bears walked the 7000 miles back to the arctic, the two penguins waddled 5000 miles back to Antarctica? Give me a break? Does anyone over six years old actually believe this?
The vast majority believe this….because it’s true.
The “world flood” is simply incorrect. The flood was local. China existed back then, and their history continues uninterrupted, though they do record the occurrence of the flood. Most things that people believe about the Bible are patently false and demonstrably untrue if you only read it. Starting with the book of Genesis being the start of all life on Earth. Absolutely false.
Remember that you said that…
Oh ye mortals of finite knowledge and little faith. Unable to comprehend the infinite power of Almighty God, who created it all in the first place. We don’t need to be able to explain how He did what He did, in order to recognize the overwhelming evidence that it happened. It was a supernatural judgment on the Earth.
You need “faith” when you fail to read the book.
I felt the need to expand on this. “Faith” leads to acceptance of dogma. Dogma is when someone claims to speak for God, that they believe they and they alone have interpreted scripture and you must adhere to their interpretation.
This alone has let to entire sects springing forth within “Christianity” (which is more correctly called Aryanism), because people that control the Catholic church (Jewish ‘Jesuits’), have convinced you all to perform rituals and rites including cannibalism (the word ‘cannibal’ LITERALLY MEANS “Jews eat people”.), and have led to people believing UTTER NONSENSE like that Jesus was Jewish (clearly wrong), that all life on earth started at the time of Genesis (clearly wrong), and that the Bible is a book for and about Jews (100% absolutely wrong).
And why do you people believe all this nonsense?
FAITH. Because my clergy TOLD ME SO. And heaven forbid, they would never lie to me.
Would they?
What does it say in the Bible? Does it say my people perish but for lack of faith? Is that what God says? That FAITH is what will save you? THAT’S NOT WHAT IT SAYS AT ALL, IS IT?
It says “My people perish BUT FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.” HOSEA 4:6
What does FAITH do for you? Faith ENABLES YOU TO ACT. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF FAITH. FAITH IS NOT FOR MINDLESS ACCEPTANCE. FAITH IS THE ENGINE OF ACTION. What does Jesus himself say on the question of faith? “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” FAITH WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS IF YOU ACT UPON IT.
Turn quickly away from anyone that commands you have faith. God has shown us that KNOWLEDGE is the key to our survival, NOT FAITH.
Then, when some idiot pastor says to you, “We must stand with Israel!” You can stand up and shout at the top of your lungs “WE ARE ISRAEL! NOT THE SATANIC JEWS!”
Will you be speaking from faith? No. FROM KNOWLEDGE.
You were corrected on your nonsense, yet again, just a few days ago in the comment section over at Protestia. And as anticipated, you continue to refuse to heed the scripture. Because you don’t really care what the scripture says about anything at all. You’re here saying “read it, it says what it says” while you yourself have continued to ignore it and reject it time and again …
For you, your comment about faith is actually correct. You have rejected justification by faith. And because of that, you have doomed yourself to have to keep the whole of the law, which none can do, and which you continually fail to do as all who read your comments can see. Which means, ironically, that you are in the same exact boat as the Jews you so despise and hate, who have rejected Jesus sacrifice on the cross and the once and for all fulfillment of the ceremonial and ritualistic law, through which God extended His grace. You yourself are not under grace, but under the law. For if you reject justification by faith, then you reject the entire Gospel, and rebelliously reject the grace that God has extended through His beloved Son.
You felt the need to expand?
No, what you felt was what little remains of your conscience. What you felt, was the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which you have all but entirely quenched. But rather than heed that conviction, you responded with more prideful rebellion and sinfulness.
Almighty God is way too big to fit within the finite constraints of the limited knowledge and understanding of Mankind. As if He is limited to what we see and understand as natural processes, which He himself instituted and set in place in the beginning.
I’m going to leave you with only one question to ponder. If you are compelled to respond, then answer this one simple question …
Do you believe Jesus truly rose from the dead?
