Editor’s Note: I have never used a Berkey water filter but many if not most of the long-time preppers I respect use them. This could be a major blow to the prepper community, and I’m sure these same silly regulations are going to hit others, including my personal choice at Alexapure. Whatever filter you use, I’d recommend stocking up on replacement filters while they’re still available. Thankfully, most last through thousands of gallons of water each so just a few can last for years. Here’s S.D. Wells with the article from Natural News…
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has decided to ban Berkey water filters, officially labeling them as pesticides. Berkey has sued the EPA in response to their sudden and unorthodox reinterpretation of their own regulations. Berkey water filters are regarded by many as some of the best filters money can buy, and several of Berkey’s products have been featured on Good Morning America, Martha Stewart, Food Network, Thrillist, Goop and Forbes. Berkey products, which have been on the market for a quarter century, became popular due to their gravity purifier and filtering elements that can remove hundreds of waterborne pathogens and contaminants.
According to Berkey’s website, their products can “dramatically reduce bacteria like E. coli, Chlorine, Chloramines, Parasites, Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Inorganic Minerals, Trihalomethane (THMs), Pharmaceuticals, Petroleum Contaminants, Bisphenol-A (BPA), Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS), Herbicides & Pesticides, Protozoa, Inorganic minerals, VOCs, Petroleum products, Perfluorinated chemicals, Rust, Silt, Sediment, and even Radiological.”
One of the main elements in Berkey water filters that contributes to their successful purification is silver. Silver is an active ingredient in many pesticides, thus partly explaining the EPA’s decision to label Berkey as such. However, there were several decisions made by the EPA before this nonsensical label that shed greater light on their true intentions.
The EPA announced at the beginning of the COVID “pandemic” that they were considering reinterpreting their own regulations regarding water filters capable of removing viruses. Concerned by this announcement, Berkey owner Jim Shepherd contacted an EPA consultant for guidance. They provided none. In fact, they even told Shepherd that Berkey products were exempt from the reinterpreted regulations.
EPA pretends to care about Americans’ health, but does very little to protect us from contaminants in water
Following his lackluster consultation from the EPA representative, Shepherd decided it was best to continue manufacturing Berkey products. Shepherd was confident Berkey products were not only safe for the American people, but also incredibly helpful. Arguably the most important role that Berkey filters play in terms of American health is their removal of fluoride. According to a Harvard study, “results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment.” The EPA identifies fluoride as a dangerous chemical, yet the US government still introduces it to the public water supply to supposedly reduce tooth decay.
As the EPA continued to review its regulations, they did not do anything to reduce the amount of fluoride being spoon-fed to the American people in their tap water. But what they did do was begin banning the filtration product companies that provide effective ways to remove the fluoride. Shepherd said that representatives of the EPA have shut down Berkey’s production plants and delivered stop sale orders to their part manufacturers.
Currently, all Berkey products are listed as unavailable on their website. Shepherd said that he may be faced with having to lay off over 500 American workers if he is unsuccessful in his litigation.
Why would the EPA, out of nowhere, change their minds about this company that so clearly creates a positive impact on American society and health? Even more puzzling is the timing of the decision. As pawns of the Biden administration seem to be preparing for a revamp of COVID, the federal government wants to make water filters that remove the virus unavailable to the American people. Interesting.
Berkey water filters are some of the best filters money can buy, by the way. Use their website below to cover how they filter like 99% of all contaminants, including fluoride, which can cause cancer, brittle bones and lowered IQ. Keep your truth news in check by adding Preparedness.news to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about surviving and thriving in the near future, and news that’s being scrubbed from MSM and social media as you read this.
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I read some discussion online that the government/FDA/etc. are considering adding pharmaceuticals or other agents to the water supply, to make sure all people are “protected”. I don’t know if it’s true, but after witnessing government and agency corruption being exposed the last few years IT WOULDN’T SURPRISE ME ONE BIT.
Wow, just read up on this article thoroughly, and watched the Mike Adams interview with the owner. And read through the reddit threads, and watched the recent Berkey water test results vid from a youtube water testing channel. And read more and more and more. The epa labeling is a sham, incompetent morons in government. Supposed aluminum results in testing is not accurate because the testing facilities do not distinguish between inert and elemental, or something along those lines, so I’m not concerned about that either.
Conclusion; I’m still going with Berkey, but may be rushing some additional sticks just to be on the safe side. I’ve got an email out to one of the authorized suppliers whom still has stock. And that’s going to be www dot myberkey dot com. Thanks. Still to this day, missing their easy to use shower filter they used to sell. If I’d have known they’d discontinue that really awesome product, I’d have bought ten of them to last the next decade. The new ones are junk, just like crystal quest and the rest of them, disposable trash. On the bright side, there are a lot of really knowledgable people online talking about water filtration, which is helpful and finally more people are paying attention. Sadly, still appears quite difficult to simply purchase an effective water harvesting device for household residential use. One great thing from this unexpected multi hour research call, as this is alarming news to ban the Berkey, (of all the things, bozos in government), I learned about a good brand which with a 2k to 3k investment, can filter your entire home and this looks like a great product. That would be the ProOne Pro Home whole home in line water filter set. (I’ll pass on the softener, lol).
Berkey is an excellent product and it does exactly what it advertises. Doulton and Aqua-Cera are good too. Whatever you do, I would definitely buy 5 or 10 for emergency use. They run from 39 dollars up to a hundred for the filters only. Very Cheap insurance. For what the Federal government wasted in Flint Michigan, they could have bought everyone there a Berkey and still had money leftover.