(End of the American Dream)—The UN wants much more control over global affairs, and “the Pact for the Future” which is scheduled to be adopted during “the Summit of the Future” that will be held on September 22nd and 23rd will go a long way toward making that a reality. But even though “the Summit of the Future” is just days away, hardly anyone is talking about it and the mainstream media is almost entirely ignoring it. Enormous decisions that could dramatically affect the future of everyone on the entire planet are about to be made, and just about the entire population has absolutely no idea what is going on.
This is exactly how the globalists like it. They don’t want the general population to even be aware of their agenda as they relentlessly push it forward.
According to the official UN website, the idea for the Summit of the Future was “conceived at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic” four years ago…
In 2020, the UN turned 75 and marked the occasion by starting a global conversation about hopes and fears for the future.
This was the beginning of a process that would eventually lead, four years later, to the convening of the Summit of the Future, a major event this September, which will take place at UN Headquarters, just before the annual high-level debate of the General Assembly.
The Summit was conceived at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a perception at the UN that, rather than cooperating to face this global threat that affected all of us, countries and people pulled apart.
That all sounds very nice until you start digging into the details.
There is a special page for the Summit of the Future on the UN website, and it tells us that this summit will be a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to create a “new international consensus”…
The Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.
Effective global cooperation is increasingly critical to our survival but difficult to achieve in an atmosphere of mistrust, using outdated structures that no longer reflect today’s political and economic realities. This once-in-a-generation opportunity serves as a moment to mend eroded trust and demonstrate that international cooperation can effectively achieve agreed goals and tackle emerging threats and opportunities.
When you say that something is a “once-in-a-generation opportunity”, that is quite dramatic.
Exactly what do they hope to achieve?
Well, the UN says that the Summit of the Future will focus on five primary areas…
The event will consist of sessions and plenaries based around five main tracks (sustainable development and financing; peace and security; a digital future for all; youth and future generations; and global governance), and other topics that cut across all of the work of the UN, including human rights, gender equality and the climate crisis.
It is that fifth area that concerns me the most.
“Global governance” is just a fancy way of saying “global government”, and apparently there are big plans for changing the way that the UN operates.
On the UN website there is a PDF which is entitled “SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE 2024: WHAT WILL IT DELIVER?”, and it was not easy for me to find.
On the second page of that PDF there is a section called “TRANSFORMING GLOBAL GOVERNANCE”, and it contains some very alarming plans for a far stronger UN than we have today…
A Security Council with an updated composition and working methods, allowing it to be more effective, representative, and trusted. A revitalized General Assembly with a stronger role in peace and security and the aspiration for a female Secretary-General. A stronger ECOSOC and steps towards the revitalization of the Commission on the Status of Women. Strengthened Peacebuilding Commission that bridges more effectively to other actors, including international financial institutions.
A strengthened UN human rights pillar that is better resourced and coordinated. A UN that uses innovation, data, digital tools, foresight and (behavioural) science effectively (UN 2.0) and a sustainably financed UN development system. Deepened partnerships between the UN and other stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, regional organizations, national parliaments and local and regional authorities.
When did we get to debate any of this?
If they are going to make radical changes to how the UN works, isn’t that something that our leaders should be talking about?
I especially don’t like the term “UN 2.0”. I am not exactly sure what that term means, but I don’t want any part of it.
The changes that the UN plans to implement immediately are reflected in a document known as “the Pact for the Future” which is scheduled to be adopted during “the Summit of the Future”.
One of the most disturbing things about “the Pact for the Future” is that it appears to give the UN a central role during any future “global shocks”…
The 3rd draft of the Pact for the Future was released on August 27 and is currently being reviewed by UN member states. This draft continues the discussion around “global shocks” and how these shocks will require a global response.
For example, one section titled “We will strengthen the international response to complex global shocks”, states that there is a need for a “coordinated and multidimensional international response to complex global shocks and the central role of the United Nations in this regard.”
