Renowned American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently warned against the mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines when he appeared on a Brighteon.TV show, as they were found not only to contain a cancer-promoting virus, they are also weaponized to inhibit tumor suppressor genes.
A preprint study done by microbiologist Kevin McKernan came out amid news on skyrocketing cancer cases worldwide. It concluded that copy DNA or complementary DNA (cDNA), is coming off of Escherichia coli (E. coli) as part of the manufacturing cDNA is found in high concentrations contaminating these vials.
“And Jeff, you can’t believe it. But you know, one of the sequences is SV40 [simian vacuolating virus 40], which is a known tumor gene promoter,” McCullough told “Prather Point” host Jeffrey Prather. “To make matters worse, you can’t believe that spike protein is produced in abundance.” He went on to say that the S1 and S2 segments look like they interfere with two tumor suppressor systems, the p53 tumor suppressor protein and BRCA, or the BReast CAncer gene.
This just means that “our ability to keep cancer cells in check is lost,” the esteemed doctor explained. “So, we have a situation now, which is the data started coming together, these messenger RNA shots promote cancers and inhibit their immune suppression.
Spike most pathogenic protein in history. Damages: 1) heart 2) brain 3) causes blood clots 4) VITT MISC, and now is found to have the potential to cause cancer years after the shots by S2 inhibiting p53/BRCA and introducing cDNA/SV-40 to the human body. Couldn't be worse!
— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH® (@P_McCulloughMD) July 16, 2023
He believes, even though it’s not conclusive, that these vaccines are causing the surge in cancer cases across the world. “However, there’s no other explanation that in every country that is mass vaccinated, the rates are skyrocketing,” McCullough said. (Related: DIRTY SHOTS: DNA contamination and cancer-causing agent SV40 found in mRNA vaccines.)
The most recent finding is clearly possible especially since studies, research, and a lot of probes have proven that spike is the most pathogenic protein in history. It was found to damage the heart and brain, and cause blood clots, as well as other damage.
“The messenger RNA causes heart damage via the spike protein, neurologic damage like stroke and intracranial hemorrhage, neuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and proven to cause blood clotting. The spike protein is found in blood clots larger than we’ve ever seen before, not responsive to blood thinners and they don’t seem to dissolve. And then lastly, immunologic problems like multi-system inflammatory disorder,” he said.
The heart doctor emphasized how important it is to discuss these issues since 75 percent of Americans took a shot and in the United States, 94 percent of the jab-takers took the mRNA vaccines.
McCullough challenges Dr. Hotez in a COVID-19 vaccine debate
McCullough has been a persistent voice in encouraging against the mRNA vaccines since they started being rolled out. On “One America News,” he challenged scientist and pediatrician Dr. Peter Hotez to debate about the dangers of the injections.
“Debate is really part of scientific advancement. I communicated with Joe Rogan over the weekend. Remember, I had been on his show in 2021 and I set all the records for views there. I have more citations in the National Science in Medicine than Hotez. I am a bit senior to him academically, but I would be happy to go on Rogan with Hotez and just sit down as two academic doctors and review the safety data on the vaccines,” he said.
If Peter Hotez wants to debate a scientist instead of RFK Jr, Dr. Peter McCullough says he will do it!
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) June 21, 2023
Back in June, podcaster Joe Rogan set off a Twitter storm after he challenged Hotez to debate presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. McCullough volunteered to face the vaccine scientist as Kennedy could be busy in his campaign.
“Robert F. Kennedy is doing a terrific job but he is not a doctor, he is running for president. I think he can focus on his presidential campaign and let me and others in the world of high academics work this out. I think America would benefit greatly from a scientific interchange,” he said.
He, as always, stressed that the bottom line is that the vaccines aren’t safe as there has been unprecedented injuries, disabilities, and even death.
“No vaccine proponent is going to want to discuss the data. So, they are going to want to dodge that every time. On top of that, you know Hotez, he has 2016 National Institute of Health grants on gain of function research on SARS-CV-2 receptor binding domain for vaccines as bio-defense articles,” he disclosed and added that currently, he was doing research with doctors from China. “So, what was Hortez doing with SARS-CV-2 research in 2016 in China?” he inquired.
Watch the full July 14 episode of “Prather Point” with Jeffrey Prather featuring Dr. Peter McCullough below. Catch new episodes of the program every Friday at 10:00 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.