It’s no secret I consider Google to be among the evilest companies in the world. What we see on the frontend is arguably less evil than what we don’t see. Their direct connections to the satanic cabal in the New World Order is well-documented; they have been high-level pawns of the World Economic Forum since their earliest days.
But even on the public-facing side, their evils are starting to turn into desperation. They face bipartisan legislation that could curtail their self-appointed status as arbiters-of-truth on the internet. From their insanely powerful influence through search results to their dominance in video through YouTube censorship, they currently control what tens of millions of Americans think. They’re more powerful than corporate media, more influential than politicians, and richer than the Vatican. Now, they’re hoping to maintain this power by preventing their monopoly from being hampered.
And they’ll probably succeed. Their latest efforts focus on hitting Democrat lawmakers with one of the buzzwords of the moment: “Disinformation.” The temporary failure of the Ministry of Truth has slowed efforts to create a public-private partnership that will censor all speech that goes against the New World Order’s prescribed narratives. This is why Democrat lawmakers and their singular focus on maintaining power are the easiest targets. When a Democrat hears someone like Google is censoring “disinformation,” it’s like telling them someone is watching over them and keeping the truth from usurping their own powers.
As Didi Rankovich from Reclaim The Net noted in the article below, Google’s latest lobbying blog post invokes “security” as a primary reason to not take away any of Google’s power. The left and right view security very differently and the way Google is positioning their plea is clearly targeting the left. Only a “progressive” would view the dissemination of opposing views as a security risk.
Google Tells Congress the Proposed Antitrust Bill Would Hinder Its Censorship Efforts
Google is appealing to Democrat lawmakers.
Google continues to lobby and campaign against legislative efforts aimed at curbing its monopolistic power, this time openly, in a blog post.
Google claims that antitrust legislation – whose goal is to loosen the stranglehold it has on the market and competitors – would prevent it from censoring “disinformation.”
In the past months, the tech giant has used other avenues as well, from ( fake) grassroots support that it purports to have, to spending millions on professional lobbyists in Washington DC.
In all this, Google has gone for all sorts of “targeted” arguments in an effort to make sure the bipartisan bills never become law. Lawmakers and voters had the chance to hear that if Google is not allowed to run its business unimpeded, exactly as it’s doing now, anything from innovation to national security would suffer.
And now, no doubt addressing that part of its audience that is particularly concerned with the specter of arbitrarily, if at all, defined “disinformation” as internet’s “greatest ill” – this time in the context of geopolitics – Google claims that the bills under consideration in Congress, would, if passed, prevent it from censoring disinformation.
VP of Google’s Privacy, Safety and Security Royal Hansen, claims that the legislation is a risk for US security, for that of its users, while it doesn’t address problems that “Americans care the most about.”
Despite the context of the writeup, Hansen for some reason mentions “privacy, child safety, and inflation.” This Google exec packs a lot of FUD into just a few sentences, to also warn users that some of their favorite products like Search and Maps will get broken – if Google is made to abide by possible future antitrust laws.
Among many other usual talking points that supposedly outweigh the need to regulate Big Tech’s business models Hansen talks about the danger of “rolling back” Google’s “war on disinformation” – that is, the unprecedented levels of censorship visible particularly on YouTube.
These last years, the topics were mostly Covid and US elections, but those are getting a little old; and so Hansen brings the war in Ukraine into the mix – as another reason why the digital market should not be a fair and level playing field for startups and other competitors.
“By prohibiting us from ‘discriminating’ against competitors, the bill would prevent us from taking action against purveyors of malicious content,” writes the Google exec. “Since Russia invaded Ukraine, we have been able to move quickly to limit Russian propaganda and disinformation, even as that content has migrated to new channels. The proposed legislation could undermine this work.”
Google is putting itself in control of something they should have no part in what so ever.
Google is a company of idiot liberals with an agenda.
Google needs to be shut down, not broken apart – SHUT DOWN!