With all the recent debate around Israel and the Gaza War, including questions about how much countries like the United States should support Israel taking place as part of the election cycle around the Western world, the issue of Christian support for Israel is once again being raised.
In a recent interview with Moody Radio’s “Dawn and Steve in the Morning,” ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg was asked the question: “Is it really necessary that Evangelical, born-again believers intercede on behalf of the country and the people [of Israel]?”
Calling it a “great question,” Rosenberg responded, “The answer is not only, yes, is it necessary, it’s commanded.” He cited Psalm 122:6, which states, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
He noted that throughout scripture, God commands His followers to pray for all nations, which includes Israel, but that God calls it “the apple of my eye.” […]
— Read More: allisrael.com