It is very rare that I ever look to Canadian “conservative” politicians for guidance. Conservatism in Canada is about as lukewarm as conservatism in California. Sure, there are real America First patriots in California (I live here, after all), but the vast majority of California Republican politicians and voters are centrists at best. The same is true in Canada where being barely right-of-center gets you labeled as an extremist.
But a proposal by possible Prime Minister candidate Pierre Poilievre got me thinking. He plans on banning ministers from attending the World Economic Forum in Davos every year. It makes sense and I would love to see it escalated further here in the United States.
Unfortunately, only a handful of Republicans and zero Democrats in the halls of government in Washington DC ever even mention the World Economic Forum publicly. Privately, they discuss the globalist entity profusely, and while we’d love to think Republicans are trying to figure out how to stop their agendas such as The Great Reset, that’s just not the case. Sources tell me most of them are trying to figure out how to join the club and cash in. The freedom-loving America First politicians are few and far between. The vast majority of them are beholden in some way to the WEF, the Chinese Communist Party, or both.
It’s usually both.
If someone wanted to make a real difference within the GOP, they would demand that any Republican candidate or sitting politician announce their perspectives on and affiliations with the World Economic Forum. Lest we forget, this is an organization that is directly opposed to capitalism, national sovereignty, and American supremacy.
Since their founding by Klaus Schwab in 1971, the WEF has had as one of its primary goals establishing a multipolar world government with ten regional powers ruling over the world under one centralized secret entity. If that doesn’t ring a bell, read your Bible.
Because their goals are directly opposed to America’s best interests, it is not a stretch to expect our leaders to publicly denounce them and to take action toward preventing their interference in domestic affairs. Preventing attendance in Davos would be a start, albeit symbolic at best. But just as we would expect a politician to declare their affiliation with the CCP, ISIS, or any other group that directly opposes America, so too should we expect politicians to declare any association with the WEF. It’s important information and would help highlight the growing influence the WEF has in America.
The article below by Free West Media details more of what Poilievre intends to do…
Justin Trudeau’s Opponent Would Ban Ministers From Attending WEF
Pierre Poilievre, who will be running for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada later this year, said at a meeting in Calgary that he would ban ministers from attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland sits on the WEF’s Supervisory Board. Shadow Minister of Natural Resources Michelle Rempel Garner can also be found on the organisation’s website. She denied in an article that Canada was run by the WEF.
Earlier, WEF chief Klaus Schwab had boasted however that more than half of the Canadian cabinet was made up of Young Global Leaders of the WEF.
Poilievre thus indicated that he wanted to take Canada in a completely different direction. He is planning to take on Trudeau in the next election and defeat him.
“I have made it clear that I will ban my ministers in my cabinet from attending the World Economic Forum if I become prime minister,” he said at an earlier meeting. “Work for Canada. If you want to go to Davos, to that conference, buy a single ticket. You cannot be part of our government and pursue a policy agenda that is not in line with the interests of our people.”
Poilievre is running in the 2022 Conservative Party of Canada leadership election and is considered to be the frontrunner. He has supported those in the Canada convoy protest against vacccine mandates who were protesting peacefully and said the federal government had abused its power by invoking the Emergencies Act during the protest and proposed limiting its power and use to prevent it from being used similarly in the future.
Poilievre demonstrated his support for army reservist James Topp’s anti-mandate protest walk from Vancouver to their planned Canada Day freedom protest on Parliament Hill, by joining Topp, Paul Alexander, Tom Marazzo, a self-declared spokesperson for the Canada convoy protest and an ex-military officer, on June 30, 2022 in the final stage of Topp’s march to Ottawa.
Today, Pierre Poilievre, the person most likely to replace Justin Trudeau, said that he would ban ministers in his government from attending the World Economic Forum.
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) July 9, 2022