Editor’s Note: I do NOT believe we are on the verge of Central Bank Digital Currencies hitting the mainstream this year. It COULD happen, but that would take a major upheaval. What I do believe is that they will be rolled out sometime in 2023-2025. This is the reason, in my humble opinion, that they are trying to hire 87,000 IRS agents. Yes, it’s for the sake of going after the middle class and small businesses, but the long-term agenda is to have a militarized force that can implement Central Bank Digital Currencies.
We discussed this on the latest episode of The JD Rucker Show. You can watch the snippet from the show below, followed by the article by The COVID Blog:
Every week, we receive emails from Chinese citizens written in Mandarin. Many of said emails contain disturbing videos of people spontaneously dropping dead. Unfortunately most of the videos and stories lack enough context for us to report on them. Further, Mandarin is like Filipino/Tagalog, in that it does not translate cleanly to English. But ultimately we’re all human beings enduring The Great Reset, orchestrated by “people” who harbor vile contempt for humanity at-large. Body language is universal.
The COVID Blog™ writes a lot about Australia, Canada, and, to a lesser extent, California, being the models that the powers-that-be are using as trial-and-error grounds for creating and implementing their perfect dystopian society by 2030. But China is the true experiment and what the powers-that-be (TPTB) want the world to look like.
There were no Chinese people working in the private sector in 1979, according to a 2010 article published in the journal Asian Affairs: An American Review. All businesses were owned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government. But that changed in 2001 when CCP General Secretary Jiang Zemin began recruiting private entrepreneurs to the ruling party. It was a delicate balance of maintaining communist rule and allowing private ownership for the first time in CCP history. By the end of that year, two million private Chinese companies employed 270 million people.
China went from having no middle class in the 1990s, to 19% of the country being classified as middle class by the end of 2003. More than half of China was middle class by 2018. The Brookings Institute estimates that 1.2 billion Chinese people will be middle class by 2027, constituting 25% of the world’s middle class population. Compare that to 1950, when 90% of the world’s middle class resided in North America and Europe.
Not to sound harsh. But the truth is that Chinese people are very grateful to have opportunities to work for private companies. It was also damn-near impossible for the Chinese to own property prior to the 2007 Property Law of the People’s Republic of China. By 2020, 90% of Chinese households owned their homes. That’s compared to 67% home ownership in the United States that same year. The Chinese know that the government can and will drop the hammer at anytime – giveth and taketh all away. Thus, a vast majority of Chinese people do whatever the government tells them to do, no questions asked.
That mentality is necessary for testing and implementing radical changes in society. Most of the world went along with experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. People protested masks and lockdowns throughout the Western world. But ultimately, most went along with it all, despite how radical the changes were to societal norms. And now TPTB know they can get away with pretty much anything.
We first wrote about Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14067 on March 14.
It calls for the creation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which in the case of the United States, would be administered by the Federal Reserve. The “conspiracy theory” is that once CBDCs are implemented, the government can instantly shut off money access to anyone who is not being obedient. They can also track every single transaction and even limit the amount of money you can hold and spend at any given time.
Mr. Jim Rickards is a lawyer and author of seven books, including Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis (2011) and his most recent one, The New Great Depression: Winners and Losers in a Post-Pandemic World (2021). He “predicted the Great Recession” of 2008, according to Business Insider.
To be clear, this blogger worked at a major bank as a mortgage underwriter from 2001 to 2006, while moonlighting on the radio. Anyone who processed and approved those adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) by the hundreds everyday for people with sketchy credit knew that financial ruin was forthcoming. Thus, Mr. Rickards’ prediction thereof wasn’t all that profound.
But now he’s predicting a “C-Day.” Several alternative news sites are covering said prediction. C-Day will take place on December 13, 2022. U.S. paper dollars will become completely worthless, and you’ll only be able to use “Biden Bucks” (the new CBDC) from that day forward, according to Mr. Rickards.
Can this really happen? It’s all pure speculation. But let’s revisit China 2022 to see what this looks like.
United States of China?
The following video was taken sometime in early June. Not only is everyone forced to wear masks, but also must scan a QR Code to enter Shanghai. You cannot enter if your last negative PCR test is more than 72 hours old. Even if you slip past that, you won’t be able to enter any public places or public transportation without the “green code.”
And here’s what happens if you don’t wear a mask in China.
Now let’s say you want to buy coffee. Most people use the QR code on their phones to make the purchase. WeChat, owned by Chinese tech firm Tencent, is the most popular social media app in the country. Users can scan their palm prints, and make payments with only their hands without using the smartphone.
There’s also the option to scan your face to make payments. School children are also forced to scan their faces everyday to even enter the school buildings.
The following video is reason number-one as to why the United States is unlikely to fully implement digital currency and eliminate fiat on December 13. The end game is a social credit system. China has been working on its version since 2014. The government planned full implementation by 2020, but it didn’t happen for various reasons. Still, several million people are in the “beta” social credit system in 2022, with some currently being punished in society for having low social credit scores.
