I appreciate the many secular, even atheistic and non-Christian voices that have pushed back against radical trans-activism. They have spoken loudly and clearly and boldly and fearlessly. Good for them!
But if America is to be changed in a lasting, positive way, we cannot only push back against what is wrong. We must also present what is right — namely, that human beings are created in the image of God, thereby endowed with morality and purpose and significance, and that He created us male and female. That’s why those of us with a biblically based faith must lead the way.
To be sure, we will not fight this battle alone, and that’s why I appreciate all those who have taken a stand against radical transgender activism, in some cases, at real personal cost. At the same time, we cannot fully align ourselves with trans-opposing atheists who mock the Bible, or gay and lesbian activists who embrace same-sex “marriage” while rejecting the transgender grooming of children.
Paying a Price
So, I do appreciate Prof. Richard Dawkins for signing a “declaration opposing gender reassignment surgeries and puberty blockers for children” and affirming that biological sex is binary. For these acts, he was stripped of his Humanist of the Year award and subjected to headlines like: “Richard Dawkins has abandoned science to justify his transphobia.” But in no way can I imagine forming a society-impacting coalition with one of the most aggressive and influential religion-bashing atheists of all time. […]
— Read More: stream.org