(Natural News)—The death and injury toll from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” continues to mount with Dr. Thomas Levy warning that the number of “fully vaccinated” people who now suffer from irreversible heart damage has, or soon will, eclipse 100 million.
A renowned cardiologist and attorney-at-law who works as contributing editor at the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and consults with LivOn Labs, Levy explained to investigative journalist Steve Kirsch recently how the spike proteins in the injections have a profoundly damaging impact on the human heart.
Kirsch, as you probably know, has been looking into the relationship between COVID jabs and cardiovascular injury for years now. He addressed the heart damage incurred by vaccinated pilots, as one example, this leading to changes in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) official guidelines.
In 2022, the FAA quietly altered its electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters for pilots to accommodate those who suffered cardiac injury. The suggestion with this quiet change is that the shots are responsible for the high number of fully jabbed pilots whose hearts are now destroyed.
“The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots,” Kirsch says about the FAA’s widening of the ECG parameters beyond the normal range. “My best guess right now is that over 50 million Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot.”
(Related: Have you checked out this report from Jonathan Landsman about how to avoid the threat of infectious diseases and vaccine damage naturally?)
mRNA spike protein damage
Dr. Levy wrote an essay called “Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common” that discusses many of the issues addressed in the above video interview. Levy is fully aware of the post-injection myocarditis crisis, though he personally has not seen as many affected patients as other clinical cardiologists in his field have.
“Scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harbouring the chronic presence of the covid-related spike protein,” Levy writes.
“This is being seen in many individuals with persistent chronic covid, many of whom have been vaccinated, as well as in a substantial number of individuals who have been vaccinated and have never contracted covid.”
In tests on mice, mRNA injections were clearly shown to produce spike proteins and induce myopericarditis, in turn producing the symptoms now being widely seen in fully jabbed human beings.
“While not yet clearly documented by any well-designed studies in the medical literature, a great deal of anecdotal information indicates that vaccine mRNA shedding can occur,” Levy notes.
“And once transmitted, the mRNA directly leads to spike protein production. Such mRNA shedding means that the spike protein is indirectly, if not directly as well, transmissible from one individual to another via inhalation or various forms of skin contact.”
Though some will argue that the amounts of spike protein “exposure” are too minimal to have any formidable impact, Levy points out that the replication process that occurs inside the injected host causes spike proteins to replicate, resulting in systemic inflammation or worse.
“Myocarditis, which simply means inflammation of some or all of the muscle cells in the heart, can occur when the spike protein binds to the blood vessels in the heart, to the muscle cells themselves, or both,” Levy says.
“Chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (‘ECG’), and echocardiogram can all be used to help establish the diagnosis of myocarditis. An elevated troponin level on blood testing is extremely sensitive in picking up any ongoing heart muscle cell damage, and some elevation of this test will always be seen if any significant inflammation is present in those muscle cells.”
If you are interested in learning more about vaccine damage and how to deal with it, visit ChemicalViolence.com.
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I never see any commentary on the J&J jab which uses the age test flu shot delivery system, NOT experimental mRNA. Are there any studies for heart damage caused by J&J?
Remember the Janssen/JNJ vaccine was the red headed step child of these vaccines. Pfizer/Moderna propaganda was out to get it from day one. Now the tables have turned and the shoe is on the other foot. I doubt we see anything much about the Janssen/JNJ vaccine study wise. Maybe a good thing but since COVID may well have been an engineered virus who knows?
The J&J vaccine was identified early on as a cause of massive blood clots.
That’s not true.
👍 correct and no one mentions that
In hindsight those who called those of us, who continually warned them of the danger, all kinds of names. Ridiculed us and laughed at our warnings aren’t laughing at us now. My greatest regret is that they were too trusting of experts. I know it was a life changing lesson learned TOO LATE for the willingly jabbed! Perhaps that knowledge will serve to save future millions!
Maybe being reflexively anti vax and a whole lot like chicken little. Maybe take more time to process the information, gather data and form a conclusion based on your research next time. No one was laughing at you, they were ignoring you. Victimology does not play well.
It is of little importance. The vaxxed are suffering. The unvaxxed aren’t. That’s the bottom line. I pity those poor souls who are suffering. The reason those of us who avoided the vax did so was ‘because’ we did do our research and arrived at that informed conclusion. I understand the bitterness the vaxxed now feel but they had the same chance to do the research as anyone else but chose to trust others to do it for them and got lied to. Too late is too late.
The only victims here are the vaxxed. Most of us who refused the mRNA vax are fully vaxxed for other various things and are far from being anti-vaxxers. Many if not most of us were sharing scientific studies presented by DOCTORS who were warning people to stay away from the mRNA COVID vax due to side effects like heart issues, blood clots, infertility etc. The information was scoffed at, doctors and scientist’s who were warning people were ridiculed and laughed at. Some medical doctors lost their medical license for doing so AND for offering Ivermectin to patients who got COVID as a cure. The only thing those who didn’t get vaxxed have to worry about now is the shedding of spike proteins. We are having to protect ourselves from people who bought into the mRNA lie. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg of the massive issues the global population will suffer from eventually. No chicken little in the equation anywhere!
I’m so proud of myself for refusing the jab. We were made to feel like outsider conspiracy nuts. But I just figured I’d rather be safe than sorry. Better to die from something natural than to possibly speed up the process with something artificial; that could’ve been avoided. Gosh I’m just so dang smart!
we waited it out until the only true vaccine was released in the US (who made it in the first place). It was used widely in Europe with no reports of unusual side effects for about two years while pFizer had the vaccine kept away from us in the US so they could make another billion
What vaccine is this? Who made it and what was in it?
Just amazing how often people respond to themselves not realizing they didn’t switch accounts.
It was a very concerning period. As an essential worker I went to work in the office everyday and observed it supposedly spreading from overseas. Then supposedly it was here, in my community. I was mandated to get the experimental shot. I did my research and wrote a paper on why I applied for a religious exemption. I was isolated from my coworkers. Other coworkers refused to ride the elevator with me and even vented on a public forum inside work, to have me fired for not taking the shot. It was very lonely as then teleworking swept through the campus which became deserted. And having to give presentations wearing those masks, took a lot of energy. But I prevailed and transfered to a new job in a different region. It’s hard to be emphatic due to the hardships and isolation that I endured. I’m still waiting for justice.
You already have justice. They are dying and you are not.
This injection was designed to infect, weaken and then kill the general population. The injection first killed the old and infirm. What we are now seeing is the long term effect of the spike protein as it attacks the human vascular system. The instance and rise of multiple cancers in the young and old population is the result of a destroyed immune response trigged by the spike proteins. This was known in 2016 after multiple tests in Wuhan China. The United States has been the victim of a planed biological attack. This attack was carried out by the Chinese government at the behest of the World Economic Forum. This attack was a complete success.
The death toll will far surpass 100 million.
The task before the American public in 2025 will be to locate, arrest, convict and then execute those monsters involved in the implementation of this the most heinous mass murder scheme in all history.
They thought they were killing the smart ones, but it was simply the educated ones.