There’s no way the United States can implement a social credit system or even an infrastructure to widely accept government cryptocurrency payments by December 13. China has been working on it for nearly 10 years, and is still not done. Further, at least one survey in 2018 found that 80% of Chinese citizens strongly or somewhat approve of social credit systems. In other words, China could not finish its social credit infrastructure even with the vast majority of the population cooperating with it all.
Theoretically the December 13 CBDC date could happen. But manual enforcement would be necessary.
87,000 new IRS agents?
Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law on August 16. The pork-filled $737-$790 billion spending bill appropriates nearly half of said funds to “climate change.” But the part that caught a lot of people’s attention is the $80 billion allocated to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to allegedly go after low and middle earners. It didn’t help that the IRS posted an ad earlier this month for hiring special agents. One of the requirements for potential candidates was that they must “be willing to use deadly force.” The IRS deleted the “deadly force” part from the ad after major backlash.
The Biden Administration insists that no new audits will be performed on anyone earning $400,000 or less. Biden also insists that 50,000 of the 87,000 new hires will replace agents “who plan on retiring in the next five years.” Thus, there are only 37,000 net new hires. Further, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig on August 10. It states:
“I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels. This means… small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited.”
The fact remains, however, that all 50 Senate Democrats rejected an amendment to the IRS hiring provision that specifically outlawed new, excessive audits for Americans earning less than $400,000. Since the amendment failed, the IRS can go in whatever direction it wants, irrespective of Yellen’s recommendations. The agency also now requires everyone to report cryptocurrency transactions.
Can the December 13 implementation really happen?
At some point before the year 2030, paper fiat currency will be eliminated and every American will be forced to use Federal Reserve-owned cryptocurrency. It won’t be a pretty transition, and violence is likely to be the result as many people stand to lose a lot.
Biden tried implementing vaccine mandates for all employers over 100 workers via Executive Order. It was ultimately struck by the U.S. Supreme Court for several reasons. But most importantly, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) lacked the authority to create broad public safety measures. So-called COVID-19, the Supreme Court ruled, is a “universal risk” just like crime, air pollution, and any/all other communicable diseases. Thus OSHA has no power to regulate it in the workplace.
The CDC mask mandate for travel was also struck down by the federal judiciary. The main reason was because the CDC violated the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946. The agency completely skipped the 30-day notice and comment procedure before implementing the mask mandate. For the record, the Treasury Department did have a 30-day comment window for Executive Order 14067. It ended on August 8.
Executive Order 14067 has precedent. President John F. Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. Treasury the power to print debt-free currency in lieu of the Federal Reserve. It was actually implemented in 1963; and the Treasury printed $4 billion worth of JFK $2 and $5 bills.
Of course JFK was assassinated shortly thereafter by the banksters. And all $4 billion of JFK bills in circulation were immediately revoked. As this blogger stated before, since the banksters are onboard with these CBDCs, and Biden appears to be in no danger for signing the order, that means CBDCs are bad for Americans and great for banksters.
The December 13 date for full CBDC implementation seems farfetched. It’s during the Christmas shopping season. A sudden change in currency and transaction methods would disrupt the $1 trillion in annual holiday spending by Americans. That would crush the global economy overall and hurt many large corporations worse than the March 2020 lockdowns.
Americans also would not just let it happen, as the Chinese do. It would be sheer chaos, which of course the powers-that-be don’t mind since they wouldn’t be affected. But December 13, which would only be a month after midterm elections, just seems too soon.
The forced CBDC change is coming, probably in the next 1-3 years. But it’s not happening on December 13.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
Article cross-posted from The COVID Blog.
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JD, I have been keeping my eye on Zeke Emanuel who seems to be slipping under the radar. In March, he presented at the:
Zeke Emanuel’s big push!
This may sound like a straightforward next step for the CDC to solve. However, the ****CDC lacks the legal ability to***** direct what and how data are reported to public health agencies, resulting in a fragmented, inefficient system with inconsistent reporting across all 50 states and territories that requires excessive data cleaning. This has undermined our COVID response. The CDC needs the legal authority to lead and coordinate data reporting across our complex public health ecosystem. I’d encourage you all to read a recent opinion piece published in The Hill by 5 former CDC Directors on this very issue. 2. Necessary Investments: Vaccines, Therapeutics, Surveillance, Indoor Air Quality, Long COVI
The Hill article as mentioned by Emanuel focused on “Without specific congressional authority, the CDC has no legal ability to standardize data…Giving the CDC the authority now to direct data coordination efforts will jumpstart longer-term rebuilding and modernization of our public health data infrastructure. As the pandemic has proven, American lives depend on how quickly and comprehensively we can accomplish this objective. “Former CDC directors: Coordinating our nation’s health data will save lives | The Hill Tom Frieden et al
Zekes ROADMAP TO REOPENING – JULY 2022 UPDATE – COVID-19 Information (ca.gov)
“In US developments, CDC Director Walensky, in a meeting with senior staff today, broadly outlined a plan to reorganize the CDC to prioritize public health and to respond better to outbreaks”Global COVID-19 cases, deaths drop as CDC looks to retool | CIDRAP (umn.edu) I think this is an attempt to give CDC more power. As you have documented, there was a big protest that the CDC could not mandate shutdowns, etc. I think this reorganization will add legal authority for the CDC to mandate whatever, all the while we are being led to think they are coming to their senses. I’m not buying it.!