While you’re trying to rebelliously wiggle your way out of that most important question, and the corner you’ve yet again backed yourself into, ponder this …
Did God need Noah’s help? Did He need a boat?
Of course not. He could’ve produced the same results, at the end of judgment of mankind, without Noah’s help or with any Ark.
Why then did God do it?
Because it all points to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is perfect consistency in everything God does.
See, by FAITH, Noah and his family were saved. And just as you now jeer and mock and ridicule, those who ultimately perished in that judgement, did the same to Noah.
letmepicyou, you don’t have nearly the amount of knowledge and understanding that you think you have. You don’t even have much knowledge of scripture. You understand nothing. Your thinking is narrow and small. Focused on little trees, while missing the entire forest. It’s all about the here and now. You are the most lacking in knowledge and understanding of any. Yet you believe by that knowledge you are justified? If the matter weren’t so serious, I’d be laughing at you …
“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” – Luke 18:17
A child understands faith. But the hardened, arrogant, and rebellious adult thinks he already knows all there is to know.
You ponder these things while you’re trying to figure out how to answer the one basic question at the heart of the matter.
” 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:9-13
So answer that one simple question …
Do you believe Jesus truly rose from the dead?
I reject “faith” as a means to manipulate people into inaction, simp.
As in, “Have FAITH this is what the Bible says…accept the word of your clergy, not of God.”
As in, “Have FAITH in the plan.” Still waiting for that border wall, btw.
It’s like you don’t even grasp what is being said.
Faith is the engine which is supposed to spur us to ACTION.
Mustard seed? Could move mountains?
Faith is, instead, manipulated into inspiring INACTION.
God wants us to KNOW THE WORD. Hosea.
God wants us to ACT on the word. Deuteronomy.
Did God COMMAND us to DESTROY the “Jebusites, Amorites, Hittites, Canaanites” or did GOD SAY HE WOULD DESTROY THEM?
What did God say? Hmm? Were we commanded to destroy them? Or were we commanded to have faith that God would come along and do it for us?
God would have us rise up against tyrants.
I’m not sure what your quite ambiguous position is. Seems to be the opposite.
I’ll take that as a “no” to the most pertinent question at hand …
You know what’s ironic, and would be hilarious if the matter weren’t so serious, is that you have almost zero knowledge or understanding of the scripture … nearly zilch.
Faith does not demand inaction. Am I not here taking action right this moment? Have I not taken much time and action to respond to you, and to correct you, not just for your sake, but for all who read? On the contrary, it is the understanding that God absolutely will do what He says that He will do. Noah, by faith, said, “Ok, Lord, I believe you will do what you said that you will do” and set about building the ark, while enduring the ridicule of the most “knowledgeable” of men.
It’s not action itself that you have a problem with. It’s which action. It’s that the action God would have us take is not the same as the action you want.
You think that explaining away the miraculous works of God, makes you smart? You think there’s something intelligent about claiming the flood was just local?
You are that which you accuse others of being. With the exception that your “clergy” is Charles Darwin, mainstream science, the white coats, and by faith you accept their word and not God’s. See you have faith, but your faith is in mankind. At the root, you are a humanist.
You are not only not a born again Christian, you don’t begin to even understand what it means to be a born again Christian. You are about one of the most clueless, most willfully ignorant, people I’ve ever come across in all my born days.
Exactly what is it that you believe to be intelligent about the claim that the flood was local? Exactly how is that supposed to be more intelligent and more knowledgeable? Particularly since it requires willfully ignoring tons of evidence to the contrary …
I wonder whether or not you also believe it’s more intelligent to claim that God doesn’t exist at all …
You’re an idiot.
Listen. Or don’t. Doesn’t matter.
We’ll find out on judgment day, which of us is the idiot …
letmepickyou, The nazis went to much effort to try to create a cult for you. It was called “Positive Christianity”
Of course, it failed, because every word of every book in the entire Bible was penned by Jews. By the time you try to take out any and all reference to Jews, and any and all miraculous works of God, there’s nothing left. Not even a single word. “not an iota, not a dot” – Jesus (Matt. 5:18)
The nazi cult of “Positive Christianity” is your religion. Your God is your own white skin.
