Conservative actor James Woods has a penchant for cutting through the bull and getting to the core point on just about any issue. His popular X account is one of the best to follow on the platform, which he demonstrated fully after the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump.
Woods hit leftists who regretted their unhinged posts, capturing screenshots before they got deleted. He went after corporate media for their attempts to gaslight Americans following the attack. Most importantly, he decimated the leftist politicians who manifested this carnage by pretending to be peaceful while constantly calling for violence.
First, here are a couple of Tweets he captured before they disappeared…
Hey, Ashley, is this you?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
He closed his account, but the internet is forever…
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
Woods’ attacks on corporate media were particularly satisfying…
CNN edges Babylon Bee by a nose…
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
They are incapable of shame.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
“Injured?” He was shot in the head in a failed assassination attempt.
An American was murdered, others critically wounded, you disgusting leftist assholes.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
CNN even got an encore appearance on Woods’ timeline…
CNN is an abomination, a laughable gaggle of gutless goons.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
Democrat politicians couldn’t hide from James Woods as he pulled up their old rhetoric…
This has aged about as well as the nitwit who said it…— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
“Political violence has no place in our country.”
Says the weasel who urged a mob to go after Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh…
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
“We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye.” – Joseph Biden, July 8, 2024
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
While these hypocrites post self-serving “good wishes” to President Trump after one of their own tried to assassinate him, let’s revisit who they really are:
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
His concluding message is spot on…
We were two inches away from a civil war today. It is not a prospect I relish, but one that is to be feared if Democrats don’t stop with their absurd vile Hitler analogies and their assassination glee.
We were two inches away from a civil war today. It is not a prospect I relish, but one that is to be feared if Democrats don’t stop with their absurd vile Hitler analogies and their assassination glee.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 14, 2024
If they can almost get to Trump, they can get to any of us. Now is the time to unify the nation against the anti-American forces that surround us. They live among us. We must be diligent. If the situation continues to escalate, and it almost certainly will, then we need to be ready to do what Trump said after being shot…
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”
They all exhibited BIDEN FAMILY VALUES, cherished by Lady Gags on it (Lady Gaga), Whoopi “loud farts” Goldberg, Nadler, Jamie Raskin, Schumer, Dan Goldman, Howie Stern, Noam Chomsky, Mikey Bloomberg, Rob Reiner, Michael Moore, Mark Zuckerberg, Hansjorg Wyss, et al.
Manchurian Joe bin Biden was asked for a comment and responded by drooling on himself, encouraged by Dr. Jill!
Our country allows a person with a high powered rifle one shot at a presidential candidate before the Secret Service can fire back? How dumb can they be? Protect? That is not protection. That is return fire and in 99 cases out of a hundred, too d*mn late. Had that shooter been a trained sniper of any branch of the military Trump would be DEAD!