These are notes I have kept for some time and trying to get out re: CDC. I think they are planning to obtain more power. Please read:
Too many people are missing the big story here. Fauci stated that he wanted the court to stay out of this, for now? Why? Because the plan is to give the CDC legal authority to apply mandates and much more. Zeke Emanuel has been forgotten but he is working fervently in the background and pushing his plan for total control through Congress. Zeke Emanuel has always pushed the #CompleteLivesProtocol that Zeke Emanuel apparently promotes and is derived from the 1990s U.K. National Health Service “Liverpool Pathway,” which in effect constituted #EUTHANASIA!
Dr. “Zeke” Emanuel, who was the senior White House health policy adviser to President Obama and has been advising President Joe Biden about COVID-19, stated in his classic 2009 Lancet paper: “When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are #attenuated.”
“Attenuated” means #rationed, #restricted, or #denied medical care that commonly leads to premature death.
In January 2022, Zeke and his buddies published this:
“A National Strategy for Covid-19 Countermeasures”
“COVID will wane & become endemic. Advocacy has commenced to establish a “#new normal,” not to restore society simply to a state of accepting respiratory illness as a part of life, but rather, keep us continually obsessed with the presence and prevention of illness.
They are paving the way for imposing a #PublicHealth #technocracy on society that would use continual emergency declarations — based on aggregate #PeakWeekRespiratoryIllness statistics — to constrain personal #freedom in the name of preventing illness.”
As stated, don’t be fooled. Just because they are possibly ending the #mandates, they didn’t do all of this for nothing. Keep your eyes on #ZekeEmamuel.
This is a summary of the article written by #WesleySmith, Jan-2022. That was 4 months ago!
Ezekiel Emanuel Wants Respiratory-Illness Technocracy Without End
Wesley J. SmithJanuary 8, 2022 12:06 PM
https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/ezekiel-emanuel-wants-respiratory-illness-technocracy-without-end/ by Wesley Smith
“The government should accelerate efforts to develop a universal coronavirus vaccine to protect against known coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. A more broadly protective vaccine would allow the world to limit the effects of emerging variants and nimbly react to novel coronaviruses that are likely to emerge in the future. There may be tradeoffs between increased breadth of protection against severe disease and reduced effectiveness against infection…”
The plan
The response to COVID becoming endemic should be to treat all respiratory ailments as one thing by #aggregating statistics. The focus will be on a new category: the aggregate #risk of all #respiratory #virus infections.The point of that, obviously, would be to keep society #terrified, force massive investments in public health #infrastructure and increased #bureaucracies. The end result would be health technocracy without end.
“#Testing, #Surveillance, and #Mitigation Strategies:” Mitigation strategies should be implemented, including new enforceable #Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards, especially requiring workplace #masking, #distancing, and #ventilation.
Draconian #vaccine mandates. Develop a #universal coronavirus vaccine to protect against known coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. To facilitate verification of vaccination status and to better #track postvaccination infections, there needs to be an #electronic vaccine certificate platform. A national electronic vaccine certificate platform is needed, such as the #SMARTHealthCard, that ensures interoperability across states and countries, safeguards individual privacy, and is based on open-source technology publicly available for #vetting to help satisfy any concerns over government #surveillance.
In April I wrote:
I see numerous TV reports going after Fauci who seemed to, “Come out of nowhere with comments about Covid and needing to manage it as we “learn to live with it.” Today, it is #Biden who mixed up #Title42 with the #MaskMandates. They are missing the #lede which is the #CDC does not have #legal #authority to demand #Mandates. ZekeEmanuel is trying to #fix this through #Congress!
So close, but so far away! this is what the #Florida judge curtailed that has #Psaki in tears:
The Gist of all below:
Goal: “Without specific #congressional #authority (new law,) the CDC has no #legal ability to standardize data. Giving the #CDC the #authority now to direct data coordination efforts will jumpstart longer-term rebuilding…”
And now this! The #NewNormal
Getting long. I will send additional info.
Thanks Chris!
The 2A is going to see many applications if social credit totalitarianism happens in the USA, FACT.
Their tyranny system only works if people go along with it…..so don’t go along with it.
Funny …I just watched this. Relevance starts around minute 12. It’s my first time watching something like this.
How will all the corrupt politicians, former politicians, crooked businesses and drug dealers going to exchange their billions in hundreds for cryptocurrency? I don’t it if that will happen.
How does he have the power to issue such an executive order? Only congress has the power to coin money, article 1 sec 8 cl 5. Completely unconstitutional IMHO.
Are all ignoring the ‘no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast’ declaration in the Bible? See the Revelation for further info. Jesus is risen, and He shall return just as alive as when he departed. Our redemption draws nearer.