On September 4, Labor Day, I reported on the conclusion of two Japanese scientists that Covid and its variants are manufactured viruses created by humans, and that they did not get into circulation by escaping from labs. I explored the serious implications. Clearly agendas are being served at the expense of the population.
Yesterday morning I had an opportunity to question a virologist and a doctor involved in clinical research. I asked them if there is any discussion among scientists of why viruses are being created and released. They told me that some are aware that Covid-19 and Omicron are lab creations, and that Omicron was a disappointment to its creators because it turned out to be akin to a weaker vaccine strain.
One said that a minority of scientists understand that the release of man-made viruses indicates an agenda at work, but that the majority of scientists toe the line of the official narrative, fearful of being cut off from research grants or fired for “spreading misinformation.” Once facts were replaced by untrue official narratives, scientists were left without a leg to stand on. Evidence is ignored, because it is a threat to the narrative. Thus the medical establishment pretends that Covid “vaccine” injuries are rare and that the large number of unprecedented sudden deaths of athletes, physical trainers, entertainers, corporate doctors and nurses who were coerced into vaccination by appeals to celebrities to show the way or threats to be fired are merely “a coincidence.”
The other said that in clinical medicine open talk of engineered viruses and their release makes a person an immediate outcast. Protocols are replacing independent scientific judgment. The protocols are established by articles written with Big Pharma research grants and distributed through prestigious medical journals such as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine. In American medicine, which is increasingly corporate, doctors are employees, not independent practitioners, and have no alternative to following protocols. In this way, medical decisions are controlled for the purpose of the agenda. As FDA, CDC, and NIH have “revolving door” relationships and patent-sharing relationships with Big Pharma, the regulatory agencies are part of the protocol enforcement police.
This tells you how brave and public-spirited the whistleblowers are and why it is so costly to them to tell the truth.
Corporate medicine and insurance companies have turned “health care’ into a murder machine. A year or so ago I witnessed, I think, a hospital murder, or I should say it raised questions in my mind at the time. A woman in denial of her breast cancer had kept it under wraps, but when the bouts of pain became too much to hide, it was noticed and a relative managed to get her to a hospital. The woman was able to look after herself, but was dead in less than 40 minutes after arriving at the hospital. I wondered if the hospital, seeing a hopeless case, elected to send her on her way instead of providing her with pain relief while she lived out her life in her home.
This disturbing thought was resurrected just the other day when a friend told me that a hospital was killing his father in advance of his death by cutting him off IVs and dehydrating him to death, and this in absence of an agreement to permit him to die. My friend said he had been warned by a friend whose father went into hospital for a kidney stone. The opioid addiction crisis was used to deny him pain meds, but the massive pain prevented him from eating, and he was allowed to die.
As my friend sees it, health care in the USA has become “herd health care” vs individualized. Everything is protocol. There is no independent thinking allowed by any corporate doctor, and if a doctor does think independently or try to treat a patient as an individual, he is fired.
My friend has concluded that if you are a doctor in a hospital, you pull the protocol, read from the protocol, and that’s it. Apparently it is protocol to just kill people, without saying you are killing people. So euthanasia is in effect as a result of protocol.
Hopefully all hospitals are not like this, but once it starts it spreads. As our society is being brutalized in every way, it is unsurprising that hospitals are becoming execution centers.
I remember when people died at home cared for by their family. Over the course of my life I have watched civilization, family, morality, integrity, respect for truth fade away.
What are we left with?
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About the Author
Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how Americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. Article cross-posted from his blog.
This isn’t Jeopardy although we’re in it. That headline should be in the form of a statement.