Justice Samuel Alito was “shocked” by the ruling from the Supreme Court that forces the federal government to pay out billions of dollars in “aid” through USAID to foreign interests. Many Americans echo Justice Alito’s sentiment.
All three of the leftist justices joined the ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts was a question mark but answered the question in the ruling by joining it. Justice Amy Coney Barrett was the “surprise” for many of us because she sided against the will of the American people and more importantly against the Constitution.
Is she compromised? It’s a question that I ask with all earnestness because I just don’t know. I posed the question on X shortly after the ruling, “Did someone get to Amy Coney Barrett or is she just stupid?”
Replies were split. About half said she is compromised with the other half saying she’s stupid. A few said she’s both. Nobody came to her defense for the indefensible ruling.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I asked the question of the audience there. It’s an important question and I simply don’t know the answer.
I don’t know, but it might be an idea to do some background research on her. I have never been so disappointed with a supposedly “conservative” justice. I have not seen any indication that supports the constitution judicially. She consistently lines up with activist, liberal jurisprudence.
She was already compromised when Trump picked her.
It begs the more immediate question, what is in that 2 billion, to whom, for what, and why now, exactly? Line by line, because it better all be legit and make obvious sense or these are more kickbacks and graft, SCOTUS version.
Trump should fire all usaid employees and put in trustworthy people to administer the funds. And also send it in partial payments with receipts for how any previous disbursements are spent. Heck, this should be done with all agencies in the future.
Go back and look at the speech after it was over and PDJT was shaking hands with the SC justices. Barrett had the most pained look on her face as though she was straining a gnat. It was obvious she was a faux conservative from that. Or, maybe compromised, but how exactly? She needs to go.
Have we had a female SC justice who turned out to be a true constitutional justice? No.
What on earth did I say for you to withhold my initial comment? Is this twitter?
J.D. asks a question, and then in the article, proceeds not to answer it. This article is not an article but an advertisement for Rucker’s show. Thanks for wasting my time. UNBELIEVABLE.
Amy C. Barett is a religious girl (Catholic), with a lot of kids, who is playing house with an executive job. She does not seems to take anything seriously, and her rulings show that. She is middle of the road in all commentary, and seems determined to be liked at all costs. Before all you Catholics scream at me, she was picked because she seemed to be what the advisors to Trump wanted him to pick at the time. Someone who will go along with what Justice Roberts wanted, who is her hero. While I want a moral person on the Court, hero worship does not work, and neither does someone who wants to go along to get along. Kavanaugh is the same way. Both, lousy picks in my opinion. Weak.
What she is is President Trump’s appointment, and there were several others who were touted for their conservative views at the time, but the President chose her – whom I don’t believe anyone promoted.
I believe President Trump picked her because he had such a hard time getting Kavanaugh approved that he thought maybe by picking a women the next time he might be able to get her approved much easier than he would have gotten another man approved. She was a pro-life conservative, or so we thought. I guess you could say she was a DEI pick that has come back to haunt us, like they most always do.
My wife has been saying that. She thinks something is wrong with Justice Barrett, something has happened. I don’t know. Justice Barrett is absolutely brilliant and I hope everything is OK.