(Zero Hedge)—Whatever happened to the media coverage of the mass shooting of police officers in Charlotte, NC this week? Only moments after the attack which took the lives of four law enforcement officers and injured four others, mainstream news feeds and social media sites were flooded with calls from journalists as well as Democrat politicians demanding that “something be done” about assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Joe Biden quickly issued a White House statement calling for swift gun control measures and (ironically) more funding for police.
Then, suddenly, everything went quiet. Why?
We all know why; because this has happened so many times in the past and the outcome is now laughably predictable. The eventual reveal of the alleged assailant’s identity derailed progressive gun control efforts. His race and background did not fit the narrative mold that Democrats are looking for (the unhinged white male gun nut, preferably conservative).
Terry Clark Hughes Jr. already had a long rap sheet in North Carolina well before he killed four police officers this past week in Charlotte. With multiple warrants spanning several years as well as being involved in a high speed chase in January of 2024, Hughes should have been buried in the prison system for a very long time. Sadly, this was not the case – North Carolina is a blue state and Charlotte is a Democrat run city notorious for its soft treatment of repeat criminals.
Vi Lyles, the Mayor of Charlotte since 2017, is the city’s first black female mayor and a Democrat. The city council is predominantly progressive and has been pursuing “defund the police” measures since 2020. And this is the kind of political environment that you will consistently find in nearly every city in the US with high crime rates and mass shootings. It’s not a theory, it’s a rule.
Since at least 2017 Charlotte has been suffering from what many residents call a “revolving door” when it comes to prosecutions and prisons. Critics have accused the city leadership of engaging in “high profile arrests and low profile releases” in order to keep crime stats down. This includes a myriad of sex offenders and violent criminals set free in the past few years, only to have them victimize even more people not long after.
For example, only two weeks ago Shareef Sudan Thompson, 36, was released from jail on bond despite facing charges in a violent stabbing last week in Uptown Charlotte. Local journalists discovered he has an extensive criminal history and police continue to question why extremely dangerous offenders are treated with such accommodations. City officials offer no clear answers, except to suggest that the bond system is to blame.
After the election of Vi Lyles, Charlotte soon rose through the ranks of most violent cities in the nation. It recently jumped to a list of the top 15 cities in the US with the fastest growing homicide rates.
Leftists and gun control advocates blame guns every time there’s a high profile shooting, yet they conveniently ignore the history of the shooters and who is in charge of the cities and criminal policies the shootings take place in. The Democrat policy of catch and release when it comes to the worst possible criminals is the biggest contributor by far to violent assaults and murders across the country.
Roughly half of all crimes in the US are perpetrated by a small percentage of offenders with pervasive criminal histories. Locking these people up for extended sentences should be the primary solution to the problem, but progressives absolutely refuse. Most likely, these releases are designed to obscure a growing crime epidemic in blue cities across the country. Meaning, if we want shootings like the one in Charlotte, NC to stop, Democrat officials must be removed from power first.
yeah, because forks cause obesity and cars cause drive-by shoointngs *facepalm*
Just another Dhimmeroid “LOOK! Squirrel!” moment to keep the sheeple from realizing that an inanimate object cannot act on its own and that most of the shootings are the 13%.
This is so predictable but there is a new twist here: we are getting the truth out quickly thanks to JD Rucker and The Liberty Daily website. The narrative that guns cause violent crime has always been a total fraud and lie. And, plus…
We can have a long conversation about morality, it’s notion, inculcation, the mores, and the attacks waged to degraded, suppress, ultimately deny its existence. The cheapening of human life, the rise of false empathy surrounding the human condition designed to play and prey upon emotion.
Let’s instead speak of individualism and the influence of right or wrong behavior. Collectivist mentality wages a war upon individualism, our busy lives, laziness abhors the rigor of individualism. The effect of both collectivism and individualism is motivation behind the divide we experience.
There are hero’s and monsters in both forms of thought. This is imo where morality modulates between the two extremes. Point in fact monsters became hero’s for being in the right place at the right time, the opposite is also true, many have lived and continue to live lives in polar opposite of these labels.
The unique character each of us possess is formed generally in the crucible of youth, was morality present, the environment and those in daily contact. Many are turned on their natural inclinations and accept or reject morality based upon the interactions of the environment they exist and those whom travel through with them.
The point is no path is certain to produce good or bad character. Collectivist mentality doesn’t necessarily reject the notion of morality but it does recognize morality in some forms acts as a bulwark against reform. Again reform is another subject but if reform is a driving force obstacles such as morality must be navigated around or through. Character is molded as noted by influence and experience. While no perfect plan exists to produce a desirable form of character collectivist pressure tends to suppress morality as a means to a goal.
Individualistic character naturally resists the collective influence. It sets them free to choose. In society there exists pools of those inclined to individualism and collectivism. Individualistic behavior can be chaotic, uncontrollable again good or bad but markedly difficult to those inclined to either aspect of behavior so a study of this pool produces little knowledge regarding a renegade within the pool. A collectivist pool in contrast can highlight even celebrate those who reject its influence. As an example the black community in America has always had from its introduction in America forced or contrived collectivist mentality. Politicians exploit it. Those in this pool who have rejected its influence are readily recognizable in daily life as successful, or detested based upon how they have channeled their individualism.
Our society is under attack, a conservative wants to protect the status quo while progressives want wholesale change, not slight change or tweaks but radical unraveling. It appears that conservatism is not in ascendency. Can this be changed, who will be our Pericles, where are our orators?
To the earlier post that America will never be disarmed I’m reminded of President Trumps boast that America will never be Socialist. It can and in fact is.
Charlotte and Raleigh (urban areas, like many states) are blue. The rest of us are still sane. I shoot on my property all the time, as do most of my neighbors. 50 miles outside of Charlotte.
Still waiting for all the ballistic reports and comparisons on the bullets used that murdered and wounded the eight cops. We also need the diagrams showing the location of every officer on the scene especially those who fired shots. Matching bullets to the guns that fired them will go a long way to clear things up. I’m having a difficult time believing all eight were shot by one guy. The longer the police stall releasing this info the more we will know that things are far worse than what we originally believed.