Some good news has arrived for those who suffer from severe and life-threatening allergies.
It’s estimated that anaphylaxis occurs in roughly one in 50 Americans, and some say the rate is even higher, probably closer to one in 20.
Between 1.6 and 5.1% of the U.S. population have experienced anaphylaxis. The first treatment recommended for anaphylaxis is a shot of epinephrine, which can provide immediate relief.
The typical way of delivering a dose of epinephrine is an EpiPen, a brand name for an auto-injector that delivers a measured dose of the vital hormone.
The product, however, has not been without controversy. In 2016, the manufacturer caused public outrage by raising the price of its EpiPen, relied upon almost exclusively by severe allergy sufferers, from $100 to $600. […]
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