For years, I’ve done everything I can to fight Republicans In Name Only, unaffectionately referred to as RINOs. My perspective is that RINOs are oftentimes far more dangerous than Democrats. With Democrats, you know you’re going to get bad policies. RINOs are far more deceptive about their bad policies and are the detailing factor in nearly every major conservative piece of legislation.
Remember when they unleashed John McCain to torpedo the Obamacare repeal? Or when any of a dozen times just in the last decade when Mitch McConnell launched the necessary number of RINOs to strike down initiatives important to patriots? Or how Paul Ryan would delay votes that could do damage to the UniParty Swamp?
Democrats are dangerous. RINOs are existential threats to our constitutional republic.
Conservative show host Jesse Kelly joined Tucker Carlson during one of his recent stops and delivered the most brutal oral indictment of the feckless GOP that I’ve ever heard.
According to Not The Bee:
Sometimes you just need a little Jesse to light a fire under your bottom.
Mr. Kelly provided that to us on Tucker’s live tour where he took the RINOs to task and absolutely smashed the Republican primary voters who allow them to stay in power.
This absolutely had to be said.
There comes a point when 90% of elected Republicans are “Rinos” when you have to think, maybe this is just what the Republican Party is.
The sooner we realize that many if not most Republican lawmakers are weak at best, the more likely it is that we’ll put our full effort into the primaries when it really counts. Until then, I’ll continue to blast RINOs as much as I blast Democrats.