The UN defines “complex global shocks” as events that “have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population”. These shocks would require a “multidimensional multistakeholder, and whole of government, whole of society response.”
For a moment, try to imagine what it would be like for the UN to be calling the shots during the next global pandemic.
I don’t think that is something that any of us want.
During a “global shock”, apparently the UN would be granted emergency powers “for a finite period”…
These potential shocks would necessitate the activation of “emergency platforms” which could grant the UN more power to respond to these apparent emergencies. The document says the UN will present member states with “protocols for convening and operationalizing emergency platforms based on flexible approaches to respond to a range of different complex global shocks”.
While the UN claims these emergency platforms will only be “convened for a finite period”, and will not be a standing institution or entity with respect to national sovereignty, critics of the UN fear that these emergency platforms will be seized upon and used to grant the UN new legal powers.
If the Pact for the Future is adopted, the UN will be the one to determine when a “global shock” occurs.
And the UN would also be the one to determine when it should be granted emergency powers and for how long those emergency powers should be in force. Needless to say, this is a nightmare waiting to happen.
Personally, I have been sounding the alarm about this for a long time. I wrote about the Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future in a book that I published last year, and that helped to educate a lot of people about what the UN is planning. Unfortunately, hardly anyone else is talking about this, and so 99 percent of the population is clueless.
On September 22nd and 23rd, the Summit of the Future will be held and the Pact for the Future will be adopted, and the changes that are about to happen could ultimately have enormous implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
9/22-9/23 is the 7 year anniversary of the sign of the woman in labor from Rev 12:1-3. Perhaps the second sign will come this year when they are saying peace and security.
And all tracks back to Agenda 21, as this genteman warned us of long ago:
Daniel and Revelation both point to the UN as the Eigth and final human ruled Beast Government. A Theocracy is the only way that humanity can survive and after The Battle of Armageddon that is exactly what government humanity will have then.
Aloha! Thanks for your news and views. A friend sent me this piece on the U.N. that I’ve reposted to numerous places and people as it’s an important heads-up. And there’s more to know about the intended results of the summit.
Charles repeatedly says in public that his goal is “A unified, military-style effort, costing trillion, not billions, of dollars and, with the greatest respect, overstepping the sovereignty of all nations to fight climate change”. Yikes.
I’ve been doing a deep dive into “King Charles III” since his Mom passed away and I heard that he would be “anointed” before he would be crowned on May 6, 2023. Anointing, literal anointing, is one of my passions and greatest areas of interest. Anointing is called “the most sacred part of the coronation”, yet it was done with a placebo recipe in the wrong amount! Wouldn’t they know exactly how to make the oil with the proper ingredients and amounts?
I wrote to Charles specifically about this months before the coronation and I filed a formal petition to Westminster Abbey to help correct the obvious – to me – error. I got a thank you note and a reply from Buckingham Palace acknowledging my concern. But … the coronation plans proceeded and Charles was anointed with a vegan placebo holy oil, NOT the Bible recipe they pretended it to be. And the “holy anointing oil” was applied in the wrong amount; a small spoonful, not a “horn full” as required for ancient kings and high priests to receive the original intended results.
My point is that until he’s properly anointed, Charles does not qualify to be the king, the leader of the W.E.F., the U.N. or the Commonwealth, etc. Yes, he’s a good mannered and lovely guy in many respects, but “the most sacred part of the coronation” was falsely done making him a pretender to the throne, or a usurper of that exceedingly powerful position. And what kind of prince or king would allow most of his many millions of ‘subjects’ to be jabbed with an experimental bioweapon designed for depopulation? In my opinion this subject deserves a lot more light BEFORE the upcoming U. N. Summit for the Future in twelve days which seeks to lock the world into a most oppressive and permanent tyranny.
May unexpected blessings and love keep coming to you and everyone and from you and everyone.
Roger Christie
Hilo, Hawai’i