The 2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been a profoundly traumatizing experience for many people around the world. Working in concert, health authorities in most nations unleashed a Pandora’s Box of ruin and destruction upon their citizens: hundreds of millions have lost their livelihoods, businesses, their homes, and their physical and mental health. Some of that damage could take a generation to overcome. For millions, the experience was fatal.
Among more vulnerable populations, more than 200 million were pushed into extreme poverty and 130 million into hunger. Our environment fared no better: trillions of disposable face masks and billions of test kits ended up in oceans, waterways and landfills around the world.
How could all this happen? How could policy response to a supposed health crisis turn out so extremely destructive? And how did so many of us buy into it all and comply with the program? By today we have some answers to these questions.
The pandemic was orchestrated to launch a covert agenda against the peoples of the world. The health emergency was used to justify the radical rollback of civil liberties and to introduce an authoritarian new world government and a global police state. And no, they did not overreact out of an abundance of caution but with calculated malice.
Public health experts knew, or should have known that lockdowns would be counterproductive and destructive: this is the core public health curriculum.
In 2006, the Bush administration commissioned one of the world’s foremost authorities on infectious disease, dr. Donald Henderson to advise on infectious disease outbreaks, including lockdowns, quarantines and business closure. Dr. Henderson concluded his report as follows:
“Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics, or other adverse events, respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted…”
It was every public health official’s solemn duty to know this curriculum.
As to why so many among us did not suspect foul play, the answer is that it is not in our nature to even consider such evil. As J. Edgar Hoover said, “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.”
Our evolutionary history formed us to be predominantly gentle and trusting creatures; we spent 99% of that time living in small groups with our next of kin. Mutual support was the foundation of social life, and trust could be matter of survival. As a result, most of us are practically hardwired to trust figures of authority and to cooperate with them to assure the group’s safety against external threats.
Show me the incentives, and I’ll show you the outcome
But our trust and cooperation was exploited in a ruthless and cynical way by those who planned to use Covid 19 health “emergency” in order to force us and our children into their control matrix. The conspirators drew on historical experience, extensive planning and multiple simulations to plan their gambit. This particularly involved structuring the requisite command and control hierarchies and incentive systems which ensured that at all levels, including the policy makers, financiers, public health bureaucracies, law enforcement and the media all worked in lock-step towards the planned objectives.
Charlie Munger, believed by many to be one of the wisest men in finance said, “show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.” Consider the case of the bubonic plague outbreak in Geneva in 1530, described in the 1867 book, “Chroniques de Genève.” (p. 396-402):
[Google translation] “When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They opened an entire hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave subsidies every month. The sick always gave money, and if so one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.
But then a disaster struck: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of sick people. In 1530 there was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first, they just poisoned patients to increase the mortality statistics, but they soon realized that the statistics they were not to be concerned only with mortality, but mortality from plague. So they began to cut the bubbles from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting off clothes, handkerchiefs and garters.
But somehow the plague continued to subside. Apparently, the dried buboes weren’t working well. Doctors went to town and scattered bubonic powder on the doorknobs at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit from them. As an eyewitness wrote of these events [stated], “this has been hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.” … one of the doctors became so brash and lazy that he decided not to wander around the city at night, but simply to throw dust on the crowd during the day.” …
The epilogue of the story was that the perpetrators got caught and all met a cruel, gruesome punishment. But the story of pathogens and politics didn’t end there.
Of pathogens and politics
In 2013, the PLOS journal published an important research paper titled, “Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism.” Its authors examined 90 cultural populations along two variables of their primary concern:
- authoritarian governance and
- historical prevalence of infectious disease.
They found that the correlation between infectious diseases and authoritarian governments was as high as 73%! In social sciences, this is an astonishingly high correlation; it is even higher than the correlation between IQ and test scores. As Harry Truman said, “The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.”
The history we didn’t know is the long-established tendency of autocratic rulers invoking invisible enemies to stoke fear, declare emergencies and coerce compliance in the name of greater good.
But fear or no fear, we must never abdicate our responsibility to our children and future generations – the responsibility to be vigilant and defend our hard-won liberties from would-be usurpers. We must defend liberty, if necessary with our lives, for if we fail then that one thing that makes life worth living could be lost for our children and their children. These are times to be brave and vigilant, to ask hard questions and demand truthful answers, to research and share our knowledge with all of humanity.
Today we are equipped with information resources and means of communications that were unfathomable to prior generations. We must make the best possible use of them and ensure that we gift future generations a much, much better future. With everything we have at our disposal, there can be no excuse ; armed with truth and courage, we will succeed.
Article cross-posted from Global Research.