We support President Trump’s tariff policies. It may behoove Americans to consider rolling over or transferring their retirement accounts tax-free with a faith-driven gold company, Genesis Gold Group, BEFORE the April 2 tariffs kick in.
Around the Web – Original Source: notthebee.com
As Sun Tzu said in The Art Of War , “Don’t mess with the rednecks.” From Reddit: The radical Christians are found in the rural areas. Their towns are defenseless, they have almost no cops and their firemen are volunteers. They have to borrow cops and firemen from neighboring jurisdictions miles away in order to handle anything big. And they think they’re safe out there. Forget burning cities, cities are on our sides. It’s time for rural areas to feel the heat.
You show up 100 deep in every rural town in a 50 mile radius intent on revolution, you’ll […]
Around the Web – Original Source: notthebee.com