Americans already have delivered a devastatingly negative verdict of Joe Biden’s presidency as prepping activities are surging and reflect the lack of faith in him to deal with any sort of “doomsday” scenario.
A polling from Bonusfinder showed 71.2% of all respondents have no faith in the government in that event. Further, 45.1% of respondents are working on foraging skills, 41.5% on first aid, 38.8% on hunting and fishing and 32.6% on purifying water. One in five is working on the techniques of “building shelters.”
“In the event of a doomsday scenario, all eyes are going to be on the White House to support and guide us. But just how much faith do U.S. residents have in the government?” the poll speculated.
The answer is not much.
“When results are broken down by state, residents of Arizona were found to have the least faith in the government, with over 81.88% expressing distrust. This leaves only one fifth of Arizonans believing the government will help them when the end of the world as we know it arrives. This figure remains high in Kansas, where 78.18% of respondents lack faith in the government supporting them through global catastrophe, making it the second-least trusting state. Our fourth-least trusting state is Alabama, where 77.66% of residents do not feel that they could depend on the White House for support during the apocalypse. Over in Pennsylvania, the birthplace of American democracy, over three quarters (76.99%) of residents expressed a lack of trust in the government to guide them through doomsday.”
The organization explained in recent years, for a variety of reasons, “the Doomsday Clock reaching the closest to midnight it’s ever been.”
The “metaphorical symbol” represents how close we are to a global catastrophe. The survey contacted more than 6,000 U.S. residents. It said Nebraskans are the most prepared, with 41.35% stating “they have already stored some essentials away, or are planning to.” Further, 37.85% of those from Nebraska had “at least one month’s worth of doomsday supplies.
Second in those categories was Montana, followed by New Mexico, Mississippi and Wisconsin. Worryingly unprepared are those in Oklahoma, where only 28.38% have stored or plan to get emergency supplies. Also at that end of the scale were Idaho, Rhode Island, North Carolina and Utah.
The confidence scale, also, is led by Nebraska, where 64.86% of residents feel capable of surviving a doomsday event. Maine is in second and that’s followed by Arizona, Wisconsin and Louisiana.
The cause of an eventual doomsday? Respondents cited climate change, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, droughts, disease, food shortages and societal collapse. Even “zombie apocalypse.” Perceived needs included water, 41.2%, warm clothing, 39.3%, food, 38.2% and more.
Startlingly, “The vast majority of doomsday preppers were found to be spending $1,000 to $4,999 on disaster preparation, though in some states, this figure rises to up to a staggering $10,000.”
Several states, however, were left out of the results entirely, as there were fewer than 20 respondents from: Vermont, Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Delaware. Columnist Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner emphasized what Americans see as a Washington failure.
“People watching President Joe Biden’s shaky grip on Washington have lost faith the government will protect them in a doomsday event, and that’s driving a national prepper movement,” he explained.
“The national survey …said 40 million fear doomsday is coming in a year, even more were inspired by prep for it because of social media posts, and 108 million have spent up to $5,000 to get ready.”
He continued, “The survey confirms concerns charted over the years by Secrets that more Americans are fearful about an attack that will cut off power and make food and water scarce, such as from an electromagnetic pulse attack from Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. A congressional report said just one EMP attack knocking out power to the East Coast would lead to the deaths of 90% who live there.
He noted, “Those aged 40-65 are more likely to be prepping, and twice as many men as women are getting ready for a disaster.”
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The US government hasn’t been promoting “Civil Defense” since about the middle of the Cold War. NOW it’s “Continuity of Government” which is protecting the elites and politicians. You will never see designated fallout shelters for the general population stocked with drinking water and stale biscuits again.
The massive Greenbrier Bunker in WV was built in 1962 for congress to ride out a nuclear exchange. The bunker remained a closely guarded secret until 1992, when Washington Post reporter Ted Gup revealed its existence in his article, “The Ultimate Congressional Hideaway.” (Thanks, Ted!)
The bottom line is that the US government doesn’t give a rat’s rump about the American people surviving a nuclear attack. FEMA is a joke except for financial support to rebuild following a limited regional natural disaster. You are on your own (YOYO), so plan and prepare for it and never forget to thank your elected officials for leaving you hanging out to dry like that.
I agree with Jasonn. The only thing the US government cares about is that it has enough tax slaves to keep it fat, happy, and in control. Everything else it purports to care about is a total sham.