You might want to consider the possibility that you, yourself, are the tyrant, letmepicyou
You are progressive, every bit as given to the same sort of critical theory as the most woke of the wokists on the left.
And your speech only invites more persecution of Christians.
Wokism, in a nutshell, is YOU. That’s why they call themselves “anti-racists”. They’re throwing your own “medicine” right back at you.
And here you are trying your best to put all Christians in the same category as the nazis. Which is more or less begging for the worst of persecution.
You are the same …
You are the tyrant …
You think you know how to win? You think you can beat Satan as his own game? No, you only know how to lose. You don’t know the first thing about winning. You are far too short-sighted, and focused on the immediate temporal things of this world.
If you do not first recognize and seek the Lord’s victory above all, then you will never know true victory.
What good is it to replace one wickedness with another? There is no true winning through wicked means. You’d just become the “new boss, same as the old boss”.
The action you want is militant action against the Jews.
That is absolutely not the action that God wants.
And it has never been the action that God wants …
“Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” – John 18:36
See, the Lord wins whether we win or not. And sometimes, when we lose the most, He wins the most. Just as Jesus won. For a time, He will let the devil believe he’s won.
Did the nazis do anything good for the Gospel? Did they do anything good for Christians? NOPE.
They are, in fact, the reason many have turned away.
Has militant action against the Jews ever done any good? NOPE
Was there any victory for the Lord in any of that demonic madness and mass slaughter? ABSOLUTELY NOT
Why? Well, because the problem is not the Jews. The problem is sin. And the solution is not war. The solution is Jesus.
But in your self-proclaimed supreme intelligence you want to repeat the same “actions” that have proven time and again not to work, but to only make matters worse, and to invite more and more persecution.
You are right here, right now, all but persecuting those who believe the Biblical flood. You’re persecuting Christians for not taking the militant action you want, and for not serving you instead of serving the Lord.
You yourself are the persecutor …
You yourself are the tyrant …
You yourself are the wokist, progressive, darwin-worshiping, critical theorist …
They’re just throwing your own “medicine” right back at you. And you’re doing your best to try to drag the rest of God’s people down with you.
It truly is ironic. You’re neither smart enough, nor knowledgeable enough, to understand what makes people react. What motivates the wicked, which is concern for themselves. And how and why what we do makes them react.
It is a sin to provoke others to wickedness …
First and foremost you need to repent. And then, you need to start thinking less about action, and more about reaction …
Consider how your actions will or will not provoke others to righteousness, rather than wickedness.
Right now, you are doing nothing but provoking to wickedness. Fighting wickedness with wickedness. Recompensing evil for evil.
If you are serious, and I have every good reason to believe you are not, then repent and then learn to provoke others to righteousness.
Have you ever bothered to stop and consider how Jews, for example, might react to you and the militant action you are calling for?
Learn to provoke others to righteousness. That’s how we lead. That’s what it means to be the salt of the earth. We stop the cycle of recompensing wickedness for wickedness. We stop it in its tracks.
Right now, you don’t know how to win. You only know how to lose. You’re only provoking more wickedness.
The Bible tells you what motivates the wicked, who are not led by the Holy Spirit.
The flesh.
And you can’t defeat flesh with flesh.
The Jew will strike our heel.
And we shall strike its head.
Gen. 3:15 is a prophecy referring to Jesus, which was already fulfilled at Calvary. It says “He” (singular) will crush the head of Satan. The one and only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is no “we” in that scripture.
I don’t know exactly what “we” you think you’re referring to, but whoever you think you are, you’re on your own.
Now answer the question you’ve been dodging …
Do you believe that Jesus truly rose from the dead?
I’m confused, if the planet is only 6000 years old as Christians believe, how can rocks dating hundreds of millions of years ago be found in the Grand Canyon?