Prominent Japanese scientist Dr. Masanori Fukushima has warned that the harms caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, especially those of the mRNA variety, are now a worldwide problem.
Fukushima is the chairman of the Translational Research Informatics Center and also serves as professor emeritus at Kyoto University. He has nearly three decades of experience in cancer research and overarching medical care.
According to Fukushima, the extensiveness of adverse health outcomes caused by the mRNA injections ultimately put billions of innocent people in harm’s way.
As early as March last year, data from the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) revealed that deaths caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines have surpassed those caused by all other vaccines in the past 30 years.
VAERS recorded a total of 26,059 deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccines in the first 15 months of rollout, nearly three times the 9,066 people killed by non-COVID vaccines in the previous 30 years. (Related: VAERS data show COVID vaccine deaths SURPASS those caused by other shots.)
COVID-19 vaccines also caused permanent disabilities in 48,342 people in just 15 months, more than double the 20,096 people who suffered from permanent disabilities after being injected with non-COVID vaccines in the past three decades.
With more nations getting access to the vaccines now, it’s easy to see why Fukushima thinks vaccine-induced harms are now a global concern.
The doctor also slammed those who promote the mRNA vaccines to the masses, particularly those who lack the proper academic credentials to do so. Fukushima was obviously referring to politicians like President Joe Biden, who are quick to mandate vaccinations despite limited knowledge about the vaccines.
Fukushima’s expert analysis of mRNA shots and human health holds sway throughout the worldwide medical community. Based on his analysis, the negative health consequences of the mRNA shots are already a global issue. The vaccines can potentially spur a wave of heart attacks, strokes and sudden deaths.
Vaccinated people are like a ticking time bomb
Daniel Horowitz, senior editor at the Blaze, made a similar point in an article nearly a year ago.
“Reports of myocarditis and pericarditis are so prevalent now that just in the first eight weeks of 2022, we’re already at 47 percent of the total VAERS submissions for 2021. There were 24,177 reports of pericarditis [and] myocarditis submitted to VAERS in 2021. In 2022, just through Feb. 25, there were 11,289 reports – which is nearly half of last year’s total,” he wrote.
Horowitz proposed two possible explanations for the sudden influx of VAERS reports in the first two months of 2022. “Either more people and doctors know about VAERS and know [how] to look for myocarditis, or there is a time bomb with many more people now realizing they have heart problems months later,” he said.
“Either way, this means that the initial estimates of case prevalence were just the tip of the iceberg, and we are likely to see young hearts damaged for years to come.”
To stop that from happening, Fukushima offered a simple solution: Stop all COVID-19 vaccination programs across the globe.
But Fukushima said public health agencies first need to acknowledge the problems caused by the vaccines and make it clear that those issues are a direct threat to public health.
Read more stories about COVID-19 vaccines at
Watch Dr. Masanori Fukushima discuss his lawsuit against the Japanese government for concealing the truth about the COVID-19 injections below.
This video is from the Red Voice Media channel on
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- Untested bivalent COVID jab being rolled out.
- Mysterious clots that are killing people caused by covid jab spike proteins, paper reveals.
- Texas doctor sues hospital for punishing her over covid jab criticisms.
- Twitter scrubs footage showing Emergencies Act lawyer COLLAPSE after taking covid jab.
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Sources include:
Have no sympathy for those people that fell for the lefts COVID scam. I have not worn a mask and have not had any of the poison shot and have not gotten the Covids. Never ever listen to anything the left pushes. They lie and are not doing anything for your good or our nations good.
You seem to forget that Trump started with the covid vaccinations, not the left.
I am a Trump supporter but please get your facts correct before posting nonsense.
Then Jose Bidumb’s team should have stopped the NONSENSE since they are so smart !!!!!!
Ooooorrraaahhhh Rebel.
What do you think Trump did he was trying to save lives of people and they were blaming him for the deaths. He thought Big Pharma and Fauci could be trusted. Yes he was wrong but he had no choice.
You seem to forget that the little yard gnome fauci and bird-brain birx were the faces of the science. And unfortunately Trump trusted the scientists instead of true science; ivermectic etc. please get your facts correct before showing you’re a fool.
Trump acted on the information he was given at that time. Little did Trump or any of us know that it was all a scam. Just a behind the scenes government psyops. So yes, Craigusmaximus was correct. The left submarined Trump and Biden willingly did as he was told.
I will reiterate Craigusmaximus’ comment, “Never ever listen to anything the left pushes. They lie and are not doing anything for your good or our nations good.” Trump failed to heed those words.
I don’t believe that the big pharma companies are free from litigation for the harm they caused. They knew the fatal and long term injuries caused by m-RNA injections, and still they went for the profits in collusion with the government, the corporate media. The time for punishment is over due.
The guilty are too powerful to be brought to “justice.”
Screw the sheep.
Too bad this doctor is in imminent danger of suffering an ‘unfortunate accident’ due to his telling the truth!
Yep, when it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight call Hillary. She has Suicide Hotline on speed dial for placing orders.
Ooooorrraaahhhh Rebel.